UNIVERSAL | 1.15#ANDY.W#天生的舞台王者,定义巅峰现场

There are people in this world who were born to be on stage, and Andy W's name must be among them.

自2015年来,Andy.W已连续发行了原创作品《Wild Ones》,EP《Free Life》和《Time)》 《Hey OO》 《YAN》等数十首单曲。全球数字音乐平台上超十万次的点击量和各大音乐榜单的排名足以证明他的才华与电音天赋。
Since 2015, Andy.W has released dozens of singles such as his original work "Wild Ones", EP "Free Life" and "Time)", "Hey OO" and "YAN". His talent and electro talent is evidenced by the over 100,000 hits on global digital music platforms.

2017年开始Andy.W受邀在韩国、日本、马来西亚、加拿大、泰国、迪拜、荷兰、美国等国家进行世界巡演,同年也被评为中国PYRO百大DJ 第52名。
In 2017, Andy W was invited to tour the world in Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, Thailand, Dubai, the Netherlands, and the United States, and in the same year, he was ranked 52nd in the Top 100 DJs in China.

2019-2020 更是连续两年获邀登上Knock Knock音乐节主舞台,并成为了阿姆斯特丹ADE表演DJ。与Dimitri Vegas Like Mike、Steve Aoki、Bass Jackers、 Qunitino、Vinai、R3HAB等一众世界百大DJ制作人同台献艺。
In 2019-2020, he was invited to the main stage of KNOCK KNOCK Music Festival for two consecutive years and became the DJ of ADE Amsterdam. He also performed with a number of world's top 100 DJ producers such as Dimitri Vegas Like Mike、Steve Aoki、Bass Jackers、 Qunitino、Vinai、R3HAB.
For a good DJ producer, Andy W's field of achievement does not only stop at a few hundred live performances every year. Andy.W’s achievements don't stop at a few hundred live shows per year, but also at a major challenge to his career.
2020年对于Andy.W来说是具有非凡意义的一年。凭借诸多脍炙人口的原创舞曲,Andy.W斩获了亚洲音乐盛典年度最佳新人奖;同年3月发表的单曲《Revival Of China》被收录为江苏抗疫之声主题曲。
The year 2020 will be a very significant year for Andy. W. The Best New Artist of the Year Award at the Asian Music Awards for his many popular original songs, and his single "Revival Of China" was included as the theme song for Jiangsu's Voice Against Epidemics.
These two honors herald Andy.W as a milestone in the Chinese electro music industry, witnessing the strong debut of a Chinese DJ producer in the mainstream arena.
将携手Universal Club呈现“最强气氛时刻"
