All roads lead to Thursday at Celia where you can Dance all nite, forget tomorrow. Covered in sweat. This is techno, this is our Celia. Inspired by dreams, connected as one
All roads lead to Thursday @CeLiA 在那里你可以跳舞一整晚 忘却明天 汗流满面. 这就是电子音乐,这就是我们的CeLiA! 灵感来自梦境,将其融为一体.
Jeff Chong
土生土长的“香港仔”,于2010年定居上海,90后的他喜欢与比自己年长的人交流,因此相比同龄人更早的接触到了电子音乐,对Techno,Deep House有种独特的情怀并开始接触DJ行业.
2013年开始于香港,曼谷,大阪,上海等城市等多个知名俱乐部及音乐节担任演出嘉宾,并成立SPAN,MOIST等本土派对厂牌,短短数年时间内不停探索能让舞池躁动的音乐.从Disco, Funk,到House,Deep House加入即兴感强烈的Jazz元素,及带有灵魂的Techno加入弹性十足的Funky元素,这些都是Jeff Chong让舞池里的人笑着跳舞的必杀技,Jeff Chong擅长将House与Techno融合Mash up的打法,不受风格局限,喜欢以Long Mix的手法混音,从小关注贝斯手的他,在电子音乐里同样注重每首歌里Bass呈现,追求现场律动,把握每一次出场机会,在每个城市用自己的音乐让繁忙的都市生活添加上色彩。
Jeff Chong was born and grown up in Hong Kong . He starts his electronic music journey earlier than any other child, because he enjoy learning from elder musician, when he was 14years old, he deeply attracted by Deep house & Techno music which push him become a underground DJ. Since 2013 Jeff Chong immersed himself in Shanghai and Hongkong’s underground scene in a lot well known undergrounds and clubs in Shanghai,Bangkok, Osaka and other cities,
After 3 year djing he began to organize his own team ,party brands and music label such as SPAN SHANGHAI, VOUIS RECORD,MOIST with the purpose to promote the established local music, also he never stop searching the sound which able to make people smile while they are dancing. Disco Funk, to Deep House with swing Jazz element, Funky Techno, groovy tech house, these are all Jeff’s dj trump cards, Jeff pursuitthe remix and the rhythm. He taking advantage of every opportunity to play, he also enjoy “Long mix” in his gig, Jeff never restricted by music genre,good at “mash up” between house and techno.
298 Xingfu Lu,
near Pingwu Lu
幸福路298号, 近平武路
00.00 - late
Entry 50 rmb incl 1 drink
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