荧光派对 第二季 (脏辫之夜)
No music, no life! Love to play with love, let you know!

Young is going to be colorful
Fight with fluorescence, let go of the catharsis, let go of the carnival
With trouble SAY GOODBYE!

你可能在国内玩过Fluorescent Party
You may have played Fluorescent Party in the country.
Experience the thrill of color
BAIDU CLUB will appoint you on the evening of March 04/22-23
Fluorescent party with your visual impact
The world of "color" and "art"
In the dark, fluorescence always makes you the focus
Beautiful color changes
Like a fantasy in a fantasy
Free to release anotherself
This activity for cross-border
business M modelling support

Dirty braid culture
There must be a crazy attitude
Bring the coolest fluorescent equipment
Leading a girlfriend ticket for a girlfriend
Glow together in the night
BAIDU Fluorescent Party promises you!
