欢迎来到 Hip-Hop 复古之夜!无数经典 Hip-hop 旋律将为你上演一出节奏回忆杀,让你重新感受那些令人难以抗拒的经典旋律!
Welcome to Retro Hip-Hop Night! Countless classic hip-hop melodies will be performed, taking you on a nostalgic journey of rhythm and memories. Get ready to rediscover those irresistible classic tunes that are hard to resist!
本次嘻哈复古之夜,让我们把时针回拨到 2014 ~ 2018 年,无论是 J. Cole 的《2014 Forest Hills Drive》、Drake的《Hotline Bling》、Kendrick Lamar的《HUMBLE.》Kanye West 的 《The Life Of Pablo》 还是Travis Scott 的 《ASTROWORLD》,都将带领我们回到那个充满能量和创意的时代!
In this Retro Hip-Hop Night, let's turn back the clock to the years 2014-2018. Whether it's J. Cole's "2014 Forest Hills Drive," Drake's "Hotline Bling," Kendrick Lamar's "HUMBLE.," Kanye West's "The Life Of Pablo," or Travis Scott's "ASTROWORLD," they will all transport us back to that era filled with energy and creativity!
着装建议:嘻哈风。金链闪烁、帽子斜带、西海岸复古宽松、高街时尚、甚至是最极致的 「YE」 风我们都完全欢迎。在这场派对上,展现出你内心的嘻哈态度,自由自在地表达自己就是唯一的准则!
Dress code suggestion: Hip-hop style. Shimmering gold chains, hats worn at an angle, relaxed and vintage West Coast vibes, high street fashion, and even the most extreme "YE" style are all warmly welcomed. At this party, show off your inner hip-hop attitude and express yourself freely—being true to yourself is the only rule!
Operation Hours
周三/周日 WED/SUN
22:30 - Late Night
*Lounge Night
(2nd floor bar and private rooms open)
22:30 - Late Night
*Club Night
(全部开放 All areas open)
添加 1 OAK SH Front desk
Scan the code below to
add 1 OAK SH Front Desk
for reservations
我们鼓励参加派对活动的客人,遵循我们建议的着装标准 (Dress Code):女士穿着时尚/不穿拖鞋入场;男士休闲正装/不穿短裤背心拖鞋入场。
We encourage guests attending party events to follow our recommended dress code: Ladies should wear fashionable attire and no slippers, while gentlemen should wear casual formal attire and no shorts, tank tops, or slippers.
📚 9.09 | 新学期新气象,1 OAK 夜校开学了!我们欢迎所有叛逆,热爱享乐的“坏孩子”们,本学期课程围绕如何在酒桌“千杯不倒”,舞池“舞力全开”,展开深入的理论和实践研究,希望各位都能学有所成。这个周五~周六,准备好 BACK TO SCHOOL(放学别走!)
The new semester brings a new atmosphere, and 1 OAK Night School is now open! We welcome all rebellious, pleasure-seeking "bad kids" to join us. This semester's curriculum focuses on the in-depth theoretical and practical studies of how to hold your ground at the drinking table and unleash your dance skills on the dance floor. We hope that everyone will learn and grow from this experience. Get ready for an exciting weekend from Friday to Saturday as we say, "BACK TO SCHOOL (Don't leave after class)!"