Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋

Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋

Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club

Rrose可以说是近年来最著名的科技电子音乐DJ,Live act, 多媒体声响艺术家。灵感来自于马塞尔·杜尚笔名“Rrose Selavy”的角色,他构建了一个以女性形象,跨越性别认识的现代电子音乐视听创作体系。在2018年11月,Konekt Asia将在灯笼呈现Rrose亚洲巡演北京站。

Rrose is arguably the most famous techno DJ, live act and multimedia sound artist in recent years. Inspired by a character constructed by Marcel Duchamp under the pseudonym of "Rrose Selavy", he constructed a modern electronic music audio-visual creation system with female images and across gender recognition. In November 2018, Konekt Asia will present Rrose in Lantern Beijing on Nov 17.


Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club
Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club
Nov.17th(Tonight)KONEKT Presents: RROSE (Eaux,Eotrax) 跨越性别的声响先锋-北京灯笼酒吧/Lantern Club


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