iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。
佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB 发布时间:2022-12-11 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB


iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB

一个月29场演出,全国各地飞三圈、工作29天不休息!典型的话题专家,典型的争议性人物。---She is Tracy! 幻音国际(Fantasy Entertainment)独家签约DJ。

There are 29 performances a month, flying three times across the country and working for 29 days without rest! A typical topic expert, and a typical controversial figure. ---She is Tracy! Fantasy Entertainment is an exclusive DJ contract.

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB

DJ TRACY 的粉丝都爱亲切的称她为“吹C”,97年的Tracy,年仅25岁,却已经拥有8年的DJ生涯经历,音乐似乎是一种与生俱来的天赋。从小就学习钢琴的她,通过利于课余时间的刻苦练习让她从16岁时便已经能熟练操作DJ设备,享受着在DJ台上用音乐引领观众一起舞动。

Fans of DJ TRACY love to call her "Blow C". Tracy, who was only 25 years old in 1997, has 8 years of DJ career experience. Music seems to be an innate talent. She has been learning piano since she was a child, and through hard practice that is conducive to her spare time, she has been able to operate DJ equipment proficiently since she was 16 years old, and enjoys leading the audience to dance with music on the DJ stage.

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB

身高172的TRACY小时候也有男孩子性格的一面,喜欢练跆拳道并获得黑带级别认证,主打Dubstep/Trap/Hardstyle 等音乐风格的她,在台上“打拳”,也成为她的标志性台风之一。Tracy凭借自己优秀的音乐素养,以及开朗大方的现场表现,打破了业界对于女性DJ的刻板印象,不论在现场还是在网络上,都收获了大批粉丝。

172 TRACY also had a boyish personality when she was a child. She liked to practice taekwondo and was certified with a black belt level. She focused on music styles such as Dubstep/Trap/Hardstyle. She “punched” on stage and became one of her iconic typhoons. . Tracy has broken the industry's stereotype of female DJs by virtue of her excellent music literacy and cheerful and generous on-site performance. She has gained a large number of fans both on site and on the Internet.

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB


Later, Douyin became popular, and Tracy also began to play Douyin. With the accumulation of popularity on other platforms, Tracy quickly accumulated nearly 2 million fans on Douyin. Now the total number of fans on all platforms of the entire network has exceeded 11 million.

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB

网络世界纷乱复杂,超高人气的 tracy 同样也收到了不少质疑,但其凭借自身饱满的人气,不断进步的现场感,在2019年,Tracy 喜提年度最佳电子音乐女艺人!就在去年,Tracy 获封2020年度最受欢迎女DJ。

The online world is chaotic and complicated, and the extremely popular tracy has also received a lot of doubts, but with its full popularity and constantly improving sense of presence, in 2019, Tracy would like to mention the best female electronic music artist of the year! Just last year, Tracy was named the most popular female DJ of 2020.

iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB

看过 Tracy 现场打碟的小伙伴不难发现,她在台上那种状态,就是在很真诚地展现自己,向台下观众传递快乐,让我们人手一瓶蓝妹,在iFS的闪耀派对上面,和 Tracy 一起享受音乐的洗礼,和最热烈的欢呼吧!

Friends who have watched Tracy’s live DJing are not difficult to find that the state of her on stage is to show herself very sincerely, to convey happiness to the audience, and to lead everyone to cheer together. Lets each have a bottle of Bule Girl and enjoy the baptism of misic and the warmest cheers with Tracy at the glittering iFS party!


iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB


iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB
iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB
iFS CLUB&蓝妹啤酒 | DJ Tracy与你共度这个闪耀的夜晚,9.18 不见不散。-佛山IFS酒吧/爱佛山酒吧/IFS CLUB


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