2018 PYRO百大 #39
"Next is Now"准则?
在2011 - 2015被列入乌克兰的前100名DJ(最佳评级#37)的Tuchilla原名Iaroslav Yakoff,来自于工业电子的发源地欧洲,自2008年开始迈入职业DJ生涯的他从此走向了独一无二的音乐之路,经过十多年的历练,除了收获一路好评,Tuchilla更多的是凭借着鲜明的个性魅力将音乐激情与独特的混合技巧巧妙结合,迅速的在家乡和全国都占据了领先地位并于2014年开始了探索亚洲之旅。
Tuchilla, formerly known as Iaroslav Yakoff, who was listed in Ukraine's top 100 DJs (Best Rating #37) in 2011 - 2015, came from Europe, the birthplace of industrial electronics. He has been a professional DJ since 2008 and has since become unique. The music road, after more than ten years of experience, in addition to the praise of all the way, Tuchilla is more with a distinct personality charm to combine the passion of music with unique blending skills, quickly occupying a leading position in the hometown and the country. In 2014, I started exploring Asia.
荣获2018 PYRO百大 #39的Tuchilla,曾多次受邀参加国内外多个大型派对活动与俱乐部的演出。他将自身的蓬勃气盛与阳光活力完美融合于现场中 ,绝赞的舞池感染力在夜的指引下愈演愈烈,每一首都是舞池炸弹,热血激昂的旋律舞动着台下每一个灵魂,让每一位RAVER都能感受到他对音乐的热情与执着。
Tuchilla, who won 2018 PYRO Baida #39, has been invited to participate in many large-scale party events and club performances at home and abroad. He blends his own vitality and sunshine vitality into the scene. The amazing dance floor is intensified under the guidance of the night. Each capital is a dance pool bomb. The passionate melody dances every soul under the stage, let each A RAVER can feel his passion for music and persistence.
信奉并坚持“Next is Now”原则的Tuchilla曾解释过“10年多的音乐之路,除了获得丰富的经验,更是在音乐中融合了心灵,并逐渐发展出自己的特色。通过每一个演出现场呈现新的刻 "Next is Now" 将其在短短一个小时中完美呈现给大家。”所以Tuchilla制作了一个非常真实和令人难忘的旋律感。并长期坚持在心中。
Tuchilla, who believes in and adheres to the "Next is Now" principle, once explained that "more than 10 years of music, in addition to gaining a wealth of experience, it is a fusion of the soul in music, and gradually develop its own characteristics. Through each performance The scene is presented with a new engraved "Next is Now" which will be presented to everyone in just one hour."
Super Hgc超级后宫俱乐部力邀
Super Hgc Super Harem Club invites
House Great God Tuchilla
Bring an electric storm to bomb the soul for the city Raver!
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重 磅 嘉 宾
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重 大 活 动
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