2020/06/25中国新生代DJ# 小吴亦凡 #DJ ZERO-空降西安DEEP玩乐厂牌-2020/06/25New generation DJs in China#Xiao Wu Yifan#DJ zero airborne in Xi'an
DJZero - Here we go again (Original Mix).mp3进度条03:1200:00/03:12DJ-ZERO曾是一名POPPIN DANCER, 对音乐和酷酷的事物有着极高的敏感度,无意中的接触让他对DJ之夜产生了浓厚的兴趣-Dj-zero was a POPPIN DANCER,Very sensitive to music and cool things, An inadvertent encounter sparked his interest in DJ nights
As a new generation DJ in China, he always has a passion for music.With a humble attitude to study everywhere,He also performed as a guest at music festivals and clubs in several cities.Good image and solid foundation for his domestic accumulation of a large number of popularity.——
DJ-ZERO 爆炸音浪,上演全网最帅大碗宽面!6月25日晚12:00官方抖音同步直播-Dj-zero explodes, playing the most handsome bowl of wide noodles in the whole network!The official voice tiktok live in June 25th at 12:00 pm.