HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!
泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB 发布时间:2023-04-28 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB




国内实力 DJ ,曾多次获得先锋 DJ 音乐大赛最佳音乐制作。
Domestic strength DJ, has repeatedly won the pioneer DJ music contest best music production.

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB

DJ MENA曾被源自英国的世界性连锁唱片店 HMV 邀请举行 DJ MENA show , DjaneMag 及 FHM 受邀独家访问。
DJ MENA was invited to hold the DJ MENA show by HMV, a worldwide record store chain from the United Kingdom. DjaneMag and FHM were invited to visit it exclusively.

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB

DJ MENA,有着美丽而性感的外表,是国内多家顶级俱乐部常驻 DJ 。

DJ MENA, with a beautiful and sexy appearance, is the resident DJ of many top clubs in China.

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB

DJ MENA更是近年业内青年领军人物,著名时尚杂志封面人物!

DJ MENA is the young leader in the industry in recent years, famous fashion magazine cover!

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB

DJ MENA被节目制作人、大多数 clubber 深深喜爱,善于跟观众互动。甶于深受欢迎,几年之间总结出很多的演出经验,也探索出了很多的 DJ 演出技巧。

DJ MENA is deeply loved by show producers and most clubbers, and is good at interacting with the audience. in popular, between sums up many years performance experience, also explored a lot of DJ performance skills.

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB


09/07 感受“电音美少女”的甜蜜暴击
Are you ready?

HEPBURN CLUB | 9.7我们一起感受DJ MENA的甜美暴击!-泉州赫本酒吧/HEPBURN CLUB


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