FAREWELL TO DONGHU LU!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

FAREWELL TO DONGHU LU!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

When I started Le Baron Shanghai, I had a very clear idea of what I wanted it to be.

I knew the city did not have the type of club I wanted to open, and I knew that if we did it right, it would make an impact, and become a home for many.

It is amazing what we have all experienced in this place over the past seven years.

Almost two thousand parties have given us an endless parade of friends and music; we’ve watched the city and its nights change in so many ways, and honestly I have always been happy with what Le Baron meant and what it has stood for during its many phases so far.

Recently Victor and I have been talking about how we feel that we've done everything we could possibly hope to do and more with this club, in this space. We are truly grateful for the memories made, and we also feel that it is time to wrap up the show.

It is really as simple as that. All good things come to an end, and for this first chapter of Le Baron in China, this is the end.

So for the next four weeks we are going to celebrate this place and what it has meant to us, to all of our friends, and everyone who came through over the past seven years.

And then on June 26, we will have our last dance at Le Baron, and say goodbye to Donghu Lu.

I hope you can join us.

With Love and Gratitude,

FAREWELL TO DONGHU LU!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

在我创办 Le Baron Shanghai 之初,我就清楚自己想要的是什么。



2000多场派对给我们带来了无休的音乐和无尽的朋友。我们见证了这座城市和它的夜晚的变迁,老实说,我一直对 Le Baron 存在的意义以及它在不同阶段所代表的含义感到自豪和满意。


就是这么简单。一切美好的事物皆有终曲,我们觉得是时候翻过Le Baron在中国的第一篇章了。


6月26日,我们将在Le Baron舞上最后一曲,告别东湖路。


With Love and Gratitude,

FAREWELL TO DONGHU LU!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧


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