南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂 发布时间:2021-03-28 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)


你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

当耳朵挑剔的程度日益递增,我们在选择嘉宾时愈加严苛,开启派对新旅程,将你们的快乐提上日程,本月27日我们邀请到电音自媒体主理人DJ HS & 95后新生代DJ IZZO,解锁正确打开周末玩乐的新方式。

When the degree of ear picky is increasing, we are more strict in the choice of guests, open a new party journey, put your happiness on the agenda, this month 27th we invited to the electric music from the media director DJ HS & the new generation after 95 DJ Izzo, unlock the correct way to open the weekend fun.

2021                       MARTH 27th                       ESMI


『派对轰炸机』DJ HS

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我们请到了超过百场RAVE经历,在圈内风评很高的电音自媒体主理人DJ HS。

We have invited DJ HS, who has more than one hundred RAVE experiences and is highly rated in the circle as the head of the electric audio we-media.

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你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂


擅长Basshouse, Ghouse, Techhouse, Bounce, Bigroom, Trance 等多种风格。游走于音乐空间,随意切换,满足你们对音乐现场的所有想象。如果你常常无法进入蹦迪状态,跟随HS的节奏,一定会让你感同身受。

Proficient in Basshouse, Ghouse, Techhouse, Bounce, Bigroom, Trance and many other styles. Walk in the music space, switch freely, to meet all your imagination of the music scene. If you are often unable to get into the state of disco, follow the rhythm of HS, will let you feel the same.

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Since he has been engaged in professional DJ, he has been maintaining deep cooperation with various major electric music. He is a high-quality male DJ with rare appearance conditions and professional strength in Asia. The performance scene with the charm of infection will certainly give you a different surprise. No matter how the stage lights intersperse and change, your eyes will focus on him.

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His extraordinary talent and keen sense of smell set him apart from many other young musicians. His deft technique allows him to switch styles and blend them perfectly. With unique field control ability and rich musical expression, he can convey the best music and atmosphere to every player whether he performs on a big stage or a small stage.

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你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

DJ IZZO因早期接触嘻哈文化受黑人音乐影响深厚,擅长Trap Music与R&B,808 鼓是他的杀手锏。通过不懈努力钻研音乐,从混音到炫技现场总能让人惊喜。后来受到韩国Bounce的感染,苦心精耕各种BOUNCE。

DJ IZZO was deeply influenced by black Music due to his early exposure to hip-hop culture. He is good at Trap Music and R&B, and 808 drums are his mace. Through unremitting efforts to study music, from mixing to show off skills live can always surprise people. Later, he was infected by Korean Bounce and cultivated all kinds of BOUNCE carefully.

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对Hardstyle、PsyTrance、Trap和Big Room等多种风格的音乐都有深入涉猎。能在现场与MC迅速进入合作状态,占领舞台把控全场。强⼤的舞台感染力和全⾯的风格,使他在舞台上的风头一时无两。

He plays Hardstyle, PsyTrance, Trap and Big Room. Able to quickly enter into the cooperative state with MC on the scene, occupy the stage and control the whole audience. With his powerful stage appeal and all-around style, he was a standout on stage for a while.

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DJ IZZO曾在长沙moneky与supremonkey驻场,曾参与芒果音乐节、草莓音乐节、等多个大型音乐节。同时也是0731 Mission全国城市巡演的主力嘉宾DJ,更是各大Bounce Party的常客嘉宾。还曾登上韩国、泰国、比利时等多国的大型音乐节。高颜值和扎实的技术以及完美的台风,加上经得起考验的作品不仅斩获了大批玩咖的追捧得到业界的广泛认可。

DJ Izzo was at Moneky and Supremonkey on site in Changsha, and has participated in several major music festivals, including the Mango Festival, the Strawberry Festival and others. He is also the main guest DJ on 0731 Mission National City Tour and a regular guest at Bounce parties. He has also been on the large music festivals in South Korea, Thailand, Belgium and other countries. High appearance level and solid technology as well as perfect typhoon, coupled with the test of the work not only won a large number of players sought after by the industry is widely recognized.

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He also works as a producer and has released four tracks, "Fog", "Shake", "Hey! Hey! Hey! ", Illusory. He used his own understanding of music and his unique way of arranging the music to polish the work. Although you have not been in the industry for a long time, the accumulated experience can give participants a new feeling and make you find your long-dormant passion in his music. This is your carnival moment, which will be remembered on this day.

你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

DJ IZZO--<雾> 来自ESMIOfficial 南昌 01:32
你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

DJ IZZO--<摇> 来自ESMIOfficial 南昌 02:45
你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

DJ IZZO--<Hey!Hey!Hey!> 来自ESMIOfficial 南昌 02:37
你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

DJ IZZO--<illusory> 来自ESMIOfficial 南昌 02:22

你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂

你说他们靠脸吃饭也可以-南昌ESMI酒吧/ESMI CLUB百大电音工厂











He: aim mm


Poison Dax


IZZO&Poison Dax

sy(Original mix)




d esm art


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