【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L
武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店 发布时间:2023-03-26 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

Dj.Lin.Q 大陆知名独立音视频制作人,13年的Dj工作史,以推广与世界同步的电子音乐为目的,丰厚的幕后制作经验,擅长于各类宣传片,MV剪辑,舞曲混音的制作,是国内DvDj较早的开拓者,多年的圈内经历树立了其多元化的音乐风格和独树一帜的音乐理念,其作品深受业内人士的好评与追捧,在中国酒吧俱乐部几乎都会播放Lin.Q音视频作品.不要因为帅气的外表而忽视他的制作和现场把控能, 十三年如一日,直至今天一保持着对音乐和舞台的热爱,昼夜生活在电子音乐的世界,电子音乐制作人&夜店dj&平面模特?他的回答是:我只是爱电子音乐,每天能播放自己最爱的音乐就是我最大的幸福!

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

Dj. Lin.Q,a well-known independent audio and video producer with rich work experience behind the scenes, began his career as a DJ 13 years ago for the purpose of promoting the electronic music to synchronize with the world. He is expert in making advertising video, MV edition and audio mixing. Besides, as a domestic DvDJ pioneer, the years of experience in his career builds him the diversified music styles and unique music concepts. In China, almost every bar and the club would choose Lin.Q's audio an d video production which is highly praised and loved by the people in the circle. Thirteen years seems to be only one day to him as he still keeps the passion of music as the beginning and lives in his electronic music world day and night. 'Electronic music productor'&'Club DJ'&'Plane model', which word could be used to describe him? His answer is there is no reason to love electronic music and the greatest happiness to him is just playing his favorite music every day.

Mc.Again.L 用完美嗓音震撼全场。作为一名Mc一直坚持自我道路,风格独特,与众不同。各种独特的风格使他成为许多Dj的首选合作人。表演特点是能生成电子乐和机器人的声音!他独特个性的喊麦风格,许多Dj标签他“实事采样器”,让他成为亚洲最具潜力的Party Mc,Again.L与超过50名世界各国Dj合作过,造就他丰富的Party现场经验与无与伦比氛围渲染!

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店MC Again.L can, without question, shock all the crowds by his perfect voice. As a MC who always insists on his own way, his different kinds of styles and unique skills makes him become the first choice of many DJs. His performance is characterized by the ability to generateelectronic.music.and.robot.sounds.Besides,‘RealTime Sampler’- just a word DJs use to describe MC Again.L, tell us his potential to be one of the most promising party MCs in Asia. His experience of working with over 50 Djs around the world also gives him the ability to create incomparable atmosphere and captivate all the audience.

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店

【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店【MUSE² CLUB】3.24 L&A组合DJ-LIN.Q&MC-Again.L-武汉苏格缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB 江滩店


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