3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar
郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar 发布时间:2023-07-09 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

Disc Jockey(唱片骑师,DJ)从字面上可以简单理解为这是一个利用唱片制造声音的职业,他们是真正活在黑胶唱片上的一批人。黑胶文化对于DJ文化来说是一种密不可分的文化形式,在经历90年代的“Rare Groove运动”之后更能确定这一点。(Rare Groove是十分稀有难找的带有节奏感的黑人音乐黑胶碟,被有鉴赏力的DJ现场播放后,引起了业内人士的共鸣,让更多的人去二手唱片店寻找这些唱片,这些唱片也成为DJ们争相采样创造的素材。)

Disc Jockey (Disc Jockey, DJ) literally can be understood as a profession that makes use of recordings to make sounds, and they are the ones who really live on vinyl records. The black glue culture is an inseparable cultural form for DJ culture, which is more certain after the "Rare Groove movement" of the 1990s. (Rare Groove is very Rare and difficult to find a rhythm of black music black glue disc, is tasteful DJ scene play, caused the resonance of the personage inside course of study, let more people to used record store to find these records, these records also create material for DJS sampling.)

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

而Scratch,则意为刮,搓等这样的动词,是DJ操作上一种较高阶的技巧,通过奇特的音效来增加音乐的多变性。Scratch的神奇之处在于其音效完全是由DJ创作产生的一种音效,此时DJ不再是衔接歌曲的二次创作了,而进一步成为曲风的创作者。而如果我说Scratch DJ或许你有几分印象,但这也不是最准确的说法。最准确的、可以当成术语的说法,其实是Turntablist,可以翻译成唱盘手或者搓盘手。Turntablist意指用搓盘形式表演的DJ,也就是说Scratch DJ是对Turntablist的概念解释。

The verb "Scratch", which means "Scratch" or "rub", is a higher order technique for the DJ, which increases music's multiplicity through strange sound effects. The magic of Scratch is that its sound effect is a sound produced by a DJ, and the DJ is no longer a secondary creation of a connecting song, but a further songwriter. And if I say Scratch DJ maybe you've got the impression, but that's not the best way to say it. The most accurate version of the term is Turntablist, which can be translated into a turntable or a handball. Turntablist refers to a DJ who performs in the form of a disc, which means that the Scratch DJ is the concept of Turntablist.

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

这门艺术起源于1977年,由HIP-HOP先驱Grand Wizard Theodore偶然发明出来,曾有一段时间在HIP-HOP 中大量使用,而现在更常见于广受欢迎的电音。如今说唱音乐制作基本靠电子与新型鼓机,制作出来的音乐采样及搓碟音效也随之减少,但始终长流。

The art originated in 1977 and was accidentally invented by the hip-hop pioneer Grand Wizard Theodore, which was used extensively in hip-hop, and is now more common in popular electric sounds. Today, music is basically made by electronic and new drum machine, and music sampling and rubbing sound effects are reduced, but it is always flowing.

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


With the development of The Times, more and more DJS began to use computer software to play music, which meant that people would use the Internet to download music instead of buying records. It's easy to know that it's easy to find the music you want on the Internet, and it's inevitable that vinyl records as a form of solid record will disappear as a tradition. That's unfortunate, but that's the reality.

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


3月28日,玩乐大师日出文化特邀Scratch 大师 DJ RANDY & MC VIBE做客郑州奥斯卡,眼花撩乱的Scratch技巧现场诠释这位派对达人对舞池狂欢的独特理解,炸裂氛围即将直冲九天云霄。

In short in the digital album streaming of big situation, vinyl records the characteristics of the high cost of its complex lead to the continuous improvement of its collection threshold, not everyone playing "affordable" black glue, the feelings of "old players" has been the biggest cause of vinyl industry continues today. In the industry, some of the old Scratch guns that have persisted to this day are precious and worthy of our respect.

On March 28, to play the master invited Scratch DJ RANDY old cannons & MC VIBE at zhengzhou Oscar, no Scratch skills of liao road scene interpretation unique understanding to the dance party, the party atmosphere of the crack is nine days into the sky.

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


DJ RANDY从16岁开始接触和学习唱片机混音与磨盘,从业经历已经超过20年。还在校园读书的时候,年轻的RANDY就已经开始了自己的职业之旅。他从未停止过对演出技艺的提升与音乐构思的改善,参加了诸多国际化赛事并屡屡取得佳绩。2003年DJ RANDY在英国伦敦举办的MTV-Motorola DJ Mixing大赛中再次赢得冠军,之后便开始了他在"Pop!"club与英国DJ Groove Armada一起的工作。这些年DJ RANDY作为特邀嘉宾DJ活跃在全球许多大型演出中,在Party Animals中的口碑有目共睹。

DJ RANDY has been in touch with a record player since he was 16 years old and has been working on a disc for more than 20 years. While on campus, young RANDY began his career. He has never stopped the improvement of performance skills and the improvement of music. He has participated in many international competitions and has made great achievements. DJ RANDY in 2003 in London at the MTV - Motorola DJ Mixing contest to win the championship again, and then began his in "Pop!" Club is working with the British DJ Groove Armada. In recent years, DJ RANDY has been active in many large performances around the world as a guest DJ, and the reputation among Party Animals is obvious..

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar

3.28-AfterParty | Scratch Master DJ RANDY&MC VIBE @Dr.Oscar-郑州奥斯卡酒吧/玩乐大师DrOscar


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