11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]

11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]

11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

CELIA by PULSE pres.

NAKADIA [Filth on Acid, Intec, Codex]

Nakadia has carried her unstoppable energy since childhood while growing up as an Isaan farmer’s daughter, without electricity or running water, living in a self-build house on less than 1 USD per day. But Nakadia still has sparkling eyes when she looks back at her happy childhood as she didn’t miss anything. This pure happiness about live itself she kept until today – half a lifetime later, touring the globe as a world-famous artist. The journey between Nakadia’s early days and her global success was a long and difficult one, which started in 2002, when she was invited by a friend to a first visit of Europe. On her first night out she discovered Techno and she immediately knew: “This is what I was searching for! I was born to be a DJ!”

Nakadia 从小就带着不可阻挡的能量生长着,作为伊桑族农民的女儿长大,住在没有电,没有水的自建房屋中,每天花费不到 1 美元。但当Nakadia回顾自己的童年时光时,她的眼睛仍然闪闪发光,因为她没有错过任何快乐。这种关于生活本身的纯粹快乐,她一直保留到今天——前半生之后,她作为世界著名艺术家环游世界。Nakadia 的早期生涯和她收获全球成功,经历了一段漫长而艰难的旅程。这一切始于 2002 年,当时她受朋友邀请首次游历欧洲。在抵达欧洲的第一个晚上,她发现了 Techno音乐,她深知:“这就是我一直在寻找的东西!我生来就是当DJ的!

11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

A turbulent journey began. She devoted herself to finding the perfect sonic fuse. In 2003 she moved to Koh Samui and her gigs on this tourist island launched Nakadia’s international career within a remarkably short time. Crafting her sound without any guidance, in a country marked by the mainstream, she pioneered the rise of the underground in her home country, conquering the rest of the world at the same time. Her daily fight against prejudices just made her stronger, proving herself over- and over again in this male dominated industry where she often was belittled as “the little cute Thai girl”. Instead of being frustrated, she always kept her positive energy and no setback made her loose her smile, always moving forward, pushing herself from one milestone to the next without support by anyone who could have opened the doors more easily.

自此,一段坎坷的旅程开始了。她致力于寻找完美的音乐。2003 年,她搬到了泰国的苏梅岛,她在这个以旅游业著称的小岛上演出,并在极短的时间内开启了 她的国际DJ生涯。在一个以主流为标志的国家,她在没有任何指导的情况下开始制作自己的音乐,在自己的家乡开创了地下音乐一派,同时也征服世界其他国家和地区的乐迷。每天在与偏见的斗争中让她变得更加坚强,在这个以男性为主导的行业中,她一次又一次地证明自己。她经常被戏称为“可爱的泰国小女孩”。她从未因此感到沮丧,而是始终保持着积极的能量,没有任何挫折让她失去微笑,始终大步向前,在没有其他人支持帮助下,她凭借自己的努力,将自己从一个里程碑推向下一个里程碑。

In 2010 Nakadia moved to Berlin as her constantly filled tour schedule made it impossible to keep working out of Thailand. By the end of 2022 she pinned over 1800 performances across 78 countries to her gig list, playing at “Tomorrowland”, “Love parade”, “Loveland”, “Sonne Mond und Sterne”, “Parookaville”, Nature One, as well as “Watergate”, “Tresor” or “Sysiphos” in Berlin, “D Edge” Sao Paulo, “The Egg” London, “Marktkantine” Amsterdam, “Rainbow Serpent Festival” in Australia, as well as countless other top venues-, festivals- and events.

2010 年,Nakadia 搬到了柏林,因为她不断被排满的巡演日程使得她不得不搬离至泰国以外的地方工作。截止 2022 年底,她在 78 个国家进行了 1800 多场演出,包括世界闻名的Tomorrowland、Love parade、Loveland、Sonne Mond und Sterne、Parookaville、Nature One 以及Watergate、Tresor,还有例如柏林的Sysiphos、圣保罗的D Edge、伦敦的The Egg、阿姆斯特丹的Marktkantine、澳大利亚的Rainbow Serpent音乐节,以及无数其他顶级场馆、音乐节和活动。

After being discovered by Yann Pissenem during a performance at “Sankeys” in the summer of 2013, she became a fixed name on Ibiza, performing regularly at hotspots like “Ushuaia”, “Amnesia”, “Sankeys”, “Zoo Project” or “Blue Marlin”. As a promoter she made history in Thailand with her “Nakadia welcomes” nights, hosting legendary Sven Väth 7 times across her home country. Nakadia has always felt the urge to spend more time producing her own sounds, but her busy touring schedule never left much time for studio work. Early releases between 2008 and 2016 gave a first glimpse of what she’s capable of. Finally, in 2018, she presented us with some exceptional techno tracks. A first EP was released on Filth on Acid in early 2019, and stayed in Beatport’s top 10 techno releases for two weeks. The EP was a statement, but just the start of a new chapter of Nakadia’s career. Another EP, signed by Carl Cox for his Intec imprint, was released in June 2019, followed by regular releases on labels like Set About or Codex.

2013 年夏天,她在一次Sankeys表演中被 Yann Pissenem 发掘,自此她在Ibiza成了固定嘉宾,经常在火爆的Ushuaia,Amnesia,Sankeys,Zoo Project,Blue Marlin打碟。从前作为promoter,她在泰国举办了“Nakadia 欢迎”之夜,在泰国各地接待了传奇人物 Sven Väth的表演 7 次,这也创造了历史。Nakadia 一直渴望花更多时间制作自己的音乐,但她繁忙的巡演日程留给她进行创作的时间并没有那么多。2008 年至 2016 年间发布的早期作品让我们第一次看到了她的创作能力。2018 年,她向我们展示了一些出色的 techno 曲目。首张 EP 于 2019 年初在 Filth on Acid 上发行,并在 Beatport 的Techno前十榜单中霸榜两周。EP 是一种证明,也是 Nakadia 职业生涯新篇章的开始。另一张 EP,由 Carl Cox 为他的 Intec 印记发行,于 2019 年 6 月发行,随后在 Set About, Codex 等唱片公司定期发行。

11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Early in 2020, at the beginning of the Corona crisis, Nakadia was a part of the first major live streams which were seen by millions before streaming became a daily normality. From her home in Berlin she performed a vinyl only set for Mr Afterparty’s first streaming marathon and only two weeks later she was part of the very first Beatport Re- Connect. Nakadia’s frequent online performances resulted in a sharp rise of social media followers and made industry professionals from across the globe aware of the unique artist she really is.

2020 年初,新冠危机爆发之初,Nakadia 成为了第一批参加直播节目的先行者,在直播成为日常常态之前,有多达数百万人观看了这些直播。她在柏林的家中为 Mr Afterparty 的首场直播马拉松打了只有黑胶唱片的一场表演。仅两周后,她就参加了首届 Beatport Re-Connect 活动。Nakadia 频繁的在线表演使她在社交媒体粉丝急剧增加,这也帮助她被全球业内人士所认识了解。


11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Beside Nakadia’s online rise during the crisis, she also finally found the time to write down her unique story, which resulted in the release of her autobiography “Positive Energy” in March of 2021. The book earned Nakadia even more respect within the DJ community and beyond and has now even caught the attention of Hollywood.

除了 Nakadia 在疫情期间的线上崛起之外,她也终于有时间静下心来写下她自己的独特故事,她于 2021 年 3 月出版了自传《Positive Energy》。这本自传的发表使得Nakadia在 DJ 圈内外获得了更多尊重,甚至现在也引起了好莱坞的关注。到 2022 年底,Nakadia 比以往任何时候都更强大,她不断地飞往世界各地,在拉丁美洲、美国、欧洲和亚洲的演出门票全部售完。这位亚洲最成功的 Techno 艺术家的巡演行程通常提前 6 个月就已被订满,她的成长速度比以往任何时候都更快更惊人。

11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

At the end of 2022 Nakadia is going stronger than ever, constantly jetting around the world, playing sold out venues across Latin America, the US, Europe and Asia. With a tour schedule fully booked for 6 months in advance, Asia’s most successful Techno artist is growing faster than ever.



11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


From 10.23 to 10.29

- EARLY BIRD 88 rmb (1 shot included)

单人早鸟票: 88元(含1个shot)

From 10.29 to 11.3 

- PRESALE 128 rmb (1 shot included)

-单人预售票: 128元人民币(含1个shot)

- DOOR 158 rmb (1 shot included)


11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

For Table RSVP please contact 


11月3日NOV 3// CELIA by PULSE pres. NAKADIA [Codex, Intec]-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


22.00 - late


Jing’an district, Nanyang road 154 



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