12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2
广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club 发布时间:2018-12-13 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club


12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

Marco Resmann

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

Marco Resmann,“柏林最时髦夜店”Watergate的高人气驻场。Watergate成立于2002年,并在成立之后的日子当中一直被众人视为与Berghain地位不相上下的夜店,但Watergate从环境,地理位置等不同方面来说更接近现代化文明。当然,店里的音乐也比柏林的任何夜店都要前卫。

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

Marco Resmann

 (Upon.You Berlin) BiographyBerlin. The mid 90s. The home and the heart of electronic music with its flourishing scene embracing all kinds of genres from Techno to House and beyond, with tapes on circulation, regular radio shows and an annual climax named Loveparade.

Brought up on this wide ranged diet of electronic sounds Marco Resmann started to work on what should become his profession of the future. Led by his neverending love for House Music he stepped up on stage, eventually started to promote parties and built his Audiogain studio where he continuously honed and refined his production skills on analogue gear.

Soon this steady work paid off in form of a first release on Martin Landsky's Intim Recordings as well as other highly acclaimed 12“es under his former artist alias Phage. Around this time in the mid-noughties Marco Resmann also became part of the production force named Pan-Pot which redefined the trippier side of Minimal Techno in these days.

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

Apart from these projects, it was another fruitful collaboration that was meant to last. After meeting and immediately clicking with Norman Weber they started to DJ together on a regular basis before they joined forces in the studio, establishing their project Luna City Express as a main project of Moon Harbour Recordings with numerous EP's, Remixes and a widely praised album named Hello From Planet Earth, all of them providing tasteful, open minded House Music from Germany.


Backed by this experience and an excellent reputation as a DJ Marco Resmann joined the world famous Berlin-based Watergate club as resident in 2006 and has played countless nights in this hallowed space ever since as well as graced the tenth anniversary volume of the Watergate Mix-CD series with a flawless tour de force ride through his personal club favorites and anthems in February 2012 – a mix that can be considered a milestone in his remarkable career so far.

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

A career that came full circle when Marco Resmann finally joined forces with one of his first advocates, DJ and producer Martin Landsky, for their first collaborational release „Lava“ on Upon.You in 2015.

As solo producer his discography includes acclaimed remixes and releases on imprints like Watergate Records, Upon.You, Poker Flat and the Brazilian imprint Warung Recordings, all of which are serving a unique fusion of House and Techno with a recognizable twist and a love for detailed, complex arrangements.

But there's even more to Marco Resmann than being the expert producer who fully masters his craft and DJ who is playing out to devoted crowds on a regular. Hosting Upon.You label nights at Berlin's famous Panorama Bar for six years has played an essential role in Marco Resmann's approach towards extended DJ sets with whom he pleases crowds all over the globe – from German festival sites like Fusion and Melt! to internationally renowned venues like DC10, Upon.You showcases all over Europe or the big 15 Years Watergate Brazil tour which took place in Brazilian superclubs like Warung, D-Edge, Beehive and many others. Not to mention

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

upcoming tours in Australia, Mexico and, again, Brazil where he is greeted by an especially dedicated, loving followership whenever he touches down in this part of the world.

As co-founder of the Berlin-based Upon.You Records, one of the major forces in the international club scene since 2007, Marco Resmann has been spotting upcoming talent and consistently invested dedicated, straight-up work in the house he and his labelmates have built – labelwise and also with their associated booking agency Upon.You Bookings.

With his most recent release „Voyager EP“ ruling the dancefloors right now, another single lined up via Steve Bug's Poker Flat Recordings – the „Flux EP“ - and more contributions to the catalogue of major players like Upon.You Records and Watergate Records where he is about to release another big 12“ with his „Babylon Side EP“ soon it's quite right to say that

Marco Resmann is going stronger than ever, armed and fully equipped for an amazing 2018 to come. Watch out!


 Sam Lai 

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

深度着沉醉于电子音乐的Sam Lai于5年前正式开始他的音乐生涯。因其出色的舞池情绪掌控力,一年内既受邀到深圳知名锐舞派对组织TRD 演出,并成为他们的常驻DJ。

在多次成功举办各类型户外锐舞派对(隧道、公园、沙滩)后,Sam Lai保持其谦虚的态度,不断磨练混音技巧,他独特的个人风格日益明朗,在南中国的地下音乐圈开始崭露头角,备受好评。近两年受邀到深圳草莓音乐节,One Love电子音乐节,香蜜湖音乐节等演出。

以音乐为精神食粮的Sam Lai对选曲的态度就像厨师对食材一般讲究,深邃的情绪与律动的旋律糅合强有力的4/4拍,满足每一个挑剔的舞客的味蕾。他以深入浅出的布置为派对带来比音乐本身更丰富的东西,比如一场听觉享受的完整的旅程


12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

 DJ WING已有12年的DJ生涯, 曾任职广州多间著名供乐部的驻场DJ包括当时众多蒲友追捧的D&D品牌系列店, 派对圣地 CLUB CYBER, 红极一时的一号码头俱乐部。 广州唯一推行会员制度的热舞夜店RICH' S CLUB.等著名供乐部, 并担任完美格式娱乐制作的指定表演嘉宾。灵活多变的他擅长 House ( Electro; Funky; Vocal; Tech)、 Breaks( Nu school; Funky)等MUSIG STYLE对现场气氛的抓摸可谓功力十足。并担任众多知名品牌指定表演嘉宾。(2003PUMAN发布会、2003NIKE发布会、喜力TOUR等知名品牌)。


        DJ WING入行的数年间经历了广州电子音乐风格变化最大的数年(从DISCO到 CLUB CULTURE年代), 以上种种累积令今天的DJ WING可谓当之无愧的夜店老司机, 可以从容地探控不同种类的跳舞音乐。更由于熟悉灯光音响器材, 使他成为众多夜店指定的开业DJ。


12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

從 2003 年開始和世界分享音樂靈魂的 Ricky Tsang 自幼便受到了 古典音樂的熏陶學習音樂,6 歲就開始登台演出鍵盤。中學時期 曾組織 Band 隊擔任鼓手;2004 年接觸電子音樂後立志成為一名 出色的 DJ 及音樂製作人。Ricky Tsang 在電子音樂的道路上一直以包容的心對待不同風格和類型的音樂并力求創新,音樂風格主要為 TRANCE / PROGRESSIVE

/ TECHNO 希望能打開音乐与人之间灵魂的交流,用音樂傳播愛和能量給熱愛音樂的人們,共同創建一個 P.L.U.R(Peace / Love / Unity / Respect)的世界。

2011 年開始著手建立自己的電音廠牌 Desire Music - 慾望之聲。2013 年憑藉個人電台節目“Electric City”受邀登錄城市之音成都臺 FM102.6 “Only Electro”欄目,2017 年再度受邀亞洲音樂台“普乐 電音 X Ranking Beats”共同組織的農曆跨年特備節目“NONSTOP 24”演出嘉賓。

12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

 日期 / Date 

12月9日, 星期日

Sunday, December 9th

 阵容 / Line up 

Sam Lai

Marco Resmann



  Tcket / 门票  

 40 RMB 


12/09 DJ Marco Resmann 丛林LTB舞台官方After Party! vol.2-广州Hangover酒吧/Hangover club

 地点 / Address 


6F, Honder International Hotel, No.2, DongGuan Zhuang Road



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