就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai

就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai

就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar



8月4日 @ Elevator Shanghai


Disco Nonsense

Dada Shanghai pop-up

就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Ozone's  Music Share

就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Let Me Love You for Tonight 就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Kariya - Let Me Love You for Tonight (1988)



Kariya的唱法谨慎,克制,但也有瞬间的激动。1988年的时候,大家都在用James Brown的鼓段来采样,但这首歌做得更微妙,更巧妙,而不是一股脑儿的堆砌进去。


Kariya - Let Me Love You for Tonight (1988)

This song bridges the gap between the Latin Freestyle sound and classic House music. It opens with a cheerful Rhodes piano melody, but then this devastating, broody moody baseline kicks in -- slow, sexy, melancholy -- creating a well-balanced emotional complexity. 

Kariya's vocals are cautious, restrained, but with moments of exhiliration. Everyone else was sampling James Brown drum breaks in 1988, but this track did it in subtle, useful way, instead of just throwing in it willy nilly.

Nuyorican Soul feat. Jocelyn Brown - It's Alright, I Feel It! (1997)

这首歌虽然是1997年发行的,但它有种超越时代的韵味,听起来像是60年代,70年代或80年代的作品。这首歌其实是由"Little" Louie Vega和Kenny "Dope" Gonzalez制作的,乐队是现场伴奏的。这首歌本质上是一首福音歌曲。虽然歌曲长达9分钟,但其中有很多空白的休息部分,既有高潮又有低谷,动态的升降变化让人欲罢不能。每次听都让我激动得起鸡皮疙瘩。


Nuyorican Soul feat. Jocelyn Brown - It's Alright, I Feel It! (1997)

Yes, it came out in 1997, but it's got that timeless sound, it could have been 60s, 70s or 80s. Actually produced by "Little" Louie Vega and Kenny "Dope" Gonzalez, but the instruments are a live band. It's really a gospel song.  It's almost 9 minutes long, but there's long breaks, peaks and valleys, rising cresendos and big drops, so 9 minutes go by and you just want to play it again. Gives me goosebumps every time.

Los Ninos Del Parque 就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Two of China - Los Ninos Del Parque (1986)

这是一首由意大利乐队翻唱的德国歌曲,乐队的名字是法语(Liaisons Dangereuses,1981年),歌词是西班牙语。完全不清楚为什么乐队会叫"Two of China"。

这首歌通常被归类为意大利Disco,但它实际上更接近EBM / 工业音乐(原曲是由DAF的一员共同创作的)。其实,原版的感觉更嗨,但录音质量实在是太差了,在夜店里放起来效果不好。我特别喜欢这首歌混合的黑暗,肮脏的声音,再加上一点幽默感。


Two of China - Los Ninos Del Parque (1986)

This Italian cover version of a German band with a French name (Liaisons Dangereuses, 1981), with Spanish lyrics. No idea why the band is called "Two of China". 

It oftens gets categorized as Italo Disco, but it's really EBM / Industrial music (the original song was co-written by the guy from DAF, so there you go). Actually, the original is more fun, but the recording quality was so bad, it's hard to play in a club. Love the dark, dirty sounds mixed with a touch of humor on this song.

就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar

Previous 80s Disco Night

DJ OZONE @ Dada Shanghai, May 2023


就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar

DJ Ozone来自美国旧金山,专注于发掘各种80年代的原版黑胶唱片—经典的80年代 synth-pop, Italo disco,post-punk,old school hip hop 和 electro。


不严肃,不做作,不故弄玄虚,充满人情味—他返璞归真的音乐哲学无疑让听众耳目一新。加州本土音乐电台DJ出身的Ozone 从2003年起便开始混迹并活跃于中国地下音乐圈—他是上海著名音乐厂牌Antidote(解毒剂)的创始人之一,曾与上百位来自世界各地的DJ、乐队和音乐人们在亚洲各地巡演。

2005—2007年,他效力于上海传奇夜店唐会和 4—Live。而后于2009年和2012年在北京上海先后创办了Dada酒吧,它们在各自城市都多次被评为“最佳酒吧”—而2020年又将 Dada创办到了昆明。DJ Ozone还于2019年在中国20个城市以及蒙古国和哈萨克斯坦进行了个人巡演活动。

DJ Ozone迄今为止最骄傲的时刻,是在小学五年级的时候赢得了纸飞机比赛。他精心制作的纸飞机飞得比六年级的纸飞机还远。


DJ Ozone (San Francisco) plays all original, vinyl records, from the 1980s. It's fun, silly, carefree party music -- 80s synth-pop, Italo disco, boogie funk, post-punk, old school hip-hop and electro, funk and soul, and lots of cheese cheese cheese. Ozone’s approach is to let the songs play -- not making elaborate mixes or using too many effects. In a time of trendy computer DJs with automatic edits and beat-matching software, it's refreshing to hear a human touch -- just great songs, nothing serious, played raw and fresh as ever.

Starting as a radio DJ in California, Ozone has been involved with the China music scene since 2003, co-founding The Antidote nights in Shanghai, then touring around China and Asia with hundreds of DJs, bands, and recording artists from China and from around the world. He managed the bookings at Shanghai's legendary Tang Hui and 4-Live clubs (2005-2007) before opening clubs Dada Shanghai in 2009 and Dada Beijing in 2012 -- both have been awarded "best club"  in their cities many times -- and Dada Kunming in 2020. In 2019, DJ Ozone did a tour playing 20 cities around China, plus Mongolia and Kazakhstan.

DJ Ozone's proudest moment so far, was winning a paper airplane contest in the 5th grade, elementary school. His well-crafted paper airplane flew farther than even the 6th grades planes.



 门票:80rmb 含一杯shot 

Again,this is our Pop-up Event @ Elevator

Don't run to the wrong place!

 Address: B1, 265 Nan Dan Dong Lu 

 Ticket:  80 rmb with a shot, at the door 

就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar
就是今天!8月4日 - Ozone's 80s Disco Pop-Up 后会可能无期 @ Elevator Shanghai-上海DADA酒吧/DADA bar


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