9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

上东区名媛 MODE 开启!你是否曾经梦想过成为《绯闻女孩》中上东区的一员,参与到精彩纷呈的绯闻故事中?现在,机会来了!我们诚挚邀请您加入我们的绯闻女孩之夜!这将会是一场奢华、时尚的派对,无数令人心动的时刻,即将发生...

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

OUPPER EAST SIDE socialite MODE is now open! Have you ever dreamed of becoming a part of the Upper East Side community in "Gossip Girl," and be a part of the exciting and fascinating scandals that come with it? Well, your chance has arrived! We cordially invite you to join us for our Gossip Girl Night! This will be a luxurious and fashionable party, filled with countless moments that will take your breath away...

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind




 #1OAK  #1OAKGossipGirl 

发布任一社交平台,可换 1 张买一送一酒券 (仅限特定款)。

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

We have prepared two special activities for the event night:1. "BFF Special Drink": Take a photo with your best friend wearing headbands, post it on any social media platform with the hashtags #1OAK #1OAKGossipGirl, and you can exchange it for one buy-one-get-one-free drink voucher (featuring Upper East Side special blend).2. "Anonymous Gossip Box": Write down any gossip, rumors, or juicy stories from your life and submit them to the gossip box anonymously. You will receive one buy-one-get-one-free drink voucher (for specific selections) in return.Please note that these activities are only valid during the event night. Let's enjoy this luxurious and stylish party together, filled with exciting moments!

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

着装建议:任何发箍元素提到《绯闻女孩》的招牌时尚单品,绝对少不了 Queen B 的各式发箍!在 Queen B 的满分演绎下,发箍成为了精致、优雅、自信、甜美可爱的代名词。

此外发箍也是绝对的百搭单品,条纹发箍英伦复古、丝巾发箍精致优雅、细发箍女王味十足。派对当晚,你会选择哪种款式呢?如果患上了选择困难症,Queen B 将会是你最好的老师!

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

Dress code suggestion: Incorporate any headband element. As they say, "One headband to rule them all," mentioning the iconic fashion item from "Gossip Girl," Queen B's various headbands are an absolute essential! With Queen B's flawless interpretation, headbands have become synonymous with sophistication, elegance, confidence, and sweetness.

Moreover, headbands are incredibly versatile accessories. Striped headbands exude a British vintage vibe, silk scarf headbands embody exquisite elegance, and thin headbands exude a queenly aura. Which style would you choose for the party night? If you find yourself struggling with the decision, Queen B will be your best teacher!

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind


Operation Hours

周三/周日  WED/SUN

22:30 - Late Night

*Lounge Night 


(2nd floor bar and private rooms open)



22:30 - Late Night

*Club Night  

(全部开放 All areas open)



添加 1 OAK SH Front desk


Scan the code below to

add 1 OAK SH Front Desk

 for reservations 

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

我们鼓励参加派对活动的客人,遵循我们建议的着装标准 (Dress Code):女士穿着时尚/不穿拖鞋入场;男士休闲正装/不穿短裤背心拖鞋入场。

We encourage guests attending party events to follow our recommended dress code: Ladies should wear fashionable attire and no slippers, while gentlemen should wear casual formal attire and no shorts, tank tops, or slippers. 

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

🎱 9.08 | 欢迎来到 Hip-Hop 复古之夜!本周五,我们将时间回播到 2014-2018年,无数经典 Hip-hop 旋律将为你上演一出节奏回忆杀,让你重新感受那些令人难以抗拒的经典旋律!

Welcome to the Retro Hip-Hop Night! This Friday, we will rewind the clock back to 2014-2018, where countless classic hip-hop tunes will take you on a nostalgic journey. Get ready to relive those irresistible beats and experience the unforgettable melodies once again!

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind

📚 9.09 | 新学期新气象,1 OAK 夜校开学了!我们欢迎所有叛逆,热爱享乐的“坏孩子”们,本学期课程围绕如何在酒桌“千杯不倒”,舞池“舞力全开”,展开深入的理论和实践研究,希望各位都能学有所成。这个周五~周六,准备好 BACK TO SCHOOL(放学别走!) 

The new semester brings a new atmosphere, and 1 OAK Night School is now open! We welcome all rebellious, pleasure-seeking "bad kids" to join us. This semester's curriculum focuses on the in-depth theoretical and practical studies of how to hold your ground at the drinking table and unleash your dance skills on the dance floor. We hope that everyone will learn and grow from this experience. Get ready for an exciting weekend from Friday to Saturday as we say, "BACK TO SCHOOL (Don't leave after class)!"

9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind
9.7|GOSSIP GIRL NIGHT 绯闻女孩之夜-上海1OAK酒吧/OneOfAKind


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