▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

弥漫大胆酷儿气质的新奇采样,流畅庞大而解构的跳脱节拍,肉欲与辛辣交织的呢喃吟唱,是属于Martyn Bootyspoon标志性的舞曲实验。如剃刀般锋利敏锐,这位来自蒙特利尔的妖娆男子擅长捕捉与重释五花八门的音乐碎片与符号,无限弯曲延展音乐风格的既定框架。

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

Martyn Bootyspoon成长在家中黑胶唱片与任天堂游戏世界的交织拥抱下,这为他非纯粹的极繁音乐世界构建了地基。他青少年时期就开始了自己的创意旅程,在家庭电脑上通过创作电子画面与音乐抒发自己的独特感知。

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

与实验音乐人Sinjin Hawke 的相知相遇,真正打开了Martyn Bootyspoon的舞曲文化大门。这位曾与Kanye West和Frank Ocean合作的世界级音乐人与Bootyspoon一拍即合,相中了他身上的才华与冲劲,收纳他在传奇厂牌Fractal Fantasy旗下,并协助他发行了首张EP《Silk Eternity》。为示爱Bootyspoon,Sinjin Hawke还在2011、2018年分别写下the Ballad of Martyn Bootyspoon,Prophecy Of Bootyspoon两首直指其名的音乐作品,可见好基友情谊之深厚。

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

在Fractal Fantasy出道之后,Martyn Bootyspoon锋芒毕露,加快了自己的创作步伐,接连在Model Future与Hot N Ready发行了两张荣获殊誉的EP《No. 1 Crush》和《Lickety Split》。他作品中融会贯通又充满趣味性的音乐巧思征服了多家权威音乐媒体与机构,将他推上Broiler Room,Sonar等众多重要舞台,让他快速成长为当今电子音乐场景中的领军人物之一。

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

多产的Bootyspoon在2023年发布了4张EP和两首单曲,进一步扩张自己的音乐实验。最近发行的EP 《Assorted Trax. Vol i》 更可谓是他个人风格的集大成之作,用标志性的性感吟唱、清脆的合成器碎拍、蒸汽感十足的梦幻旋律交织出沉浸、灵动的美妙听觉体验。

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

喧闹,放荡,辛辣,古灵精怪难以捉摸。11月25日Liquid Liquid夜液的舞池将被Bootyspoon点燃。一同徜徉在Martyn Bootyspoon的音乐世界里,让不修边幅的Ghetto House 与精致丝滑的俱乐部节拍无缝糅合,聆听街头文化的坦率、电子律动的细腻、酷儿地下音乐的性感齐头并进。让我们拉起小手,穿梭在新锐的听感体感中,如同上一秒才在8-bit游戏世界中目睹盛大华美的数字Ballroom,下一秒却又来到芝加哥同志桑拿里一边说唱一边摸JJ。更有精彩的变装与暖场DJ阵容,俱乐部的孩子们,我们不见不散~

Boisterous, debaucherous, sensual, spicy and the best kind of eccentric—on November 25th, the dance floor of Liquid Liquid will be lit up by Bootyspoon’s world of raunchy Ghetto House.  Immerse yourself in seamless blends of the club and the streets, and listen in on how diverse electronic rhythms bring the sensuality of the queer underground alive. Embrace new auditory experiences, witness a glitter ball inside an 8-bit game universe, and immediately be transported to a Chicago gay sauna where we rap and bump uglies. A wonderful lineup of drag performers and supporting DJs will also be there to cheer you on. Children of the club, are you ready?

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

「Liquid Liquid 夜液」是以Club Kids文化为灵感的实验酷儿游乐场,为妙趣横生的自发创造与联结而存在。在撩拨神经与身体的现场活动和绝妙音乐中,绽放,燃烧,放荡。

Liquid Liquid is an experimental queer playground in the spirit of Club Kids culture. Come for a night of delinquent play, queer mischief, gender-fuckery, spontaneous art, music and debauchery.


「Liquid Liquid 夜液」游乐场对任何喜欢跳舞,唱歌,妆造,设计服装,唇舞,DJ,表演或其他方式表达自己的人敞开。俱乐部中将有供你创造的空白空间和邀你绽放精彩的大众舞台。我们一起庆祝一切古灵精怪的、意想不到的、自发创造的、前所未见的和初次尝试的,与刚刚起步的酷儿艺术家和表演者以及社群中的熟面孔一同狂欢。

Liquid Liquid's playground is for anyone who feels moved to dance, sing, paint, dress, lipsynch, DJ, perform, or otherwise express themselves. Expect blank spaces around the club that are left open for your interpretation, and new challenges inviting you to overtake.We celebrate together the strange, the unexpected, the spontaneous, the never-seen-befores and the for-the-first-times, with emerging queer talents as well as staples and mothers of the scene in the mix.

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

▼ Martyn Bootyspoon骚气空降,流动的酷儿节拍中浪里个浪 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧


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