SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan
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SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

Julian Jordan


SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店


SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

1995年出生的荷兰DJ Julian Jordan自出道以来便备受市场关注,单曲“Rock Steady”在他16岁那年被世界第一电音厂牌Spinnin’Records收录,可谓是少年得志。2012年,年仅18岁的Julian Jordan与另一位电音神童Martin Garrix共同创作的单曲“BFAM”受到广泛好评并签约Spinnin’Records成为旗下又一实力艺人。2013年获选全球最大音乐电视网MTV最受瞩目艺人提名,并被多位世界顶级DJ如Steve Aoki,Afrojack,Dvbbs和Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike邀约共同参与歌曲制作。

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

荷兰DJ Julian Jordan长着一张让你看了才明白什么叫帅的没边儿的脸,不小心一瞟,95年的。小鲜肉16岁创作的“Rock Steady”被世界第一电音厂牌Spinni’ Records收录,并且得到老哥Tiesto,帅大叔Diplo和Pete Tong的推荐,赤裸裸地甩开同龄还在追韩剧磨眼泪儿的小孩们儿百八十条街。不认识他?没关系,全世界都是知道他跟Martin Garrix是好基友,两人被称为荷兰双子星,不仅年龄相仿,且毫不客气地直追前辈们的步伐,进步飞速。虽然都是鲜嫩鲜嫩的肉,都长着一双忽闪忽闪的桃花眼,两兄弟感情相当不错,2012年合作曲目“BFAM”发出后迅速蹿红,Youtube点击量超过650万次,默契度有目共睹。除此之外两人更是时常拍档演出,原来同在一个年龄层果然比较有话题。

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

Julian Jordan

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

别看Julian Jordan年纪轻轻,小伙也是见识过大场面的!自2012年出道以来,不仅出演过多场大型电音节如EDC Las Vegas,SLAM!Koningsdag, Sunrise Festival等,更被全球最大音乐电视网MTV评为最受瞩目艺人,并受多位世界顶级DJ如Steve Aoki,Afrojack,Dvbbs和Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike邀约参与音乐制作。2017年首次打榜世界百大DJ位居#94位。

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

Dutch DJ/producer Julian Jordan is at the vanguard of the country’s new generation of dance music hotshots, with a mightily impressive track record in his short time in the game. He brings a fresh spin to the dance scene, fusing some of its trademark sound and bombast with exciting new twists and influences that so far has seen the likes of MTV cite him as “one to watch”. he explains of his musical ethos. “I like to think outside of the box, and what inspires me are other artists who do that as well.

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

” A slew of releases have proved that he is fully able to put his money where his mouth is, while DJ sets everywhere from Electric Daisy Carnival to Tomorrowland have made it clear that he is adept at translating this ethos for the dancefloor. There’s also the matter of his full-throttle, constantly evolving live set – something you can expect to see more of in the near future. As well as working tirelessly in the studio to continue developing his own sound – with a focus on new solo productions – Julian is also launching his own event concept: Play On. With a world tour in the works, it’s set to become a mainstay of the EDM landscape over the next few years. “I’m really proud of my whole career so far and the choices I’ve made, but of course my Beatport #1 is one of my greatest achievements” he beams.

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

 “I’m really proud of my own upcoming Play On concept as well. With Play On I want to create a bigger picture than only DJing. I want everything I do to be part of Play On style. My social media, productions, fashion, designs, parties… but I’ll reveal more about that soon…” Ask him about his ambitions for the future and it’s clear that he’s a dedicated artist who is highly driven to achieve his lofty goals. He wants to become “more professional and more creative” in everything he does, with ambitions to reach and play to even bigger crowds still.  With such a huge, loyal fanbase already amassed and such a clear vision driving it forward, we don’t doubt that for a minute.

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店
SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店



Julian Jordan

2018 / 01 / 24

相约space club 重庆


SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店

SPACE CLUB | 01/24 百大DJ鲜肉Julian Jordan-重庆斯贝斯酒吧/SPACE CLUB 九街店


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