这几天的日子让你感到日常无聊?那还不赶紧周末来Le Baron上海和我们一起尽情狂欢,还能够结交新朋友,在年前享受不一样的庆祝氛围!
本周四开始,Le Baron上海特邀了3位不同风格的音乐人为大家带来丰富有趣的周末盛宴!
Have you been feeling a bit bored recently? Forget about that and come to Le Baron to celebrate with us! Le Baron is the best place to meet new people and enjoy great music! So come and take in all of our good vibes!
We are starting off our weekend this Thursday, where three talented artists plan to bring their unique music styles and invite you to enjoy the night in the most interesting and memorable way possible.
2月8日 周四
Thursday February 8th
DJ Soulscape 早已是地下音乐圈耳熟能详的名字,他还是 360 Sounds 厂牌的主脑人物。他的乐风受到 80 年代 Hip-Hop 、以及父母所收集 Soul 音乐黑胶唱片影响,总是可以缔造出多元化旋律。
DJ Soulscape is a legend on the 1s and 2s, and head honcho of the 360 Sounds imprint. Deeply influenced by ’80s hip-hop, his parent's extensive collection of soul vinyl, and his engineering background, the musician is a culmination of diversity and contrast.
DJ Soulscape 除了经常登台首尔 Cakeshop,还与 Young Guru、IIIa J、Lefto 等人同台;并经常通过自己的独到技艺与见解玩转 K-Pop。
A regular at the Seoul institution Cakeshop, he’s shared the decks with the likes of Young Guru, Illa J, and Lefto, to name a few. Soulscape composes and arranges electronic symphonies reminiscent of K-pop, yet innovative in style and genre.
在巴黎时装周上与 Yeti Out 和 Cakeshop 合作之后,他再次回到中国。
在 2 月 8 日来到 Le Baron,为大家奉上瞩目演出。
After hitting Paris Fashion Week with Yeti Out and Cakeshop, he's returning to the Middle Kingdom at Le Baron on February 8th. Don't miss the legendary DJ Soulscape and his strictly vinyl set.
DJ SOULSCAPE - Sound of Seoul in New York
2月9日 周五
Friday February 2nd
CHOICE 37,美籍韩裔,从小生活在美国的他,音乐风格深受 Michael Jackson , A Tribe Called Quest , Bjork , Stevie Wonder 和 Quincy Jones 的影响,在加入了 Hip-Hop Trio Longevity Crew 后,制作了很多偏 JAZZ 的嘻哈音乐。可能是亚裔的原因,他的音乐总有些亚洲风情,略带着日本的味道,轻松舒服的旋律还有“懒洋洋”的 beats 让很多 Rapper 被 Choice 37 所感染,一拍即合创作出很棒的专辑。
Choice37 was born and raised in Southern California where he was a part of hip-hop trio Longevity Crew. In 1997, he began his journey as a base producer with influences from artists such as Michael Jackson, A Tribe Called Quest, Bjork, Stevie Wonder and Quincy Jones. In 2008 he moved to South Korea where he was introduced to Yang Hyun Suk by mutual friend and producer Teddy Park. This eventually led to his becoming a part of YG Entertainment. Today he is one of the most important composers and producers for the company.
2月9日晚,韩国的王牌制作人—— CHOICE 37再度降临Le Baron,很多粉丝都经常问我们CHOICE 37何时再来!因为这位带动韩国KPOP潮流的音乐人的现场实在令人印象深刻!
On February 9th, Korean golden producer from the YG family— CHOICE 37, will return to Le Baron. Many people have reached out to us asking when he will return for an encore, because they know he has great influence in the KPOP scene and always performs an impressive DJ set. He is the creator of big hits by artists such as Big Bang, GD, Epik High, 2NE1, iKON and many more!
周五晚上,穿的潮一点,一起加入到Le Baron的舞池中来吧,准备好迎接这股超级韩流!
This Friday night, come join us in your most stylist attire to see CHOICE 37 grace us with his presence once more and embrace the Korean vibe together.
Samsugn K-JJANG YG王牌音樂製作人 Choice 37
2月9日 周六
Saturday February 10th
Kno You Will
TSUNANO,中国 Trap 音乐的领导者/最大地下音乐派对厂牌 SHFT 创始人之一。曾参与 Aazar , Cesqeaux , Y2K , Gameface 的交流合作, 独特的声音设计与处理方式, 让TSUNANO的创作深受华语流行市场爱戴, 更受邀参加鹿晗, Momo 吴莫愁, CZ 李秋泽的音乐制作!
TSUNANO leads the forefront of Electronic Hip Hop & Reggae music production in Asia. His unique sound-processing and pattern designs have attracted and gained the respect of other artists such as Yellow Claw, The Party Squad, Aazar and many more. While he has an immense stockpile of productions.
网络上很难找到 TSUNANO 的音乐,想听到他的原创音乐最好办法就是去看他现场演出,
“在我还没满意所有声音之前, 我不想让大家有机会拥有我的音乐. 在现场我可以得到很多听众反馈, 也可以让我知道如何修改细节” 。
Tsunano seldom publishes his music, which enables his audience to experience him live.
“I don’t release my tracks when I’m not satisfied. Playing live allows me to get feedback from the crowd and fine tune my sound.”
Tsunano还曾获邀为Skrillex, Yellow Claw, Grandtheft, StookiSound, Troyboi, ƱZ等国际DJ暖场,经常出现在国内各大音乐现场和音乐节作为演出嘉宾,拥有的国际舞台经验使他成为许多品牌的形象大使。
So hold on tight for a tsunami wave of new releases. Tsunano has shared the stage with international icons such as Skrillex, Grandtheft, StookiSound, Troyboi, ƱZ. While headlining most of the biggest electronic music events and festivals, Tsunano has become a brand ambassador to many with his trendy follower base.
2015年, 和CHACE为巨星吴莫愁MOMO打造了Trap风格冠军单曲《No Confusion》,两周内就破了400k的收听量,并获得”华语音乐传媒大奖”年度最受瞩目专辑奖!
同年也受邀参加 鹿晗 Reload专辑官方Remix制作。
2016年, 受邀荷兰最大广播电台SLAM!FM与FunX采访并于荷兰巡回演出,受VICE杂志专栏采访制顶于美国、荷兰等地VICE网站首页。
In 2014, STORM festival co-partnered with Vice China to make a full documentary about Tsunano’s life of music production. The documentary was later aired on national television.
In 2015, Tsunano was invited as a producer for famous Chinese singer’s, 吴莫愁MOMO, new release “No Confusion”. Their efforts awarded them over 400k plays in just 2 weeks and “Best Listener’s Choice” in the album “90’s Power” and on the Chinese Music Media Awards.
In 2016, Tsunano participated at the Amsterdam Dance Event.
Follow Tsunano on xiami.com, Soundcloud, and Pyro for his new releases and mixtapes.
本周Le Baron上海,我们不见不散~
Now that you got that sneak peak of these three upcoming talent artists, we know you can’t resist making an appearance or two at Le Baron this weekend!
Le Baron上海
Wednesday > Sunday, 10pm.