MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全
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MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB
MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB

MUSE CLUB 2017/1.27 星期六

# 音乐无国界沟通 #   DJ ROCKETS 

黎明终点 用音乐撕裂你的灵魂

# Trailer # Dance Music 

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB
MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB

 DJ ROCKETS  是一个极具才华的乌克兰DJ、制作人。他在音乐圈中的地位正在快速攀升,不仅曾多次与电音届传奇人物合作过,还被世界上各大的电音厂牌争先签约,这些都是他超强音乐实力的证明。

DJ ROCKETS is a very talented Ukrainian DJ and producer. His position in the music circle is fast climbing, not only has not only worked with the legend of the electric legend many times, but also has been the world's major electric label to contend for the signing! These are the proof of his powerful music power.

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB
MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB

DJ ROCKETS开始DJ前,就已经尝试过不同的音乐类型。在18岁时,House音乐大神Laidback Luke被其精湛的技艺折服,决定收之为徒,亲自指导这位前途无量的新人。

The DJ ROCKETS have tried different music types before starting the DJ. At the age of 18, Laidback Luke, the great god of House music, was impressed by his virtuosity and decided to take it as a disciple, directing the promising new man himself.

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB
MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB
MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB

 2009年 在乌克兰开始他的职业生涯,参加了许多电台节目。曾在同一个舞台上100dj Fedde Le Grand,Omnia,Feel and many等多位知名DJ同台演出。

He began his career in Ukraine in 2009 and participated in many radio shows. Once on the same stage, 100dj Fedde Le Grand, Omnia,Feel and many, etc.

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB


Progressive,Electro House

Bass House,Future House 

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB


The call from the stars



2017 Jan . 27th


I am here,Waitting for you

MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB
MUSE CLUB | 2018/01/27 DJ ROCKETS 如果世界太危险,只有音乐最安全-太原缪斯酒吧/MUSE CLUB


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