05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather
上海Intake Club 发布时间:2022-02-22 酒吧电话:18621635387

05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather

05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club



INTAKE CLUB开启了持续三晚的燥热模式



05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club




05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club




05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

REDWOLF是资深的音乐制作人,同时兼有歌手、Rapper、上海ONE Production音乐人、壮族说唱音乐人的多重身份。中国民族风融合电音技能的全新风格,REDWOLF将部落BASS音乐带往国际舞台,同时也将东方特色的元素TRAP、HIPHOP、R&B等音乐做了结合,形成新风味的音乐带给观众,代表作有《绣球》、《黄皮肤》、《少林》等。


Redwolf is a senior music producer, a singer, a Rapper, the Shanghai One Production musician, and a Bourau electronic Rapper musician. Redwolf brings tribal BASS music to the international stage by combining Chinese ethnic style with a new style of electronic skills. At the same time, it also combines elements of Oriental characteristics with Music such as TRAP, HIPHop and R&B, forming Music with new flavor to bring to the audience. His representative works include 《Hydrangea》、《 Yellow Skin》、《 Shaolin》, etc.

Redwolf has participated in the 《Sister of riding the waves》 final performance scene, and Zhang Yuqi, Li Si Dani collaborated with the last PK group song 《Pink memories》, which will be classic retro-fusion of modern electric rap, eventually became the sister group tracks.

Young Money

05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

Mc Young Money 2009年起就一直担任说唱歌手职位,直到2016年转为MC,担任作词人、音乐总监。已经推出众多单曲《梦》、《雪碧》、《With Me》、《Dope》、《Youngstar》等。


当你听到MC Young Money这个名字时,你脑海中会浮现出一种骗子的灵魂和大学小子的派头。他以在舞台上的独特风格和他打动观众的方式而出名,曾与一些国内外最受欢迎最优秀的DJ一起同台演出,他在电视节目中和大部分明星同台展示,并在中国各地举办了属于他自己的音乐节。他以流畅的说唱风格和在任何地方都能随意创作音乐的能力而出名,只要给他一个beat他就可以让现场很燥。

MC Young Money has been a rapper since 2009, until 2016 to become a MC,acting as lyricist and music director. He has released many singles including 《Dream》, 《Sprite》, 《With Me》, 《Dope》, 《Youngstar》,etc.

THe spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid,that's what comes into your mind when you hear the name Mc Young money.The finest freestyle rapper,internationally know for his unique style on the stage and how he moves the crowd has giving him the household name Trap King Young Money.He's worked side by side worldwide.He opened up for most superstars on live tv shows and hosted his own music festivals all around China.He's popularly knows for his slick freestyle rap and his ability to make music randomly at any place.Just give him a beat and he'll kill it like always.




05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

DJ Unicorn出道至今,凭借对音乐的理解和执着以及舞台的热爱,成为国内新生代优秀DJ。大量的音乐累积和风格运用使得在舞台音乐呈现上层出不穷,拥有超高的现场掌控力和舞台表现力。

他总是能精准的解读人群的感受与需要,真正的释放自己、释放所有听众,点燃舞池。擅长音乐风格:Bounce、Bigroom、House、Hiphop、hardstyle Korea Bounce等。

Since its debut, unicorn has become an excellent DJ of the new generation in China with its understanding and persistence of music and love for the stage. A lot of music accumulation and style use make the stage music present endless, with super high field control and stage performance.

He can always accurately interpret the feelings and needs of the crowds, truly release himself, release all the audience, and ignite the dance floor. His music style: bounce, bigroom, house, hiphop, Hardstyle Korea bounce, etc.



05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

DJ Rhea具有13年的舞龄,天生乐感极高的她从2019年开始接触并学习派对文化和混音技巧,从地下到地上,从underground到派对,她都拿捏的手到擒来,仅仅不到一年的时间已经受邀全国各大夜店做嘉宾。她有着精湛的混音技巧,独到的音乐理解,控场能力极强,有着13年舞龄的她也注重舞台展现能力,所以她很擅长把音乐与舞蹈相结合。
00年的Rhea无疑是国内DJ圈里的后起之秀。擅长的音乐风格:Revers bass、Carnival Bounce、Hard style、Psy trance、Hiphop、Big room…等。

DJ Rhea has been dancing for 13 years. Since 2019, she has been learning party culture and mixing techniques. From underground to ground, from underground to party, she has been invited as a guest at many clubs across the country in less than a year. She has exquisite mixing skills, unique musical understanding and strong stage control ability. With 13 years of dancing experience, she also pays attention to stage performance ability, so she is good at combining music and dance.
Rhea born in 2000 is definitely a rising star in the domestic DJ scene. Music style: Revers Bass, Carnival Bounce, Hard Style, PSY Trance, HipHop, Big Room... etc.



05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

DJ DINAH是新晋集颜值与才华于一身的女DJ,拥有十年深厚舞蹈的功底,舞蹈出身的她对音乐有着自己不同的见解。


Dinah is a new female DJ with a combination of beauty and talent. She has ten years long dance skills. She has different opinions about music from the dance background.

Her inborn musical talent and dynamic body language will take you to her musical spaceship. Her rigorous pursuit of music aesthetics not only breeds music that  works full of her own personal characteristics,  but also makes u travel with her in her musical universe.



05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

DJ MaFol出生于上海,DOOM/天宫厂牌主理人之一,喜欢将多种先锋元素和邪恶的Bass揉捏在一起,沉重有力的低音和标新立异的旋律总能让现场观众为之疯狂,他的作品携带者他的思想像病毒一般在圈内迅速传播。所创作的最新单曲《菌丝蔓延报告》、《练气功》、《陨石人》像一个个混沌的黑洞,将听众支离破碎的扭曲至另一个维度的精神净土。


DJ MaFol was born in Shanghai. He is one of the directors of DOOM/Tiangong label. He likes to knead a variety of pioneer elements and evil Bass together. The heavy and powerful bass and unconventional melody always make the audience crazy. He  The thoughts of the carrier of the works spread rapidly in the circle like a virus.  The latest singles created by "Mycelium Spread Report", "Qigong Practice", and "Meteorite Man" are like chaotic black holes, distorting the audience to another dimension of spiritual pure land.

As a new DJ/producer in Shanghai, he always keeps the original intention he loves, finds himself in music, and shares good music with those who love music.  The main styles are Grime, Clubtrax, Trap, and BassHouse. They change with the rhythm and atmosphere in different performance venues. They are willing to accept all kinds of fresh ideas while maintaining their attitude. They are good at interacting with the audience and controlling the atmosphere of the scene.  Once in the Spring Wave, Electronic MIDI, Ayo and other music festivals to output his music energy.



05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

DJ QUASAR是中国实力派Scratch美女DJ,及其惊人的天赋和对音乐独特的理解,很快她就成为了中国最顶尖的女DJ之一,独特的舞台魅力和成熟的控场能力受到各位前辈以及粉丝们的一致好评。

QUASAR独特的混音技巧博得了亚洲众多媒体的关注,也曾多次与DJ MG百大DJ同台演出,与DIMTRI VEGAS LIKE MIKE,LNY TNZ,BROHUG,GALANTS等世界百大同台演出经历丰富的国内女DJ。

DJ QUASAR is China's powerful scratch beauty DJ,and his amazing talent and unique understanding of music.Soon she became of the top female DJs in China Unique stage charm and mature field control ability.It is highly praised by all the predecessors and fans.

Unique mixing skills let QUASAR win the attetion of Asian media,and has performed with Dimtri Vegas like Mike,LNY,TNZ,BROHUG,GALANTIS and other world top 100 female DJs with rich experience.

- Brand -

专注聚焦的音乐社交场景 打造更高品质的音乐体验

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05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

- Time -

星期三 Wed.


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05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club

05/12 -Work Wonders&Take a breather-上海Intake Club


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