LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

I n t e r v i e w

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

TSUNANO,90后的新兴电子音乐制作人,17岁开始了音乐制作和DJ生涯。独特的声音设计与处理方式, 让TSUNANO的创作在主流及地下音乐圈接受到不少关注与肯定!

TSUNANO曾被许多国际制作人指定作为暖场并合作, 如Grandtheft, StookiSound, Troyboi, ƱZ …等,他跨曲风跨曲速的DJ Set使他自信的横跨每个音乐现场!
作为中国最前线的地下派对厂牌1LVSH/SHFT. 的主脑之一, TSUNANO与团队目标将中国的大音乐场景推向更高的一个层次!

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

这次回归Le Baron,有没有准备什么特别要放的音乐?

Have you prepared something special for your return this Saturday?


Of course will share some new songs, but what I gonna play is according to the strength of air pollution ……


We know you were just back from Europe, how you think about this trip?


荷蘭那邊產業配套真的很牛逼 市場營銷,舞台設計都很成熟,槍手製作人產業也很成熟...有一套很好的系統,藝人公司分工明確

音樂類型大多還是土high, hardstyle因為大型活動多還有用藥文化造成的,不過現在因為SpinninRecords的領導.DeepHouse元素慢慢的在攻佔EDM市場

倫敦感覺沒有去對地方,整個城市的Vibe就特沉或覺得能量沒有特別大,或許他們就是不太願意與世界妥協...音樂類型也有很多,Grime, 2Step, Garage比較少主流EDM,除了週三MOS放了TaylorSwift我有點不知所措..

巴黎去了RBMA的Showcase看了不錯. 也去了下LeBaron總部,小小的門寫著Private Club. 進去以後是另一個世界. 後來去了SocialClub, 全放雅特蘭大Trap, 人們都打扮的特別好看,跳舞幅度小但是又特別有韻律,不像荷蘭只會上下跳動...由於我不會跳舞也不會法語無法和妞們交流,以致當天沒有任何豔遇:(


Holland really eat the whole Electronic music industry, great marketing, great stage equipment, design and of course, great ghost production structure….In the other side, they really have professional structure in the company.

The style of music is still “Festival style EDM” or hard-style because of the big rave and drug culture in Holland. The main music style is changing to Deep House, Jack House with the lead of Spinnin’ Records.

London…um the whole city is quite deep, vibe is very different. less mainstream EDM, more Grime, 2Step, Garage, expect for playing Taylor Swift on Wednesday in MOS…turn up!…..

Went to RBMA Showcase in Paris, very nice, went to Le Baron Paris, the door says “CLUB PRIVATE”, but it won’t disappoint you just like the Shanghai one. Went to SocialClub, All they put up is Atlanta Trap, everyone is swag out with gangster dance moves, quite crazy. I can’t dance or neither speak French so I didn’t get any new roommate that night :(

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧


What's your favorite songs currently? Share some with us?

最近滿喜歡有DeepHouse, UK Garage元素的一些歌,比較多就不一ㄧ說.可以搜Tchami, OliverHeldens, Peps&Rash, JoeStone

Some Nu Deep House, UK Garage…You guys can check Tchami, Oliver Heldens, Peps & Rash, JoeStone.


旋律很商業,本來以為就單純的流行歌,我就想看看MV, 結果居然有好聽Drop, 我隱形眼鏡都碎了. 有點像JackU的風格 但是更好聽,很久沒聽到這樣的大眾音樂了,對音樂場景還是滿有信心

There is one song that is very commercial but cool - Never Forget You by NMEK(recommended by YouTube). I thought it was a normal pop song, but it surprised me with the rhythm. It sounds like JackU style but better that. Im still feeling confident in Commercial Music for Majority.

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧


How you evaluate yourself? Someone said you are hyper... Some said you cute... What you think about it?

我不太懂這想問甚麼. 我在演出的時候喜歡和大家互動,台下的能量倒是會讓我很Hyper.

I dont really understand… I like to interact with people when performing, their enthusiasm makes me feel hyper...

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧


Any new productions coming up? Tell us something about it :P


Im always making some productions but its not the time to release them yet… Recently, I may have a Festival Trap Remix to release soon:)

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧

晚,Tsunano和他的朋友们将回归Le Baron,听说明天天晴了。。。不知道这位90后音乐人会放什么样的音乐:)

LB特辑 | TSUNANO 回归!-上海LeBaron酒吧/勒巴隆酒吧


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