SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!
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SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

All I Wanna Do SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club





SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

Martin Jensen

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

继Trentemøller之后,DJ Mags top 100中最好的丹麦DJ。他已成为电音史上最伟大的童话故事之一,他的Facebook到目前为止,有超过200万的粉丝和4亿5000万点赞与评论!

Martin Jensen has achieved what no other Danish DJ has achieved since Trentemøller in 2007 – to get on DJ Mags top 100 of the world’s best DJ’s.

Martin Jensen has become one of music’s greatest viral success stories with more than 2 million likes on his Facebook page and a staggering 450 million views on his videos so far!

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

2015年初,当C罗捧起金球奖欢呼的那一瞬间,Martin Jensen迸发出无穷的灵感,他的第一首单曲“Sí”诞生了!在Spotify平台,“SI”一上榜就获得排名第一的优异成绩,下载量累计超过1亿次。视频中,犹如熊熊烈火的激情,成为他最鲜明的标签。他迄今为止已有35首单曲,每一次创作新的单曲,他都热情的邀请自己的粉丝参与其中,并一起分享这份激情。

He appeared out of nowhere in the beginning of 2015 when he released the bounce hit ’Sí’  inspired by Cristiano Ronaldo’s shout of joy at the Ballon D’or awards.

The video, where in he shows how the hook was created spread like wildfire, so Martin and his label disco:wax decided to produce the full-length version. Since then the Danish DJ has become a viral phenomenon with his creative and participatory approach to dance music production. He has created more than 35 videos each teasing for a new likeable hook. The idea is to always involve his audience in the creative process of the music, and let them become a part of the decision-making, when choosing a new song to release.

Today Martin Jensen has released four tracks, where three of those originates from videos he has shared on the social media. His single ‘Miracles’ was built upon the sound of a screaming plastic duck sampled in Martin’s video ‘Tropical Duck Army’. The teaser-video has exceeded 30 million views and the full-length song, which vocals is delivered by Danish Bjørnskov, has reached over 24 million plays on Spotify.

Martin’s debut and breakthrough single ‘Sí’ gained a 1st place at Global Viral Top 50 on Spotify back in 2015 - when it was released and today the song has streamed over more than 20 million times. All in all, Martin has just reached a 100 million plays on Spotify.

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

Martin Jensen的最新单曲“All I Wanna Do”于2016年4月8日发布,在很短的时间里,就有了5300万的下载量。这都源自于他独特的音乐魅力创造出非凡的奇迹。

Martin’s latest single ‘All I Wanna Do’ was released on April 8th 2016 and in no time it has exceeded 53 million streams. As in ‘Miracles’ Martin was been inspired by a unique sound. Martin made “All I Wanna Do” on the back of the sound from a Minion-figure. Once again Martin shows his phenomenal skills and created a dance-friendly tropical-house hit for the warm summer nights.

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

随着越来越多的人爱上Martin Jensen和他的音乐,他开始了自己的全球巡演,他的足迹遍布Ibiza、Croatia、Denmark、Norway、Sweden、Italy、France和Spain。Martin Jensen充满活力与力量的音乐让所有亲临现场的粉丝们如痴如醉。他也成为九年来第一个DJ Mag 100榜中排名82位却是世界上最受欢迎的DJ。

The demand for more Martin Jensen is growing and with multiplatinum/gold singles in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Holland he is set to take on the worldwide charts in 2017.

With a huge fan-base around the world the request for Martin live is growing and 2016 has seen him play Ibiza, Croatia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, France and Spain! To see Martin Jensen playing live is where you truly get to know Martin Jensen and feel the full force of his exuberant energetic all-out wall-to-wall musical bombardment! He also became the first Dane in nine years to be voted into the DJ Mag Top 100, #82 the prestigious fan-voted poll ranking the world’s

favourite DJs.

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

2017/03/23  SPACE CLUB



SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club

SPACE CLUB | 2017/03/23 百大DJ MARTIN JENSEN,丹麦童话就着烈酒才是电音的正确打开方式!-郑州斯贝斯酒吧/Space Club


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