台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB 发布时间:2023-09-23 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)


Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB


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一场万圣派对向我们打开窥探精神病人梦境的窗户。进入WOO电梯打开的瞬间,刺眼的腥红迷乱你的视觉,10.30-31 Halloween Theme party由“精神科医师”“精神病人”、“疯子”、“艺术家”共同构建颠覆你精神的大脑SPA。

What is the "psycho world" like?A Halloween party opens a window into the dreams of a psychopath. The moment the elevator opens, the dazzling red confuse your vision. The Halloween Theme party consists of "psychiatrists", "mental patients", "madmen" and "artists" to create a brain SPA that overturns your spirit.

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB


Special for professional special effects makeup artists, instant pull full sense of ceremony, Halloween theme makeup by them like surgical layer suture, on the body.

当夜幕降临WOO用盛大的主题秀引爆万圣夜,神秘的氛围蔓延全场。THIS IS NEW SHIT唱出来自深渊的邀约,面对现实吧,全新的一天永远不会来了。

When night falls, WOO detonates Halloween with a grand theme show, and the mysterious atmosphere spreads throughout the audience. THIS IS NEW SHIT singing from the abyss, let's face it, a new day will never come.

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB

众多GUEST DJ、令人悚然炸裂台风点燃了每个灵魂,能够打通经脉的巨大声浪,是无法控制的妄想,也是无法抑制的吸引力。

Numerous GUEST DJ, shocking typhoon really lit up every soul, can open up the meridian of the huge waves, is an uncontrollable delusion, is also an irresistible attraction.

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB



Night thinkers always dream in the daytime, dive into the depths of the heart of the dark "carnival" journey, each coordinate point in the exploration of the dark side of human nature, dissociation, depression, autism, delusion, confusion mixed with a few blank pages, fill in a thin or thick sin record.

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB



Suppose that one day, when the stress reaches its psychological limit, The world will not actively satisfy people, but woo will work with you to change the world and heal wounds.

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB

Review丨以“精神分裂”为原型的梦境还原-台州WOO酒吧/WOO CLUB


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