今晚|Tonight At Lantern

今晚|Tonight At Lantern

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club




Sticky floors: cleaned 
Booze: restocked
Systems: tweaked 
Weekend: ready

We thank everyone who came and danced with us last weekend, thank you for making this place come alive and bearing with us whenever things didn’t exactly go as planned. 

For the first regular weekend we continue to strive to bring you a blend of old gold and fresh faces. See you there!


Aymen 22:30 - 01:00
Kamin 01:00 - 03:30
Weng Weng 03:30 - End

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

来自比利时布鲁塞尔。无论是作为成都社群广播 cdcr.live 的创始人,还是 .TAG 俱乐部的演出策划者,或是新兴的 Techno 锐舞派对 6G+ 的主理人,他的音乐品味总是包罗万象,将无与伦比的节奏感、尖锐的打击音色与温暖的情感底纹相结合,以有机的方式寻求集体经验,为孤独的心灵创造共存的空间。

Percolating from club sweat and slow-burning afters in his hometown of Brussels, Aymen has a lifelong crush on dance and discovery. Going in for the headspins as much as the heartstrings, his all-embracing sets combine breakbeat-tinged grooves and angular percussive cuts with a warm emotional undertow, shaken and stirred by a reverence for those untouchable moments on the dancefloor.

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今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


KAMIN is the fearless butterflies under the Heavenly Gate, it is the smile of the person you fell in love with for a split second today, it is the stranger you are to yourself. KAMIN is the ducks reclaiming Chaoyang Park after 10 pm, it is a tear shed for lives lost and a tiny wave in the urban vortex. KAMIN is ...

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今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

Weng Weng

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

翁嗡是北京知名俱乐部灯笼的主理人,同样也是 Acupuncture Records(“针刺疗法”电音厂牌)、INTRO 电子音乐节的主要创始人。他致力于电子音乐在中国发展多年,身兼艺人、活动策划、俱乐部经营等多重身份。


Weng Weng is one of China's most prolific Techno DJs and the main founder of Beijing's Lantern Club. He has been a driving force behind China's earliest Techno label, Acupuncture Records, and INTRO Electronic Music Festival, China's biggest outdoor Techno event.

Committed to the development of electronic music culture in China for more than two decades, Weng Weng acts under multiple identities, as an artist, event organizer, and club manager, leaving his musical footprint both inside and outside of China and making him one of the key figures in China's electronic music culture.

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Ming (DJ) 23:00 - 01:30
HWA 01:30 - End

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


电子音乐制作人、Live表演者、DJ。根基于Ming从小在绘画中形成的艺术理念,他在音乐上也寻求着“速写”底稿一般的活力。丰富,纯粹,深邃。以Hardware Live的形式,Ming在对声音可能性的不断探索中,呈现出一种不经编排的即兴科技音乐形态;以DJ的形式,他跨越House、Techno、Disco的多样化风格,始终专注音乐与身体的互动,保持着出人意料的新鲜感。

Ming is a producer, live musician, and DJ from Changsha, Hunan. Through his live sets, Ming explores the possibilities of impromptu performance and improvised sound; in his DJ sets, Ming aims to transcend the boundaries of music genres, always focussing on the interaction between music and body.

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今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

出生并成长于台北的 HWA 自1998年开始了 DJ 生涯,并很快尝试制作自己的音乐。2006年他搬到了北京,迅速融入到了大陆刚刚萌芽不久、正处于上升阶段的电子音乐场景中,成为了全国 Techno 音乐及文化的重要推动力量。他不仅是北京最具影响力的 Techno 俱乐部灯笼(Lantern)的早期联合创始人,也是00年代中国唯一的 Techno 厂牌针刺疗法 (Acupuncture Records)的发起人之一。在过去的十几年间,他的身影出现在了柏林的传奇俱乐部 Tresor,阿姆斯特丹的 ADE,以及台北、东京、首尔等舞曲文化最为发达的亚洲城市的俱乐部中。

HWA 在近年开始了对模块合成器系统的深入探索,他使用模块成器作为音乐制作和现场演出的核心设备,探索更加随机和充满实验性的声音设计及节奏序列。他参与发起了北京近些年最受瞩目的模块合成器艺术家社区“交流方式” (The Modular Commune),积极在中国推广模块合成器技术和概念美学。HWA 通过他的音乐作品和现场演出,将一套完整的基于模块合成器的 Techno 音乐体系,塑造成了他在场景中独树一帜的标签。

HWA, born and raised in Taipei, started DJing in the late 90s and soon began producing his own music. He moved to Beijing in 2006 and became part of China’s electronic music scene, which had just emerged a few years earlier and was growing fast. 

HWA has been fostering Techno music and culture in China for years, not just as co-founder of Beijing’s Lantern Club, but also as founding member of Acupuncture Records, the first Techno label in China, and as part of Beijing’s Modular Commune, a community of synthesizer enthusiasts. HWA has been exploring modular synthesis in recent years, making it the most important element in his productions and live performances.

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


Before 11 P.M.  ¥60

11 P.M. - 04 A.M.  ¥80

04 A.M. - End  ¥60

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

Please note

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


No. 18 Worker's Stadium East Road, 
B1 Zhongfu Building West

今晚|Tonight At Lantern-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


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