T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

继10月30日首次落地呈现CLUB TONIGHT文化体验店后,我们即开始了徐州娱乐市场的O2O推广计划。
什么是O2O推广?简单的来说就是Online To Offline。线上宣传搭配线下的落地推广,如此的大动作,也仅仅是想让这座被称为“东方雅典”的千年古城,这一次真正的拥有一家媲美一线城市的潮流夜店而已。
After presenting the CLUB TONIGHT cultural experience store for the first time on October 30, we started the O2O promotion plan of Xuzhou entertainment market.
What is O2O promotion? In short, Online To Offline. Online promotion with offline promotion, such a big action, just want to let this city known as the "Oriental Athens" millennium old city, this time really have a comparable trend of nightclubs in first-tier cities.
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T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

11月20-21日CLUB TONIGHT走出城市,将推广工作拓展至五区八县,分别抵达:丰县,沛县,邳州市,萧县,砀山县。

娱乐不会因为地域或是距离的原因出现分化,T9 TONIGHT立志成为淮海经济区的娱业标杆,同时也愿为这个行业的发展和进步贡献一份微薄之力。

From November 20 to 21, CLUB TONIGHT will go out of the city and expand its promotion work to five districts and eight counties. 

The entertainment will not be divided due to the reasons of region or distance. T9 TONIGHT is determined to become the benchmark of the entertainment industry in Huaihai Economic Zone, and is willing to contribute to the development and progress of this industry.

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
CLUB TONIGHT开业在即,塑造娱乐是我们的责任和使命,我们也相信有能力为徐州这座城市的夜生活交出一份满意的答卷。
CLUB TONIGHT is opening soon, shaping entertainment is our responsibility and mission, we also believe that we have the ability to provide a satisfactory answer for the nightlife of xuzhou city.
At the same time, we sincerely invite the elite of the industry to join us in the entertainment industry.
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T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT
T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHTT9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT

T9 TONIGHT | 当酒吧打出O2O的组合拳,你还接的住几招?-徐州T9俱乐部/T9 CLUB TONIGHT


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