▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

poster by F61

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧


Originators and unsung heroes of the China techno scene - VOID - return from deep freeze for their next act: A celebration party to mark 16 years of underground house and techno in Shanghai. Long-standing members Wensen, Ma Haiping and Shanghai Ultra step up to present a diverse and varied musical feast, drawing upon their insanely-long 16 years of throwing legendary house and techno parties in the Shanghai underground, to offer up this latest trouser-shaking dance bonanza.

From humble beginnings in Logo Bar in Xingfu Lu in 2007, the crew have blossomed from passionate amateurs just starting out, to seasoned professionals able to rock any crowd, and one of the most widely-respected crews in town.

Ambassador for ass-shaking Wensen comes with a well-deserved reputation of having mastered the art of the warm-up set - his patient build-up, multi-coloured musical pallette and impeccable sense of delivery makes the Frenchman a sought-after DJ on the scene today.

Void co-founder and chief rabble-rouser Shanghai Ultra is that rare breed of techno artist equally at home behind the decks for a DJ set, or behind the controls of his TR-909, SH-101 and other sonic equipment to deliver a live hardware performance.

Meanwhile local hero Ma Haiping is fulfilling his destiny as Shanghai Son of Techno with his recent releases on globally respected labels such as Molecular Recordings, and on the label of some obscure artist called Jeff Mills - Axis Records USA.

It's fair to say the talent level on offer for your dancing pleasure at this event is of a respectable standard. And after all the drama of recent years in Shanghai, which has seen the crew reduced to a mere three members, VOID is one of the few internationally-orientated parties left standing in the city - support what's left of your local scene!

Only the Headstrong Survive.


Ma Haiping (Axis Records USA, Modular Recordings UK)

Wensen (Shanghai's finest house DJ)

Live TR-909 / hardware set:

Shanghai Ultra - (Deeper State Records Germany, Hoodoo Records China)

#chinatechnolegends #shanghaitechno #16years #voidshanghai #mahaiping #shanghaiultra #livetechno #hardwareset #TR-909 #INYOURFACE

21:00-22:00 Ma Haiping

22:00-24:00 Wensen

0:00-01:30 Shanghai Ultra

01:30-03:00 Ma Haiping

3-late back to back

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧

▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧
▼ 电梯今晚 TNITE|VOID 16周年派对 ▲-上海ELEVATOR/电梯酒吧


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