MAKESHOW | 07-03/04 花式炫酷鸡尾酒艺术Party
昆明晚妆酒吧/MAKE SHOW 发布时间:2023-01-29 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

MAKESHOW | 07-03/04 花式炫酷鸡尾酒艺术Party

Deep State MAKESHOW | 07-03/04 花式炫酷鸡尾酒艺术Party-昆明晚妆酒吧/MAKE SHOW



特邀知名花式调酒师、调酒师顾问、学院导师李耘 - 为您带来炫酷的精彩表演。


带您找寻属于您的那杯Whiskey & Cocktail.



两个分别装有不同颜色酒的酒瓶,一前一后被抛上了空中,其中一个刚落下来时,就被调酒师稳稳接住,另一个酒瓶又被他抛了出去。调酒师双手舞动,两三个酒瓶就开始在空中跳起了 " 芭蕾 "。

可别以为只是在耍酒瓶,其实他们在调酒!每一次酒瓶落下来时,里面的美酒像一根线一样流到了手中的另一个瓶子,相互混杂,而每一次流合的容量也很讲究———要恰到好处!两分钟过后,几种美酒被混杂在一只晶莹剔透的摇酒壶里,一瓶色、香、味俱佳的鸡尾美酒就这样 "  " 好了!

MAKESHOW | 07-03/04 花式炫酷鸡尾酒艺术Party-昆明晚妆酒吧/MAKE SHOW

MAKESHOW | 07-03/04 花式炫酷鸡尾酒艺术Party-昆明晚妆酒吧/MAKE SHOW

07-03/04 Cool Cocktail Art Party

A heart-pounding carnival covenant, waiting for you to unleash it, the cheerful music rhythm, the flying wine bottles, the variety of cocktail colors, light and shadow are refracted from thousands of angles.

This Friday and Saturday, specially invited famous bartenders, bartender consultants, and college tutor Li Yun will bring you a wonderful performance. Take you to find your cup of Whiskey & Cocktail.

高贵 - 品味 - 个性 - 时尚 - 奢华 - 


MAKESHOW Bar (Kunming Branch) is located in the International Convention and Exhibition Center of Chuncheng Road, which defines the creation of a business ShowParty space, a sci-fi layout, allowing you to experience the unique charm of entertainment, adhering to the concept of electronic music art and business entertainment, and creating a luxurious trend culture and different A new world of business ShowParty with industry integration.

MAKESHOW | 07-03/04 花式炫酷鸡尾酒艺术Party-昆明晚妆酒吧/MAKE SHOW


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