#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?
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#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club




#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的血条还满么?

TOP 100 DJs #23


荷兰土耳其籍DJ兼音乐制作人,出生于1982年8月16日,14岁接触音乐的 Ummet 灵活玩转长笛、钢琴等各种乐器,出色的创作能力也被享誉为电子音乐音效工程师。巧妙地编曲与别出心裁的制作功力确保着每一首作品万无一失的成功!并签约于电音大厂Spinnin Records。

Dutch Dutch DJ and music producer, born on August 16, 1982, 14-year-old Ummet with music, playing the flute, piano and other musical instruments, and his outstanding creative ability is also known as an electronic music sound engineer. Cleverly arranged and ingenious production techniques ensure the success of every piece of work! And signed a contract with the electronics company Spinnin Records.

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23


在当今愈见成熟的电音时代,很少电子音乐人能够真正打破模式做到创新,然而 UmmetOzca 却不断地重塑电子音乐,并一步步地提高水准。在荷兰出生长大的 Ummet 说到:“从我小的时候电音在荷兰就很受欢迎,各大电台播放电音至今已有20多年了”。

In today's more mature electronic age, few electronic musicians can truly break the pattern to innovate, but UmmetOzca continues to reshape electronic music and improve it step by step. Ummet, who grew up in the Netherlands, said: "Electronic sounds have been very popular in the Netherlands since I was a child. It has been more than 20 years since major radio stations played electronic sounds."

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23


Ummet Ozcan 早期凭一首“Reboot”占据Beatport 销量榜冠军为人熟知。2012年 Ummet 与多名大牌如 Tiesto、AVB、PVD 等联手制作“A State Of Trance Vonyc Sessions”,获得业内广泛肯定。

Ummet Ozcan was known for occupying the Beatport sales list with a "Reboot" in the early days. In 2012, Ummet teamed up with a number of big names such as Tiesto, AVB, PVD to create "A State Of Trance Vonyc Sessions", which was widely recognized in the industry.

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23


2014年,Ummet发行超炸单曲 “Raise Your Hands”,许多世界级DJ均在各大音乐节玩转此单曲;与R3hab及Nervo合作的 “Revolution” 摘下Beatport榜单冠军;与 Calvin Harris 合作的 “Overdrive” 更是火到不行。不仅如此,Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike 更点名 Ummet 制作 Tomorrowland 火爆世界的曲目 “The Wolf” 及 “Jaguar”。

In 2014, Ummet released the ultra-explosive single "Raise Your Hands", many world-class DJs played this single at major music festivals; "Revolution" with R3hab and Nervo took the Beatport list; and Calvin Harris The "Overdrive" of cooperation is even more difficult. Not only that, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike even named Ummet to make Tomorrowland's hot world tracks "The Wolf" and "Jaguar".

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23


与2015年DJ MAG首席DJ二人组Dimitri Vegas&Like Mike合作全球派对国歌‘The Hum’!看过Ummet和中国粉丝直播的小伙伴都知道,The Hum中,UmmetOzcan 更是亲自献声低吟Vocal部分。该单曲更凭借着在全球每个角落的热度,毫无疑问的登顶Beatport,更在Ultratop比利时榜单认证白金销量!

Teamed up with the DJ MAG Chief DJ duo Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike in 2015 to party the national anthem ‘The Hum’! The friends who have seen Ummet and the Chinese live broadcasters know that UmmetOzcan is the one who personally sings the Vocal part of The Hum. The single is also based on the heat in every corner of the world, undoubtedly topped the Beatport, and in the Ultratop Belgium list certified Platinum sales!

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23


对于国内歌迷来说并不陌生的工作室,UmmetOzcan在此用这套键盘创作出无数首发行的乃至未发行的强节奏热单。Om Telolet Om的话题仍在全球热议时,Ummet在2016年底火速创作出同名单曲,当创作与潮流与时俱新时,才是音乐人对于实力最有力的证明!

For studios that are no stranger to domestic fans, UmmetOzcan uses this keyboard to create countless first-issued and even unreleased hot-selling hot lists. When Om Telolet Om's topic is still in hot debate around the world, Ummet has created the same list song at the end of 2016. When the creation and trend are new, it is the most powerful proof of the musician's strength!

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23



It is such a talented and glory-collected man, with a cool face, the seriousness revealed in his expression, can be seen from a distance, but the faithful powder knows, cough. It’s really a funny soul .

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

TOP 100 DJs #23 Ummet Ozcan

 Beatport 榜单众多冠军单曲


搅翻S86 CLUB 现场! 

2019年5月24日 Ummet Ozcan















#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
#S86# 05/24 Ummet Ozcan!乌梅君来放大招!你的蹦迪能量还满么?-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


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