In London, Berlin, Amsterdam, New York and other major cities in Europe and America, there are big, small, bustling or hidden underground music clubs. Whether it's in abandoned factories, remodeled bomb shelters or unattended basements and bustling neighborhoods, underground electric clubs can take place anywhere.
地下电子音乐广义上是指非商业的非主流性质的电子音乐舞曲,主要涵盖Techno、Tech-House、Minimal、Drum&Bass等。它的曲风区别于主流夜店常播放的EDM (electronic dance music),也区别于阳光和年轻的Hip-pop、Trap与Bass等带有嘻哈风格的电子音乐。
Underground electronic music refers to the non-commercial non-mainstream electronic music music, mainly covering Techno, techno-house, Minimal, Drum& Bass, etc. Its style is different from that of the mainstream nightclubs, which often play EDM (electronic dance music), which is also different from sunlight and young hip-hop, Trap and Bass, which have hip-hop style electronic music.
EDM is more direct and public in sense, while the underground electronic music has more features inherited from DISCO, which is low-key and mature, abstract and regular. In brooklyn, New York, one of the cradles of underground electricity, people even shouted "brooklyn is alive and dancing in the underground club". This group of fashionistas love it.
“听过太多的百大DJ现场演出,我们想要听一些不一样的地下电子音乐。”——也许这正是你心底的声音。现在,我们将满足你的这个愿望。4月25日,玩乐大师“Afterparty/日出文化”计划特邀YMC厂牌创始人DJ FIVE做客郑州奥斯卡。
"We've heard a lot of DJS live, and we want to hear some different underground music." Perhaps it is the voice of your heart. Now, we will fulfill your wish. On April 25, the play master "Afterparty/ sunrise culture" invited the founder of the YMC label, DJ FIVE, to the oscars in zhengzhou.
DJ FIVE是一位对电子音乐充满执着追求的狂热分子,从业生涯达20年之久。DJ FIVE在成为电子音乐派对大师的同时,也不缺失作为一名合格的地下党的灵魂。在2015年,DJ FIVE创办了南京首个派对电音厂牌YMC,并在其平台基础上成功推广出旗下两个跳舞系列#TOP DJs#以及#I LOVE DANCE#。在他的DJ SET中经常可以发现一些出其不意的惊喜,激昂的舞池情绪带领无数Ravers冲向耀眼的黎明。
DJ FIVE is a passionate enthusiast who is obsessed with electronic music and has been working for 20 years. DJ FIVE is not missing the soul of a qualified underground party as an electronic music party master. In 2015, DJ FIVE launched the first party electric music label YMC in nanjing, and successfully promoted two dance series #TOP DJs# and #I LOVE DANCE# on its platform. In his DJ SET, some unexpected surprises are often found, and the passionate dance floor leads countless Ravers to the dazzling dawn.
4月25日,DJ FIVE将把最纯正的Undergrand音乐文化带至郑州奥斯卡的玩乐舞池,惊喜时刻充满你不算冗长的难忘时光。
On April 25, DJ FIVE will bring the most authentic Undergrand music culture to the fun and dance floor of the zhengzhou Academy Awards.