12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴
安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB 发布时间:2022-01-22 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB




Famous DJ in China Chinese DJ is of great commercial value

Dean of The Athena DJ Academy

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

LUCKY Z  2013年参加中国DJ挑战赛,拿下最受欢迎DJ,同年创立了雅典娜DJ学校,2016年成立了电音厂牌RYHU,并在全球数字平台Beatport发布了个人单曲《JUMP LIKE MF》,后续发行了《Keep going》《Elephant》《Awakening the world》《Itinerary》《China Game》等Hardstyle原创单曲。

LUCKY entered the Chinese DJ Challenge in 2013 and became the most popular DJ of the year, founded Athena DJ School that year, and established electronic music label RYHU in 2016, releasing his solo single "JUMP LIKE MF" on global digital platform Beatport, followed by Hardstyle original singles such as "Keep Going", "Elephant", 

"Awakening the World", "China Game"

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

LUCKY Z曾受邀参与,《摩登天空音乐节》,《草莓音乐节》,《百威风暴音乐节》,《恒大音乐节》,《长城跑音乐节》,《Octopus电音节》等,也是历史上第一个登上欧洲ULTRA MAIN STAGE(主舞台)的中国DJ

LUCKY Z was invited to participate in "modern sky music festival", "strawberry music festival", "budweiser storm music festival", "Evergrande music festival", "Great Wall running music festival", "Octopus", etc. LUCKY Z was also the first Chinese DJ to reach the European ULTRA MAIN STAGE in history

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

Lucky.Z曾与知名DJ - Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike同台演出,也曾与历届百大DJ合作。包括:Like Mike,DeorroFrontliner ,Tom Swoon,Tenishia

及FarEast Movement,akon等艺人

Lucky.Z has performed with well-known DJS Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, and has collaborated with past 100 DJS. Including: Artists Like Mike, DeorroFrontliner, Tom Swoon, Tenishia, FarEast Movement, Akon, etc

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

他有多变的混音技巧,强大的气场根据自己对音乐的理解创造出独树一帜的舞台风格 EMF.12/12 DJ LUCKY.Z带你席卷电音风暴

He has changeable mixing skills, powerful aura according to his own understanding of music to create a unique stage style


takes you through the electrical storm

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB

12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB往期回顾
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12.12 LUCKY Z | 带你席卷安顺电音风暴-安顺EMF酒吧/EMF CLUB


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