MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天
汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub 发布时间:2021-12-18 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub

stella 183



MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub

stella 183 

Stella 183


Stella 183既是一名DJ,又是模特,更是一名机车手,在她的身上,多重角色的交织是她具有别样的魅力,超模的身份,加上她对音乐的热爱,塑造了中国DJ圈内一个极具特殊的存在。

Stella 183 is not only a DJ, but also a model, but also a locomotive driver. In her body, the interweaving of multiple roles is that she has a different charm, supermodel identity, and her love for music, shaping a very special existence in the Chinese DJ circle.

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub




MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub

# stella 183  #

▶曾经作为Danny Avila, Must Die, Mr.Black, Mike Williams, W&W, Julian Calor, Yellow Claw, Syzz, Steve Aoki, Dr. Phunk, Kshmr, Habstrakt, R3hab, Maddix等多位国际艺人和百大DJ的Support嘉宾进行演出

Stella 183 used to be Daniel Avila, must die, Mr.Black , Mike Williams, W & W, Julian calor, yellow claw, syzz, Steve Aoki, Dr. PHUNK, kshmr, habstrakt, r3hab, maddix and other international artists and support guests of top 100 DJs.

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub

# stella 183 #

2020年2月以来,Stella 183迅速在抖音上走红,“机车DJ”的形象深入人心。为她赢得了大量人气,三个月内抖音粉丝增长30w+,现在粉丝量高达153w。


Since February 2020, Stella 183 has been popular in the tiktok, and the image of locomotive DJ has won popularity among the people. Tiktok has won a lot of popularity for her. In three months, her fans grew by 30w+, and now her fans are up to 153w.

In addition to the brilliant online streaming media, she never let people down in her offline performance. The natural advantage of height 183, 10 years of DJ experience, let her in almost any occasion instantly mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience.

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub


MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub

超模出身的她不甘平凡,势必将DJ事业进行到底。“机车DJ”形象深入人心,为她赢得大量人气。并于2019年荣获DJane Mag中国区排名#19

Supermodel born of her not ordinary, is bound to DJ career in the end. The image of "locomotive DJ" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has won her a lot of popularity. In 2019, she won the ranking # 19 of DJane MAG in China.

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub
MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub

漂亮脸蛋下隐藏着是无限的能量以激情,她们总能在派对现场将能量释放。这一次stella 又会带来怎样的惊喜,让我们在舞池中一同见证。

MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub


#stella 183#






MAX PARTY | 07.09 百威红色星球之夜Stella183 机车女王,火力全开嗨翻天-汕头迈克斯酒吧/MaxClub


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