DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2
杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou 发布时间:2022-11-15 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2

DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
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2022年杭州首档大型室内音乐节OT.HZ - VOL.1完美收官,赢得RAVER们真实共鸣后,我们紧锣密鼓地开始准备第二场携手国际电音节DWP将OT内核重新联结世界各地。

In 2022, the first large-scale chamber music festival in Hangzhou, OT.Hz VOL.1, came to a perfect end and won the real resonance of RAvers. After that, we began to prepare for the second concert to connect with the international music festival DWP reconnect OT core to all parts of the world.

官方授权预热室内音乐节OT.HZ VOL.2

DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou


DWP used to be one of the most popular electronic music festivals among Chinese Raver. Both air tickets and consumption cost are the king of Asian electronic music cost performance. It was as popular as TML in Belgium and EDC in the United States.

DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou

凭借豪华阵容、多样化、包容化的音乐风格,DWP跻身国际顶级电音节行列。今年公布的阵容ArmingVanBuuren、Martin Garrix、SNAKE、CARETH、HARDWELL等国际一线艺人悉数在列

With its luxurious lineup, diversified and inclusive music style, it ranks among the top international music festivals.This year's lineup includes Armin VanBuuren, Martin Garrix, SNAKE, CARETH, HARDWELL and other international A-list artists. 

DWP风靡细节无从推断,好在音乐是条隐藏线索,官网 https://www.djakartawarehouse.com 的介绍让他垒就的巴别塔有迹可循。

The details of DWP's popularity are hard to infer, but the music is a hidden clue, and the introduction gives a clue to his Tower of Babel. 
You can go online to get more details on DWP2022.

DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou

DWP(Djakarta Warehouse Project)作为印尼最具影响力的娱乐公司Ismaya Live旗下的王牌电音节,历史可以追溯到2006年,当时DWP只是一场由雅加达Blowfish 俱乐部举办的Blowfish Warehouse Project仓库派对。直到2014年DWP成为东南亚最大的电子音乐节;2015被EDM Sauce评为“年度最佳EDM电音节”。

DWP (Djakarta Warehouse Project), as the flagship of Ismaya Live, Indonesia's most influential entertainment company, dates back to 2006. Back then the DWP was just a Blowfish Warehouse Project warehouse party hosted by Jakarta-based Blowfish.Until DWP became the largest electronic music festival in Southeast Asia in 2014; 2015 was named "Best EDM Festival of the Year" by EDM Sauce.

DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou


For the current travel policy, the domestic music festival is far more accessible than the overseas live scene. The followers nourished by music in the golden age build a nurturing bridge. We invite three representative electronic musicians from music categories to performance styles to warm up, and boost the atmosphere of DWP with pure electronic music.


DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou

DJ SOO看起来不像个DJ,更像从日剧里走来的男主。“颜值”不单靠脸,最重要的是要很多人捧,除里型男的颜值获得粉丝青睐,他本人也颇有音乐天赋,独特的混音作品,全面撩动你的听觉和视觉。

DJ SOO looks less like a DJ and more like a hero from a Japanese TV series. "Appearance level" not only depends on the face, the most important thing is that a lot of people praise, in addition to the appearance level of the inside man to win the favor of fans, he is also quite musical talent, unique remix works, let him by the underground music and mainstream musicians, a comprehensive tease your auditory and visual.



DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou

BIIIIIG女子团体主理人、2020 DJANE MAG CHINA#11、2018 世界⼥⼦百⼤排⾏榜DJANE TOP #82、2017 PYRO百⼤ #7。 

年仅22岁的 Mon$ter是这些年来发展最快的电子音乐制作人&DJ之一,曾为许多国际知名音乐制作人/DJ担任Support DJ,将地下音乐文化带上商业舞台。她正在打破如今几乎被男性主导的电音格局,很多第一眼见到她的人都会被她的造型迷住,她不喜欢自己的音乐被归类,因为她就是她。

Director of BIIIIIG Women's Group, 2020 DJANE MAG CHINA#11, 2018  World Women's 100 List DJANE TOP #82, 2017 PYRO Top 100 #7. At just 22 years old, Mon$ter is one of the fastest growing electronic music producers and DJS of the past few years. She is breaking up the landscape of electronic music, which is now almost male-dominated, and many people who meet her at first glance are captivated by her look. She doesn't like her music to be pigeonholed because she is who she is. As one of the youngest new generation DJS in China, Mon$ter has acted as a Support DJ for many internationally renowned music producers/DJS, bringing underground music culture to the commercial music scene.


DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou

St3v3来自埃塞俄比亚的天才,早年被Hardwell看中,从2019年开始先后在 REVEALED 发布三首单曲,并在YouTube、Beatport、网易云音乐等平台收获千万播放量,成为首个被R厂签下的非洲音乐人。凭借自身出众实力担任许多国内一线夜店驻场DJ,频频与国际一线艺人进行合作,独特的音乐风格和独特的LIVE SET是他疯狂现场的保障。

St3v3, a talent from Ethiopia, was spotted by Hardwell in his early years. From 2019, three singles were released on REVEALED, which received tens of millions of plays on YouTube, Beatport and NetEase Cloud Music, becoming the first African musician to be signed by R. With his outstanding strength, he serves as the resident DJ in many domestic first-line nightclubs and frequently cooperates with international first-line artists. His unique music style and attentive LIVE SET are the guarantee of his crazy scene.



官方授权预热室内电音节 OT.HZ VOL.2

2022.11.18(Fri.) - 19(Sat.)

OT HangZhou杭州市拱墅区新北街85号2F


DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou
DWP 官方预热室内电音节OT.HZ-VOL.2-杭州OT酒吧/OT.HangZhou


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