UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场
郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB 发布时间:2023-03-22 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB

Inke - INKE - HANDS UP (Original Mix).mp3

当韩国Bounce 的风潮席卷全国时,他们早已多次被韩国首尔的顶级夜店特邀为专场嘉宾,屹立于潮流起源即是无冕王者。

When the boom of South Korea swept across China, they had been invited as special guests for many times by top nightclubs in Seoul, South Korea. Standing at the origin of the trend, they were the king without crown.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB


In 2017, when electronic music was exploding in China, they were highly praised in Asia and won the 27th place among PRYO top 100 DJS.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB

他们便是第一组走出国门进行亚洲巡演且保持着华人DJ被邀请场次最多纪录的亚洲超人气原创电子音乐制作组合——INKE DJs。

INKE DJs are the first group of Popular Original electronic music production group in Asia to tour abroad and hold the record that Chinese DJs are invited to the most times.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB


Inke is made up of Chinese music producer Sarah & Niko. Each of them was king of the stage, and they were once the most popular electric music legend in North America. With the unique  style, INKE is now known as "King of the scene".

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB


All fields, multi-faceted, and capable. INKE is not only the darling of many top clubs in Asia, but also the top resident DJ group in major nightclubs in Hong Kong, Korea and Canada.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB

同时,他们还是著名时尚品牌 BOY LONDON 中国区赞助艺人,国内跨国夜店Syndrome(星德罗)club 中国区舞台总监音乐主理人及驻场嘉宾艺人。

At the same time, they are also the sponsoring artist of the famous fashion brand BOY LONDON in China, the stage director of the Syndrome Club China, the multinational nightclub in China, the music host and the guest artist in residence.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB


As a  contracted artist of Bougainvillea Music Festival in China, they are also recognized as strong singers and rappers in this industry.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB

也许正是嘻哈与说唱的基因注入,从出道之初INKE DJs在作曲方面就拥有很深的造诣和鲜明的组合特色,并推出多首个人单曲且占据了各大电音排行榜的重量级地位。

Perhaps because of the gene of hip-hop and rap, INKE DJs has been deeply accomplished in music composition and distinctive characteristics. They has released many individual singles and has an important position in major electronic music charts.

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB


When hip pop, rap and electronic sound encounter, energy triple, overflows and ignites hormones in the body!


在潮流中沸燃热血 以时间见证热爱
1月17日,置身INKE DJS的美式狂欢派


UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB

UNIVERSAL | 1.17 #INKE DJs#势不可挡!亚洲超人气DJ天团强势炸场-郑州环球酒吧/UNIVERSAL CLUB


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