𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量
泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA 发布时间:2022-08-17 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量


Guangzhou Tiangong 1.55 billion network attention
Quanzhou Tiangong 3.46 billion network attention
Rewriting the new legend of global entertainment


全球夜店数据NO. 1

Guangzhou TG won the title from 2018 to 2022
Global nightclub data No. 1


流量NO. 1

Tiangong bar becomes a Chinese nightclub
Flow No. 1

# 广州𝐓𝐆 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 & 泉州𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀# 

#TG CLUB浏览量15.5亿 | #TG ULTRA浏览量34.6亿





     The night stands for a new type of entertainmentculture. It doesn't need too much dialogue. Music and wine can replace theexchange of ideas and confrontation of souls.

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA





The world's first and coolest science fiction party in Guangzhou, the Acoustics are l-Acoustics K2 series, a luxury brand imported from France. The Rolls-Royce in the sound field, the world's top 100 DJ designated model! The 14-meter-high Guangzhou store has 3.6 million digital single point controllable LED, and the primary and secondary light system is up to 1800. Quanzhou store 20 meters high, 35 million single point single control LED light material, main and secondary light system 3800; The world's first suspension DJ platform, the world's first 360 degree CNC rotating scattered platform, the world's first 10 chain CNC lifting booth, the country's first use of super large ice screen to create immersive technology entertainment experience... Spend a huge sum of money to build the most luxurious and sci-fi fashion nightclub in China, a real sense of the new high-altitude mechanical concept science fiction electronic party space, here can be realized!

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA

在此感谢天宫品牌 创始人及总设计师李春生先生首席设计师李巨荣先生为我们天宫夜场文化带来新的骄傲,除高品质室内电音效果,堪称好莱坞大片的现场沉浸式体验,带来旁人无法比拟的网络流量

Thank you to Benny Le, founder of TG club, and Joe Le, chief designer, for bringing new pride to our Guangzhou nightclub culture. In addition to the high-quality indoor audio effect, it can be called the immersive physical examination of Hollywood blockbusters on the spot, as well as the incomparable network traffic.

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


 于2018年入驻广州的TG CLUB来说于2018、2019、2020、2021年度连续4年蝉联全球夜店关注排行榜冠军,至今总计收获15.5亿的浏览关注度,成为了全球夜店史上的传奇;现于2022年开创泉州TG ULTRA2店开业仅用5天收获6亿的浏览关注度,截止目前更是达到34.6亿,缔造了全国夜店历史上的奇迹;毫无疑问,TG天宫酒吧,无论在国内还是国外,圈内还是圈外,我们都做到真正的“网红夜店

   TG club, which settled in Guangzhou in 2018, won the global nightclub attention list for four consecutive years in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, with a total browsing attention of 1.38 billion, becoming a legend in the history of global nightclubs; Now, TG2 club was founded in 2022, with a 5-day harvest of 600 million browsing attention, creating a miracle in the history of nightclubs across the country; There is no doubt that TG Tiangong bar, whether at home or abroad, inside or outside the circle, we are a real "online Red nightclub"

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


    Guangzhou store has 1 billion 380 million times more than tiktok! According to the statistics of vibrato data, active users are 1 billion 200 million times now, that is to say, almost all the people in the whole platform have been concerned about our tiktok TG.

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


      Meanwhile, the Quanzhou store opened its voice for five days, and the tiktok exceeded 600 million times. According to the statistics of vibrato tiktok, 500 million active users are active.

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


Net red TG, on the shaking platform, is dominated by the huge flow and the million level of heat, the top spot of bar entertainment. Tiktok is always the top of the list.

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


There is no doubt that TG Tiangong bar, no matter at home or abroad,inside or outside the circle, we have achieved the real "online Rednightclub", which is worthy of the name!

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA



𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


TG Tiangong bar is willing to work with you to maintain China's nightclubecosystem and contribute to the development of domestic bar industry.

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA



Committedto providing customers with quality experience! Perfect display of TG'sinfinite passion and appeal.

Leteveryone on the TG scene ignite their vitality and bring you the joy oftechnology!

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA

𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA𝐓𝐆 𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 | #广州TG CLUB15.5亿浏览量》》泉州TG ULTRA34.6亿浏览量-泉州天宫酒吧/TG CLUB/TG ULTRA


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