10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!
大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar 发布时间:2018-12-10 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar
10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


No length of day could prevent the night from coming

连撒旦都因为畏惧我的力量而缩在它的深渊,而你们对于我来说与蝼蚁一般无二,要不要成为同我一样的存在,以血为食,不屑时间流逝,让杀戮降临人间,不祈求神明的救赎,与我签订契约吧!我是你的主人 --德古拉。

Even satan is cowering in its depths for fear of my power, and you are as good as a mole ant to me, to be as I am, to feed on blood, to despise the passage of time, let slaughter come to earth, do not pray for the redemption of the gods, make a contract with me! I am your master, dracula.

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar
10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar
10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


I have been wandering for thousands of years, all the ancient places have my footprints, but to me the world is just a grave, all the sight of desolation.

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


Tired of human greed, they always do not know who to make this transaction, think got everything, but do not know that all these have been fate in the dark bid price, I no longer need a greedy servant, as long as a contractor, walk with me in the world, if I am your redemption, then you are mine!

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


The faded roses cover the rotting carcasses, the cross gives a faint sigh, and this night let me take you back to the ancient castles of the dracula century, to those memories stained with blood.

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

我曾是古罗马尼亚名将弗拉德三世,人们都叫我“ 穿刺公 ”,不过我还是喜欢他们叫我恶魔之子,对一位像我这样的贵族来说,城堡和姓氏就是荣耀。

I was vlad iii of ancient Romania, and people called me the archduke of puncture, but I like to think they call me the son of the devil, and for an aristocrat like me, castles and surnames are glory.

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


I once had a wife whose transient happiness warmed my cold heart, but she died because of me, I once fought for god but was mercilessly abandoned by him, and since then I have never prayed for his redemption.

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


At the beginning of the evening, I roused thousands of blood-thirsty bats to cover the sky and let them spread my message to the world.


10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


Through the centuries I have come to this place only to seek my covenant.only one man will inherit all that I have, power, rank, and all that you can imagine.


10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

最美妙的就是少女们穿着宫廷裙装,露出白皙纤细的脖颈,吹弹可破的脸颊等待着我的亲吻,希望你们的着装能让这个夜晚变得难忘,让我们一同享受这次的“ 盛宴 ”。

The most beautiful thing is that the girls are wearing court dresses, showing their pale, slender necks, and their blow-down cheeks, waiting for my kiss. I hope your clothes will make this evening unforgettable and let us enjoy this "feast" together.

10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

10/31 暗夜之王--德古拉降临奥斯卡



10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar
10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar
10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar






10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar





10/31 【HALLOWEEN PARTY】 契约 • 德古拉 | 再长的白昼也无法阻止黑夜的降临!-大连奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


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