9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



Fur Coat has been at the forefront of the electronic music scene for the past decade, steadily building his reputation as a producer, DJ and label owner (Øddity Records).

Fur Coat 在过去十年中一直处于电子音乐界的最前沿,稳步建立了他作为制作人、DJ 和厂牌所有者(Øddity Records)的声誉。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

The Fur Coat story begins with a passion for making music. Hailing from Venezuela with Chilean heritage Sergio Muñoz (artist name Fur Coat) made the bold move to Europe, to get closer to the source of the sound in his mind. Taking Barcelona’s thriving and creative scene an inspiration Fur Coat's music goes from strength to strength, never standing still. Sergio knows that great music, particularly electronic, is all about exploration and constantly striving to push your personal musical vision forwards.

Fur Coat 的故事始于对音乐创作的热情。来自委内瑞拉、拥有智利血统的Sergio Muñoz(艺名Fur Coat)渴望更接近他心中的声音之源,大胆移居到欧洲。Fur Coat 的音乐以巴塞罗那蓬勃发展和创意十足的景象为灵感,不断壮大,永不停滞。Sergio深知伟大的音乐,尤其是电子音乐都在于探索以及不断推动个人的音乐向前发展。

Early recognition of Fur Coat's talent quickly resulted in debut album'Mind Over Matter' for renowned label Crosstown Rebels. It is evident even from this early stage that the Fur Coat sound isn’t just about the big dance-floor moments - there is something much deeper with a focus on sonic architecture unconstrained by genres - evolution fused with a creative freedom to express.

Fur Coat’s sound continued to develop and thrive putting his name firmly on the map. Hot Creations came calling with the resultant dark edgy ’There’s No Time’ EP drawing key DJ support, featuring on John Digweed’s Live In Miami. The next significant step was an acclaimed CD mix debut for the revered Balance Presents series, introducing Fur Coat to an even wider audience with ‘U Turn’ and ‘Monday' catapulted into major record boxes, dropped by Tales Of Us at Timewarp and Solomun in his Tulum Boiler Room set.


Fur Coat 的才华很快得到认可,他为著名唱片公司 Crosstown Rebels 制作了首张专辑“Mind Over Matter”。即使从早期阶段也能明显看出,Fur Coat 声音不仅仅局限于大型舞池音乐,还有更深层的东西——专注于不受流派限制的声音结构 - 进化与表达的创意自由融合在一起。

Fur Coat 的音乐不断发展和繁荣,使他的名字牢牢地留在了大家脑海中。Hot Creations 带来了黑暗前卫的《There's No Time》EP,吸引了主要 DJ 的支持,并在 John Digweed 的 Live In Miami 中被推荐。下一个重要的里程碑是备受推崇的 Balance Presents 系列CD 混音首秀,这将 Fur Coat 有了更广泛的受众群体,其中《U Turn》和《Monday》被视作主要唱片,由 Tales Of Us 在 Timewarp and Solomun 在Tulum Boiler Room中发行。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Never standing still Fur Coat is a true electronic pioneer, his soul wrapped in analogue warmth. With an obsession for studio gear and innovation he’s an avid collector of synths, pedals and plugins. Of course the tools of Fur Coats trade aren't just for show or gathering dust in the studio. Sitting amongst this vast array of analogue gear is where Fur Coat is most comfortable creating, when not lost in his musical journey behind the CDJs. Genres can be constraining - although the Fur Coat sound can be tagged as melodic techno, his vision also extends to breaks and indie influences to electronic, ambient and everything in between.

永不停滞的 Fur Coat 是一位真正的电子先驱,他的灵魂包裹着模拟的温暖。由于对工作室设备和创新的痴迷,他是合成器、踏板和插件的狂热收藏家。他的设备显然不是仅供陈列展示或在工作室里吃灰。每当 Fur Coat 从CDJ机中找寻到自己时,他也更喜欢坐在这些大量的模拟设备中。流派可能会受到限制,尽管 Fur Coat 声音可以被标记为Melodic Techno,但他的视野也延伸到electronic, ambient 和介于两者之间的一切的音乐风格。

Sweet Berries 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Alter Ego 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Celestial Realm 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tomb Raider 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Breathe 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Sun 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Big remixes of Stephan Bodzin’s ‘Sungam' and Ruede Hagelstein ’Soul Diynamic’ saw a deep expansive transition in sound led to another key moment with the four track ‘U Turn EP’ for Crosstown Rebels a mainstay for Tale of Us and featuring on Radio 1’s Essential Selection. His remix of melodic techno classic ‘Virgo’ led to the four track ‘Katarsis EP’ for UK legend dance Sasha and his mammoth Last Night On Earth. It's fair to say that the Fur Coat name now features in every important DJs playlist. ‘Orbital’ on Øddity was a highlight of Mind Against Cercle stream, ‘Ancient Stories’ from the Time Traveler EP is the Øddity best seller on Beatport and the ‘Ethereal EP’ for Systematic saw heavy rotation from Pryda, Tale Of Us, Adriatique, Mind Against, Kölsch and many more.

Stephan Bodzin 的《Sungam》和 Ruede Hagelstein 的《Soul Diynamic》的大型混音版在声音方面发生了深刻而广阔的转变,导致了另一个关键时刻,Crosstown Rebels 的四首曲目《U Turn EP》成为了 Tale of Us 的支柱,并在 Radio 1 上作为基本选择亮相。他对旋律科技经典歌曲《Virgo》进行混音,为英国传奇舞蹈 Sasha 和伟作《Last Night On Earth》制作了四首歌曲《Katarsis EP》。公平地说,Fur Coat 这个名字现在出现在每个重要的 DJ 播放列表中。Øddity 上的“Orbital”是 Mind Against Cercle 流的一大亮点,Time Traveller EP 中的“Ancient Stories”是 Beatport 上 Øddity 的畅销之作,而 Systematic 的“Ethereal EP”则大量轮换来自 Pryda、Tale Of Us、Adriatique、 Mind Against、Kölsch 等等。

Taking a selective approach to remixes has seen Fur Coat rework Röyksopp, WhoMadeWho and Sasha. Recent remixes of Eli & Fur (Anjunadeep), D-Nox & Beckers (Balance), Zoo Brazil (Balance Music), 8Kays & Diane Miro (Atlant) all demonstrate a variety in approach - always adding something different and a fresh perspective.

Fur Coat 对 Röyksopp、WhoMadeWho 和 Sasha 进行了选择性混音。Eli & Fur (Anjunadeep)、D-Nox & Beckers (Balance)、Zoo Brazil (Balance Music)、8Kays & Diane Miro (Atlant) 最近的这些混音都展示了多种方法——总是添加一些不同的东西和新鲜的视角。

A New Coat 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Days Away 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Missing Link 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
In Our Town 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
State of Trance 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Ancient Stories 9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Turning our lens back to originals there has been further recognition for EPs including Dystopia (Renaissance), In Our Town (Balance), Parallel Reality (Systematic), Pandora ́s Dream (Øddity). A collaborative approach has also seen Fur Coat work with the likes Avidus, Hunter/Game, Alfa Romero and Julian Wassermann.Fur Coat has been in regular demand for Systematic, Last night On Earth, Watergate Records, Balance, Anjunadeep, Just This and Atlant, as well as Øddity Records - the label Sergio created in 2017 as a vehicle for key Fur Coat releases as well as the latest freshest innovative sounds of friends, musical peers and new artists.

让我们再回归正题,他的EP不断得到进一步的认可,包括《Dystopia》(Renaissance)、《In Our Town》(Balance)、《Parallel Reality》(Systematic)、《Pandora’s dream》(Øddity)。Fur Coat 还与 Avidus、Hunter/Game、Alfa Romero 和 Julian Wassermann 等合作。Fur Coat 一直受到 Systematic、Last night On Earth、Watergate Records、Balance、Anjunadeep、Just This 和 Atlant 以及 Øddity Records的定期需求(Øddity Records是Sergio 在 2017 年创建的厂牌,汇集了朋友、音乐同行和新艺术家的最新、最新鲜的创新声音)

Øddity Records has kept the Fur Coat sound at the forefront of the global electronic scene, as well as being the opportunity to give something back, breaking new exciting upcoming talent alongside more established artists for a perfect balance. Growing to over 30 releases so far Øddity is owned and curated by Sergio who keeps pushing for new sounds with an emphasis on top quality releases and the very best in music, art and mastering. Across the many Øddity highlights are releases and tracks from Coeus, Avidus, Undercatt, Mathame, Marc Romboy, Hunter/Game, Colyn, Soel, Gardens of God, BOg, Tiefschwarz, Moonwalk, Lexer, Julian Wassermann, Raphael Mader, Massano, Yotam Avni, VNTM, Alex Preda, Oliver Winters, Øostil and Heîk to name just a few . With such an array of talent Øddity releases now ride high in the Beatport charts, including the annual Odd Echoes VA which is now on its 5th edition.

Øddity Records 使 Fur Coat 声音保持在全球电子场景的最前沿,这同时也提供了一些新机会,将很多新人和成熟的艺术家融合到一起,以实现完美的平衡。迄今为止,Øddity 已发行超过 30 个唱片,由 Sergio 拥有和策划,他不断推动新的声音,重点是高品质的版本以及音乐、艺术和母带处理方面的最佳作品。Øddity 的众多亮点包括 Coeus、Avidus、Undercatt、Mathame、Marc Romboy、Hunter/Game、Colyn、Soel、Gardens of God、BOg、Tiefschwarz、Moonwalk、Lexer、Julian Wassermann、Raphael Mader、Massano、Yotam Avni、VNTM、Alex Preda、Oliver Winters、以及Øostil 和 Heîk 。凭借如此多才华横溢的艺术家们,Øddity 厂牌现在在 Beatport 排行榜上名列前茅,其中包括年度 Odd Echoes VA,现已推出第五版。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

After a series of major EPs is was time for Fur Coat to capture just how far his sound has matured with ‘Polyphony' his second full album released on the legendary Renaissance in 2020. ‘Polyphony’ was the perfect opportunity for Sergio to stretch and explore artistically across 12 intelligent and experimental tracks filled with beauty and emotion. This deeply personal album takes the Fur Coat sound deeper then ever before across areas from breaks to ambient to melodic techno to the big indie influenced vocal tracks that give a nod to to early Fur Coat roots and encompass the experience of playing on major stages across the globe. Sergio’s soul is there for all to see across the deep grooves, twists, turns and big dance-floor moments we’ve come to expect and cherish. The LP also features works made alongside Hunter/Game, Running Pine, Julian Wassermann, Sly Faux and Delhia De France.

在一系列主要 EP 之后,Fur Coat 是时候通过《Polyphony》来展现他的音乐成熟度,他的第二张完整专辑于 2020 年传奇的文艺复兴时期发行。《Polyphony》是 Sergio 延伸和探索的绝佳机会,12首音乐都是充满美感和情感的充满智慧和实验性的艺术曲目。这张非常个人化的专辑将 Fur Coat 的声音表现得比以往任何时候都更深入,涵盖了从breaks、ambient、到melodic techno、到 big indie,这些曲目向早期的 Fur Coat 根源致敬,并涵盖了在全球各大舞台上演奏的体验。Sergio的灵魂让所有人都能在我们期待和珍惜的deep grooves, twists, turns等舞池步伐。该唱片还收录了 Hunter/Game、Running Pine、Julian Wassermann、Sly Faux 和 Delhia De France 合作的作品。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Very much in demand as a DJ with a busy schedule Fur Coat can be seen across Europe each weekend with regular dates in the diary at the likes of Extrema Outdoor, WeCanDance, DGTL, Fabric in London, Watergate, Rex Club Paris, Hive Zurich and Pacha Barcelona. Fur Coat sets are all about creating a journey for the listener founded on melody creativity and taking you through a range of emotions.

Fur Coat can also seen on Tour throughout the year in North and South America playing at top festivals like Coachella, Lightning in a Bottle and Ultra and at iconic clubs like Space Miami, Spybar, Stereo, Warung, D- Edge, Crobar, as well as extensive tours across Asia and Australia.

作为日程繁忙的 DJ,Fur Coat 每个周末都会在欧洲各地出现,并定期在 Extrema Outdoor、WeCanDance、DGTL、Fabric in London、Watergate、Rex Club Paris、Hive Zurich 和Pacha Barcelona。Fur Coat 的音乐旨在为听众创造一段基于旋律创造力的旅程,并带我们经历一系列情感。Fur Coat 还全年在北美和南美巡演,在 Coachella、Lightning in a Bottle 和 Ultra 等顶级音乐节以及 Space Miami、Spybar、Stereo、Warung、D-Edge、Crobar 等标志性俱乐部中亮相,也横跨亚洲和澳大利亚的进行巡演。所有这一切都把我们带到了 Westergasfabriek——更广为人知的名字是阿姆斯特丹的工业无柱室变成了独特的活动空间 Gashouder,Fur Coat 在这里与 20 人的管弦乐队一起现场表演原创作品,视觉效果令人惊叹,巨大的铁屋顶下还有大型照明设备。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

All of this brings us to Westergasfabriek - better knows as Amsterdam’s industrial pillar-less chamber turned unique event space Gashouder, where Fur Coat performed originals live alongside a 20 piece orchestra with amazing visuals and a large scale lighting rig under the huge iron roof. The journey from those early stage productions on limited software in a Venezuelan bedroom, to a BBC Radio 1 Essential mix and Balance CD to an event on such a big scale really encapsulates just how far Fur Coat has come.

The future possibilities are endless.

从委内瑞拉的小卧室中使用有限软件进行的早期制作,到 BBC Radio 1 Essential mix 和 Balance CD,再到如今如此大规模的活动,这一路历程概括了 Fur Coat 至今所取得的进步。他的未来的还具有无限可能!



9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

LINA K [Techno Train]

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



东京Y2K女王 DJ N ²

9/09 SAT.(★★)

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

9月9号,SYSTEM邀请到了东京夜生活的核心人物之一,最近备受关注,热度满满的DJ N²,这位HYPERPOP公主和她的派对KYUN DESU作为东京当下时髦派对美学的最新缔造者,集合了一群在审美上志同道合的DJ,表演艺术家和创意人士,受到了来自VOGUE,DAZED,sabukaru.online等众多知名媒体的关注和青睐。当DJ N²登上DJ台时,任何一丝懈怠的气息都将不复存在,这也是为什么一批又一批东京的俊男靓女们愿意涌入这迷幻冗杂的猩黑中,当晚SYSTEM二楼的MIMI浴池空间,将以全女子力阵容为动源,带给大家一个氤氲旖旎的靡靡世界,呈现派对应有的华丽与光艳꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱ ꒰๑'ꀾ'๑꒱


On September 9, SYSTEM hosts one of the core figures in Tokyo's underground scene, DJ N², the recently noticed and trendy DJ, the HYPERPOP princess and her oh-so-popular party 'KYUN DESU' as the latest creators of Tokyo's current trendy party, bringing together a group of aesthetically like-minded DJS, performance artists and creatives. Vogue, DAZED, sabukaru.online and many other well-known media attention and love when DJ N² hit the DJ stage, any hint of slack will disappear, which is why Tokyo's handsome men and women are willing to pour into this psychedelic black. That night, SYSTEM MIMI pool space on the 3.5th floor will be drive energy from the all-female DJs lineup, bringing you a steamy and decadent world, presenting the gorgeousness and brilliance of the party.

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

【MIMI浴池限定】Dress Code 

109辣妹,亮晶晶,五彩斑斓~ 请勇于展现自己的美丽,任何性别/外型的桎梏都将被破除。




9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

()(★ ω ★)

社群的友好氛围和个体安全是我们一贯最重视的,在system,每个个体都会受到欢迎,如果您在派对现场遭受歧视,骚扰,或者目睹了任何偏差行为,可立即与场内的工作人员联系,我们会在第一时间提供保护,帮助与支持 (`ω*) ╰_ ╯


Dress Code | 109 gan guro, sparkly & gorgeous ~ Don't be afraid to show your glamour, any gender/physical restrictions will be broken.

There will be a "gan guro contest" on site, the winner selected by SYSTEM jury will get 1,000 rmb hottie fund!

In addition, three Angels will receive free drink tickets and Queerest on Saturday, September 16th! Free enterence at the SYSTEM special event!

Regarding the party vibe, SYSTEM custom bath towels will be sold in MIMI pool area.

()(★ ω ★)

In SYSTEM, we value friendly community atmosphere and individual safety, every individual will be welcomed, if you suffered from discrimination, harassment, or witnessed any deviation, please contact our staff immediately, we will provide protection, help and support (`ω*) ╰_ ╯

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


DJ N²是Kyun Desu的创始人和组织者。

Kyun desu是俚语,意思是看到可爱的东西时感到兴奋。kyun desu是一群志同道合的dj和艺术家的集合,作为东京前卫派对美学的语言构造体,他们共同分享来自Y2K美学,Hyperpop音乐,和最新科技趋势对彼此的影响和对美丽未来的展望,这个充满着珠光宝气和霓虹色彩的组织在短短不到半年的时间一跃成为了东京时下最in的派对,一票难求,但其浮华表面背后的信息是革命性的,DJ N²希望将派对的商业性和艺术性彻底区分,在一个一切都被策划得毫不费力的,轻松愉快舒适的享乐主义氛围中重新探讨审美自由的可能性,诚实地面对自己和自己真正喜爱的东西。


DJ N² is the founder and organizer of Kyun Desu, which is slang for the excitement you get at seeing something cutesy. Kyun Desu is a collective of like-minded DJs and artists that share a love for Y2K aesthetics, hyperpop, techno, and cyber trends. This bejeweled and neon group hosts events and curates playlists, but the message behind it is what’s revolutionary: Naoka wants to separate the business side of parties from the artistic side and promote freedom of expression in an environment where everything is curated to look effortless and palatable. Being honest with what you like is what brings Kyun Desu together.

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

在闪烁的频闪灯之外,N²是无尽的永恒夏天,粉色的秀发和闪闪发光的绿色森林的奇妙混合物,就像存在于现实生活中的BratzDoll一样,她相信时尚和音乐的紧密内在联系,在接受著名线上文化推广平台sabukaru.online的专访时,她论及自己如何在音乐圈迅速创造自己的世界,令人印象深刻。大约两年前,DJ N²的现任经纪人注意到她的音乐天赋,从一名前乐队成员,到在六本木著名的One Oak俱乐部进行首场DJ演出,她的发展非常迅速。


Beyond the glimmer of strobe lights, N² is a wonderful concoction of sparkling green forests, endless summers, and pink hair. Like a real-life Bratz Doll, she believes that fashion and music are inherently connected, and she has told the sabukaru network that her recent favs are Alice Longyu Gao and Donatachi. Mixing playfulness with community, N2 and Kyun Desu are creating a new space for creativity, equality, safe partying, and brand new artists budding from Tokyo.

it’s impressive how quickly she created a world for herself in the music scene. She began performing around two years ago when her current manager noticed her musical talent. Jumping from being a former band member to DJing at the famous club One Oak in Roppongi for her first set, her evolution was swift.

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

9.9 Friday 


Tokyo Y2K Storm + Raspberry Techno

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧







01:00-02:30 DJ N² 



00:00-02:00 KONGBB

02:00-Late BenNRG



22:00-23:30 Tys 

23:30-01:00 Marcos Godoy 

01:00-03:00 Fur Coat 

03:00-Late Lina K 

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


OliOli - 自2018年移居上海后,作为新生代的 New Club DJ 的她在更多元化的派对场景中展露头角。她曾支持过 Sega Bodega、011668&S280F、Toxe 等音乐人的中国巡演。白天邋遢慵懒贪睡,夜晚开启特殊技能后能让人沉醉在舞池氛围中而不知归路。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



果女GOGO就像你上学时期班上捉摸不透的酷女孩。不好说果粒女友到底是让人快乐还是震惊 真恐怖!也有可能二者兼具?

喜欢垃圾食品,热衷向世界发送t裤包裹 ,从小就爱混迹于各种地下音乐现场。有目击者称:果女出生时天空竟然传来一声强烈刺耳的电吉他噪音!她擅长使用魔法和芭比娃娃的闪亮混合物制作腥辣樱桃味的歌曲^_−☆ 使用丁字裤和超短裙发起性感攻击!没有人可以忽视这一款可食用焦糖梦幻果粒女友~ 

与次世代同龄人一样,果女听的音乐十分自我又千奇百怪。从各种硬核Hardcore、独立另类摇滚开始,之后又疯狂迷恋ACG音乐、赛车eurobeat、音游音乐,再后来开始接触到了digital hardcore和各种先锋实验电子乐。


9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


你感受过叛逆女孩的心思吗?迷人、辛辣、俏皮却又难以猜测。贝儿作为一位新生DJ,她的音乐风格从Deconstructed Club到House再到华语流行,多元的曲风如同女孩的心思一般令人着迷入魔。已经在BAIHUI发布过DJ Set的她,哪怕只是微醺,也能让你在她的音乐中感受呼吸在交互之间的迷恋。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


在喧嚣城市中,我是个性鬼马的音符猎人 (•̀ᴗ•́)و✧。音乐对我来说,是城市街头的秘密巷弄,充满了好奇和未知。我沉浸在节奏的迷宫中,如同追逐彩虹般 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧。每一个音符都是一扇神秘的门,我轻敲它,探索城市的魔法。音乐,让我如鱼得水,用欢笑和节拍,在城市的舞台上自由翩跹。


9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


长期生活在西班牙的kongbb选是当地知名LAZYBOYS派对主理人,并且长期主持马德里社区电台Radio Relativa的节目Lazyboys Radio, 致力推广中国的音乐人和DJ, 邀请各地的艺人们录制混音带并在节目中播放。旅西时期做为Cha Chá Team的驻场DJ,曾与Ms Nina, King Doudou, Merca Bae, Louis Me, Mike Q, MC Buzzz, Mina等艺人同台演出。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


VOID 常驻 DJ、404 活动创始人,HīNRG,acid,techno 的忠实粉丝。来自伦敦的Ben NRG 在其家乡运营着 False Persona,Donny Rotten 与 Fiesta Soundsystem钟爱的唱片厂牌:Green House。曾为 Chaos in the CBD,DJ Boring与Skream等音乐人暖场。其身份从仓库派对与秘密 Rave 场所的组织者到演出嘉宾,Ben NRG 已然成为英国俱乐部场景中的熟悉面孔,上海则是他下一个目标。

9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧








9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
9.9 // Raspberry Techno x Tokyo Y2K Storm @System-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


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