Elevate ⫶
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Elevate is a pathway for artists and audiences to grow together in Shanghai. We are a team united in pushing creatives boundaries. If you're an artist or arts fan, follow our account and feel free to get in touch at info@elevateshanghai.com. You can also join one of our many creative group chats by adding WeChat id CharleyUtton.
Elevate是上海艺术家和观众共同成长的平台。以活动、艺术品销售和社区为基础,我们是一个团结推动创意边界的团队。如果你是艺术家或艺术爱好者,请关注我们的公众号,或Email我们: info@elevateshanghai.com。你也可以加微信号CharleyUtton,来加入我们众多的创意小组。
Special Thanks
Altopia is only possible with the help of volunteers and community members. If you'd like to contribute your time or skills as a volunteer, please reach out to Charley, WeChat ID Charleyutton.
Follow Elevate for info about our events, reviews and art sales:
更多艺术文化活动信息, 艺术品购买,扫描下方二维码关注我们:
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