夜晚本就不该缺少喧闹,它让更多无处安放的“灵魂”找到归属。正如我们需要向往光明,但更想在快乐时光中度过黑夜,就在昨天,最具激情的Raver们在WOO相约,连续两天进行一场盛世狂欢。The night should have been absent from the noise, and it allowed more "souls" who had nowhere to rest to find their belongings. Just as we yearn for the light, but don’t want to spend the night in the happy time, just yesterday, the most enthusiastic Ravers met at WOO for two consecutive days of carnival.
After three years, WOO finally got wet! The first foam party was dedicated to the city. Having fun in the "swimming pool", the joy of trendy men and trendy women added a new climax to the party. At night, it is to follow the heart and WOO, so that the electronic music culture and the body can surf simultaneously.
漫天飞舞的泡沫,时尚的潮男潮女伴随着音乐的旋律,将夜晚的高潮开始推向顶峰。当音乐和泡沫完美融合、当比基尼美女随音乐热舞、当所有人欢快摇摆。这才是快乐真正的开始!Bubbles flying all over the sky, trendy men and women accompanied by the melody of the music, pushed the climax of the night to the peak. When music and bubbles blend perfectly, when beauties in bikinis dance to the music, when everyone is swaying happily. This is where the real joy begins!
The moment when the foam swayed down! No job, no high temperature, no lovelorn is a problem! Letting go of the literary style, WOO's eyes are only on the catharsis of the carnival, and the inextricable desire to plunge into the swimming pool physically and mentally!
燥热清甜触手可及,我们让积累情绪爆发!泳池,泳圈,水枪,还有活力无限的湿身GOGO。陪你全身心的投入这场“湿身大战”在纯洁的泡沫与音乐中洗涤灵魂,回归本WOO.Dryness, heat, and sweetness are within reach, and we let the accumulated emotions explode! Swimming pools, swimming laps, water guns, and wet GOGOs with unlimited vitality. Accompany you to devote yourself wholeheartedly into this "wet body battle", wash your soul in pure foam and music, and return to this WOO.
我们只爱真正的快乐。在这个被白色泡沫充斥的夜晚,舞池里的每位潮人们都得到自己想要的,每一个角落都是玩乐的天堂。快乐制造机,这里是属于所有人的HAPPY!We only love true happiness. In this night filled with white foam, every hipster on the dance floor gets what he wants, and every corner is a paradise for fun. Happy Maker, here is HAPPY for everyone!
湿身度10%!清爽度100%!快乐度1000 0000 0000%!请放下矜持,与漫天飞舞的泡沫一起,肆意在WOO的电音时空里狂欢。10% wet body! The freshness is 100%! Happiness 1000 0000 0000%! At this moment, please let go of your restraint, and revel in the electronic music time and space of WOO together with the flying bubbles.