I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!
唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间 发布时间:2023-02-16 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间




I'm · Tang has continued the life

soul and body of the city from birth

We know that you are looking forward to more extreme fun

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间


I'm · Tang adopts the display device with the highest definition and the best perspective effect in the world. The ice screen has a penetration rate of 85%, which has a higher perspective than ordinary led. More than that, I'm · Tang makes a breakthrough in using the ice screen to create a high-standard effect, so that every guest present is surrounded by the three-dimensional and realistic sense of the stage three-dimensional space at all times.

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间

I'M·TANG重塑玩乐精神,定义派对文化,生态环境诠释着整个I'M·TANG的艺术呈现,环境与生命之间相互影响,交错,娱乐主厅+8间大型沉浸式PARTY KTV,就像一座自给自足的生态园,多风格独立包间,尽享私密玩乐,高端玩家名人大咖汇集。

I'm · Tang reshapes the spirit of play and defines party culture. The ecological environment interprets the artistic presentation of the whole I'm · Tang. The environment and life interact and interlace. The main entertainment hall + 8 large immersive party KTVs are like a self-sufficient ecological park, with multi style independent private rooms to enjoy private fun, and a collection of high-end players and celebrities.

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间

PARTY KTV全新的玩法儿打破传统形式,融合了面子文化形成高格调且迎合大众对派对场的需求以全新的体验感,颠覆传统,创造极致,PARTY KTV是介于夜总会,会所及量贩式KTV之间的奢华KTV功能齐全即可以唱歌还有适合派对不同风格的主题装饰。

Party KTV's new playing method breaks the traditional form, integrates the face culture, forms a high style and caters to the public's demand for the party field. With a new sense of experience, Party KTV subverts the tradition and creates the ultimate. Party KTV is a luxury KTV between nightclubs, clubs and mass selling KTVs. It has complete functions, which can sing and theme decorations suitable for different styles of the party.

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间

I'M·TANG PARTY KTV 包间,把东方娱乐k歌文化和西式轰趴文化完美结合,采用最先进的声光电科技创造艺术互动娱乐环境,臻奢多功能派对殿堂让娱乐突破想象让空间随心所享受。

The KTV private room of i'm · Tang party perfectly combines the Oriental entertainment K song culture with the western style tumbling culture, and uses the most advanced sound and photoelectric technology to create an artistic interactive entertainment environment. It is a luxury multi-functional party hall, allowing entertainment to break through imagination and enjoy the space at will.

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间


When I'm fed up with the helplessness of socializing across the screenI'm · Tang adds richer forms to party based socializing to tear apart the gap between space and reality, creating a trendy multi-dimensional immersive nightlife Experience Hall and another space station "breaking the boundary"

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间

I'M·TANG | 非凡畅享,放大玩乐感官!-唐山I AM TANG娱乐空间


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