UNIVERSAL | 1.10 #DJ HANMIN#亚洲人气DJ大师空降郑州!

Ranked 31st in China's most authoritative PYRO Top 100 DJs, HANMIN is a true OG of Chinese electro music.

He has been in the music industry since he was 15 years old and has been famous in just 3 years. In his more than 15 years of DJ career, he has brought different experience to Ravers with his unique mixing techniques and unique insights into music.

In the long run, he has worked hard to bring the best scene to everyone, and HANMIN's dedication has been warmly followed by the majority of fans and players.

作为亚洲顶级原创电音制作DJ,HANMIN曾与众多百大DJ同台演出,如:Zedd、R3HBA、Wolfpack等等。在作曲方面他也造诣颇深,其中火遍亚洲各大俱乐部的热门单曲LET'S GET DOWN 获得权威电音平台BEATPORT榜单排名前50。
As Asian top original electro production DJ, HANMIN has performed with many top 100 DJs, such as Zedd, R3HBA, Wolfpack and so on. He has also made great achievements in composing music, and his hit single LET'S GET DOWN, which has spread to all the clubs in Asia and ranked top 50 of BEATPORT.
He has also traveled to China, Singapore, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries to bring unrestrained electro music feast to the world electro music lovers.

相约Universal Club,共赴一场极致狂欢派对!
