6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Even though we have closed the doors of Celia at Jiaozhou Rd, we are here to preserve Celia's soul until we reopen in a new and exciting location.

Here comes Celia Pop-Up #2, and this time we are bringing you an entirely new and unexpected sound straight from Germany. Experience a fusion of minimal, indie, house breaks, and electro in one captivating set by Ciron.



Celia Pop-Up #2即将登场,这一次我们为您带来了来自于德国的令人意想不到的新声音。让我们一起在Ciron的引人入胜的演出中,体验极简、独立、House Breaks和电子音乐的融合。

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Hailing from the southwest of Germany, Ciron, also known as Ciarán, discovered the mesmerizing rhythms of electro at the age of sixteen. Initially, he created music solely for his personal enjoyment. However, after years of experience and practice, he found his unique style, whether in producing or DJing. Ciron's music embodies a perfect blend of old-school vibes, house elements, breaky beats, electro, and an indescribable groove. In his own words, "There is no genre—just sound. Sound beyond."


Ciron's deep-digging sounds emerge unexpectedly, taking the crowd on a captivating journey from the very beginning of his set. His music is always filled with delightful surprises and keeps the audience guessing. Drawing inspiration from the past, he strikes a delicate balance between technical finesse and sound aesthetics. Ciron knows precisely which knobs to turn to deliver an unforgettable sound experience to his audience.


Ciron - Zubat
Ciron - Aliftree
Ciron - Zelda Force

Apart from being the Founder of Yakuzi Records and organizing renowned off-location parties for the scene, Ciron acts as a connector, serving as a hub for cities all around. He has shared the stage with esteemed artists like Francesco Del Garda and tiNI, ultimately achieving the level he aspired to.

除了作为Yakuzi Records的创始人并组织着著名的非场地派对,Ciron还是一个连接者,为各个城市提供了一个枢纽。他曾与Francesco Del Garda和tiNI等知名艺术家同台演出,最终达到了他渴望到达的水平。

Having played across Europe for some time, Ciron has now decided to embark on his own journey to Asia, bringing his distinctive German sound to new audiences and seeking fresh inspiration for his career.


6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

But wait, that's not all! Celia's signature Nomade concept is making a comeback for one night only. The concept of a "life journey" is beautifully expressed through the music and the joy you will experience in this place. Prepare to be transported on a magical musical voyage by the Nomads.


6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

PRE SALE - 80 rmb 

DOOR - 100 rmb

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



6F, INS Fuxing Park,109 Yandang Road, Huangpu District Shanghai

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

21.00 - late

6月10 JUNE 10//CELIA pres. CIRON (YAKUZI RECORDS/DE) @PALYGROUND-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


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