# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游
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# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

# Alison wonderland #

2018.10.05   /   S86 CLUB

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

I Want U # S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club



是2017年的DJ Mag Top 100仅四名女性入选之一

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

Known as the trap world " the most expensive female DJ in the history of music festivals " The maiden is one with the beast , but she has it . The maiden is her , and the beast is her . Is one of only four women in the DJ Mag Top 100 in 2017 .

她就是我们的电音女神Alison Wonderland

She is our goddess of electro phonic Alison Wonderland .

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


这位来自悉尼的制作人、歌手,真的算是“真正的 DJ”,不仅仅因为她对音乐史的巨大热情和理解力。在开始做DJ之前,Alison Wonderland曾是悉尼的一位大提琴家,也曾是一支独立摇滚乐队中的贝斯手。

The producer and singer from Sydney is really a " real DJ " , not least because of her passion and understanding of music history . Before starting DJ , Alison Wonderland was a cello player in Sydney and a bass player in an indie rock band .

她原名为Alex Sholler,以艺名Alison Wonderland出现在世界各大舞台,她的 sets 在各类风格间游走,融合了 future bass, juke, bass, hip-hop, trap, house 等等各种音乐。她对设备的使用同样完美,她让整个演出的体验从线性到立体,就像一只近在咫尺喘息着的野兽。

Her original name is Alex Sholler , whose stage name is Alison Wonderland , and her sets are a mix of styles , future bass , juke , bass , hip-hop , trap , house and other music . Her use of the equipment was equally perfect , and she transformed the entire performance from linear to three-dimensional , like an animal wheezing close at hand .

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

而众所周知,DJmag榜单上绝大部分出名的DJ都是男性。但是,也有极少数的偶然发生。Alison Wonderland,便是这极少数。百大排名第89位的她,是世界最佳女DJ之一,在美国的巡演,不到几天时间就销售一空。

It is well known that most of the famous DJ on the DJmag list are men . However , there are a few accidental occurrences . Alison Wonderland , is one of these very few . Ranked 89th , she is one of the world's best female DJ , touring in the United States , sold out in less than a few days .

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

在2008年,她开始朝着制作人/DJ方向而努力,音乐风格转向偏POP的Trap曲风。与 EMI Music Australia 签约后在2013年与澳大利亚歌手Fishing 合作发布单曲 “Get Ready”,而事实证明她的的确确已经“Get Ready”。2014年,在签约澳大利亚EMI之后,Alison Wonderland开始真正作为一名DJ在各地的仓库进行表演。future bass, hip-hop, trap,这些风格已经在她身上生根了。

In 2008 , She began to work toward producer / DJ , and the music style shifted to POP's Trap style . After signing with EMI Music Australia , she released the single " Get Ready " with Australian singer Fishing in 2013 , and she proved to be " Get Ready ." . In 2014 , after signing up to EMI in Australia , Alison Wonderland began performing as a true DJ in warehouses around the country . Future bass , hip-hop , trap , 's style has taken root in her .

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

2015年,她发行首张专辑《Run》,获得评论界大加赞赏。一位评论家说,这张专辑将是她国际声誉的转折点。他是对的。如今,她在洛杉矶和悉尼之间往返,正在成为一个超级巨星。更在2017年获得了Electronic Music Awards的年度新人奖。Alison Wonderland可谓是上升最快的艺人之一了,现在更可以被称作“Trap界的一姐”!

In 2015 , She released her debut album , "Run , " to critical acclaim . One critic said the album would be a turning point for her international reputation . He's right . Now , commuting between Los Angeles and Sydney , she is becoming a superstar . And won the Electronic Music Awards's New Talent of the year Award in 2017 . Alison Wonderland can be said to be one of the fastest growing artists , and can now be called " the first sister of the Trap world " !

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


Sexual discrimination from an unnamed producer on Twitter. He publicly denigrated Alison on twiiter, using his upper body to achieve today's status.Alison quickly responded, "at the end of the day the only thing that matters in industry is the music don't forget, "

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

Alison wonderland如此霸气回应,满满的正能量,赢得了粉丝们的爱戴。 还曾为所有曾患抑郁症的人发单曲《Happy Place》,同时也鼓励所有人走出阴霾。Alex 身上有着密密麻麻的像素描一样的图案,看起来没有任何章法。一个菠萝,一个外星人,还有老虎或是几何设计。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的“drink me”瓶子在她左手腕上,还有“Calm down”的短语,不过是倒着纹的,这样她在照镜子的时候就能看到。

Such a domineering response, full of positive energy, won the fans' love.Alison wonderland also sends a single "Happy Place" for people with depression to encourage people to get out of the haze.Alex had a dense , sketch-like pattern that seemed to have no structure at all . A pineapple , an alien , a tiger or a geometric design . The " drink me " bottles  from Alice in Wonderland was on her left wrist , along with the phrase " Calm down " , but it was tattooed upside down . So she could see it when she looked in the mirror .

Happy Place # S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

而Alison Wonderland最大的外部特征可能就是她非常喜欢穿着Oversize的adidasT恤,在她开始进入这个领域成为DJ演出的时候,并不想让人们带着固有的女DJ的看法来评判她,于是穿着大号的T恤来演出想弱化自己的女性特征。

Alison Wonderland loves adidas t-shirts with Oversize.When she started to enter the field to become a DJ performance,don’t want people to judge her with the inherent female DJ’s opinion.So wearing a large T-shirt to perform to weaken one's feminine characteristics.

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


In making music at the same time, many vocal part of the works is also her own voice, she said: "I don't have to have a voice like Beyonce, the song I wrote in my voice inside is also very good, that I why not?" But her voice is as good as many professional singer, and even more in what you want style can reflect the taste of her works have. Sound good, wear the number also is often praise fashion magazine, as one of the few Trap female DJ, she was indeed very attract fans, this also no wonder that many Chinese fans call it the "goddess".

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

这一次Alison Wonderland来到S86,



Alison Wonderland to S86,

Bring her along the way music story, and love for electronic music.

Would you like to come to this piece Alice Wonderland?

# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club

2018年10月05日 Alison Wonderland 宁波S86站|售票通告













# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club
# S86 CLUB # 2018.10.05 | Trap界头号女神 Alison Wonderland 的奇境漫游-宁波S86酒吧/S86 Club


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