2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦
郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar 发布时间:2023-04-02 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

Edge 2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

 About Rezz  

如果我说Rezz是电音届2017年最火的一匹黑马应该没人会反对,各大电音节上这位“电音宅女”的出场率极高,极具辨识度的暗黑音色与旋转发光的LED眼镜是她在广大Ravers心底留下的深刻印象。但其实Rezz不宅,她的“Mass Manipulation”世界个人巡演于去年8月持续至今,这位令人着迷的小姐姐一路从加拿大、美国跑到了孟买、香港、东京,未来还将巡演至电音的故乡——遥远的欧罗巴大陆。

If I say Rezz is electronic music session in 2017 of the most popular one batch of dark horse should no one would object, each big electric syllables in the "electronic music not to go out for a long time women" play rate is extremely high, recognizable high diablo timbre and rotating light LED glasses is he in the general Ravers heart of deep image. But actually Rezz don't curtilage, her "Mass Manipulation" personal world tour continued since August last year, the fascinating little sister all the way from Canada, the United States rushed to mumbai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, the future will also tour to electronic music's hometown -- -- distant continent of Europe.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

Rezz原名Isabelle Rezazadeh,年仅23岁的乌克兰裔加拿大女子DJ/制作人,被称作是法国Techno大魔王Gesaffelstein的女子翻版。Rezz早年间受铁叔影响入坑电音,每天跟着Youtube上的视频教程学习电音制作技巧长达14个小时以上,并在Soundcloud发布自己的创作成果。随着作品的积累,Rezz小姐姐逐渐俘获了大批粉丝的青睐并引起了包括Deadmau5、Skrillex在内的诸多行业大佬的注意。最终Rezz在鼠爷的厂牌Mau5trap下发布了大批极具特色的作品,而Rezz也成为了这颗星球上最酷的小姐姐。

Rezz, a 23-year-old russian-canadian DJ/ producer, is known as the woman of Gesaffelstein, a French Techno, in her original name as Isabelle Rezazadeh. In the early years of Rezz, he was influenced by his iron uncle, and he followed the video course on Youtube every day for more than 14 hours, and published his own work in Soundcloud. With the accumulation of works, the little sister Rezz gradually captured the attention of a large number of fans and attracted the attention of many industry leaders including Deadmau5 and Skrillex. In the end, Rezz released a number of highly featured works at the Mau5trap, and Rezz became the coolest little sister on the planet.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

部分人将Rezz的音乐风格归类为Dark Techno或者Downtempo,更多人则只是跟风觉得Rezz很酷,风格什么的并不重要。但其实Rezz的曲风更像是夹杂着一些Dark Techno元素的GlitchHop,或者我们可以直接称呼它为Dark GlitchHop。小姐姐自己也说过她想做的就是让脑子里的声音、画面都“走出来”,让大家都听到看到!她想做特殊且令人难忘的音乐。

Some people classify the music style of Rezz as Dark Techno or Downtempo, and more people just follow the trend that Rezz is cool and the style doesn't matter. But in fact, Rezz's style is more like a GlitchHop with some Dark Techno elements, or we can call it Dark GlitchHop. The little sister herself said that what she wanted to do was to "come out" of the sounds and pictures in her head, and wanted everyone to hear it! She wanted to make a special and memorable music.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


Because of this, Rezz's work is inherently anti-traditional and rebellious, and the traditional EDM party dance floor has few people who can handle the unbeaten track.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

2月7日玩乐大师再次突破自我,现场掌控力超强的前卫派对大师DJ Stefan,将召集那些常年寄居于暗夜深处的神秘派对生物,享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦。我们将用郑州Ravers的热情为暗黑系电子音乐做全新注解。

On February 7th play master breakthrough self again, the scene control super halfback party master DJ Stefan, will bring together all the year round in the night in the depth of the mysterious stranger party ones, and enjoy the pleasure governed by Rezz type diablo allophones. We will use the enthusiasm of zhengzhou Ravers to make a new annotation for the diablo electronic music.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

  ABOUT DJ Stefan  


As the most amiable and innovative electronic artist in zhengzhou, the teacher is good at grasping all the opportunities that can be used to shorten the distance between players and music. Stefan's music is the most innovative, pure, free, bursting dance floor that every Ravers dream of.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

Stefan老师与MG厂牌主理人/国内知名电音制作人DeathNov老师联合出品的最新EP单曲《Lost Civilization》已正式上架网易云音乐,欢迎各位Ravers悦听品鉴。

The latest EP single, "Lost Civilization," co-produced by teacher Stefan and the MG brand manager/domestic well-known producer DeathNov, has officially hit the market on netease cloud music. Welcome to the Ravers' appreciation.

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

2.7-AfterParty | 与DJ Stefan一起享受被Rezz式暗黑音系支配的愉悦-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


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