CLUB TONIGHT的产品主理人Mr.Xu也表示说:
We are happy to present you the results of the DJANETOP TOP100 BEST Female DJs of 2021.
Thank you for supporting us in this voting. We are happy to make a real voting every year, with a clear system where each participant could see the number of votes given for them.
Every year many talents open up and we are happy to help them on the way to the top.

MANGO在2008年强势闯入DJ行业,2010年进入MC行业成为了一个优秀的女DJ/MC,2017年在百万人中,脱颖而出成为签约抖音平台官方艺人,抖音粉丝40W+获赞量达到565.8W.DJ MANGO一路走来收获无数派对FANS好评和赞赏,每一场派对都成就了她的魅力与潜能,曾多次受邀参加各大品牌发布会和各类音乐节现场。
MANGO broke into the DJ industry strongly in 2008, entered the MC industry in 2010 and became an excellent female DJ/MC. In 2017, among a million people, she stood out as the official artist of the signed Douyin platform. TikTok 40W+ fans,received 565.8W likes. DJ MANGO has received numerous party fans' praise and appreciation along the way. Each party has achieved her charm and potential. She has been invited to participate in major brand conferences and various music festivals many times.

DJ MANGO一路走来收获无数派对FANS好评和赞赏,每一场派对都成就了她的魅力与潜能,曾多次受邀参加各大品牌发布会和各类音乐节现场。MANGO喜欢研究不同的电子音乐风格,并自己潜心钻研打碟技巧与编排技术,使每到一处必定震撼全场让人留下深刻的印象,2012年至今为止已在国外和中国内地表演近百场演出。
DJ MANGO has come along and received praise and appreciation from countless party fans. Every party played to her charm and potential. Many times have been invited to participate in major brand conferences and various music festivals. MANGO likes to study different electronic music styles, focusing on his own DJ skills and arrangement skills, so every place he goes will definitely leave a deep impression on the audience. Since 2012, nearly 100 performances have been performed at home and abroad.
The powerful DJ coexisting with strength and sexiness gives the dance floor an unparalleled charm. Whether it is the control of the music rhythm or the mobilization of the dance floor atmosphere, each performance can easily detonate the PARTY scene.

厌倦了同质化的派对模式,脸谱化的舞台表演,流水线般的气氛爆点,想找寻没有被“套路”标签化的宝藏DJ.MANGO绝对是不二选择。“唱跳俱佳”、“爆发型全能选手”、“左可DJ右可MC”......当这些出现在同一个舞台上 你会发现娇小的女生手握着无穷尽的“宝藏”。
Tired of the homogenous party mode, the stage performance with facial makeup, and the streamlined atmosphere, if you want to find a treasure that has not been labeled as a "routine", DJ.MANGO is definitely the best choice. "Excellent singing and dancing", "Explosive all-around player", "Left to DJ, right to MC"... When these appear on the same stage, you will find petite girls holding endless treasures. ".
In the new generation of DJs, MANGO explained what it means to be "brilliant" with live shows. The unconstrained sense of music and rich field control experience are explosive and intense pleasures; being able to sing and dance, mixing and shouting, with ease in controlling the rich and diverse performance forms, is the soul reshaping of refreshing experience.
