Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Ho Ho Hoe Edition

Ho Ho Hoe 圣诞特辑

Ditch the jingle bells and sleigh rides, because this Christmas, the unconventional quirky brains behind Techno Train and Fäng Biàn Miàn are turning up the bass for the most ho-ho-hosome event in town! This Christmas special is not your grandma's holiday party.  We're spicing up the season with techno twists and indie dance shimmies and hoping you will be grooving like a  tipsy elf on rollerblades in a snowing cave workshop. Get ready for a night of beats, banter, and maybe a bit of mistletoe mischief.

抛开你铃儿响叮当的铃铛和雪橇,因为今年的圣诞节,Techno Train和Fäng Biàn Miàn背后的超级怪诞星人们将为魔都最热闹的活动献上整晚魔幻音乐!

这个圣诞不是属于奶奶辈的狂欢派对。我们用Techno和Indie Dance来点燃这个圣诞,希望你能在老地方Celia里热情跳舞,像一个醉酒精灵穿着冰刀鞋在冰面上乱舞一样肆意欢乐。准备好一个晚上的音乐律动,也许还可以期待下圣诞Mistletoe下的一吻哦!

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

But wait, Hold on tight! There's more on the sled! Brace yourselves for the ultimate present—Teodora Van Context, regular in institutions such as Novi Sad’s Club Tunnel, EXIT and Love Fest our special guest. Expecting her to drop beats like they're hot and make your Christmas stockings rock

只有你想不到没有我们做不到!这个圣诞派对我们还有更多惊喜!最终的超级惊喜就是…Teodora Van Context,她是欧洲知名夜店Novi Sad’s Club Tunnel,音乐节EXIT and Love Fest的常客。期待她带给我们的音乐纯享

So, ditch your ugly Christmas sweater (or not), bring your cool misbehaving ass down to the basement, and dive into the unconventional, offbeat, and downright Christmas bash in town. You won't find the 'Techno Train x Fang Bian Mian Ho Ho Hoe Edition' on the nice list and let's be honest, neither are you. 

Sooo! 脱掉你传统的圣诞丑萌毛衣,请换上方便嗨跳整晚的衣服来我们的快乐老家!然后和我们一起,跳进魔都最前卫怪诞,最不按常理出牌的圣诞狂欢!Techno Train x Fäng Biàn Miàn这次的圣诞特辑不适合纯纯的乖孩子,但我们知道,喜欢我们的你也并不是传统意义上的乖小孩哦! 

See you on the dance floor, you festive naughty child



Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

A daughter of a famous music producer of the ‘90s, Teodora van Context spent more time in a music studio you could ever imagine. Hailing from Serbia’s capital, the never-sleeping metropole of Belgrade,  Teodora honed and owned her DJing skills surrounded by talented artists and critical audience of the time. Regular in institutions such as Novi Sad’s Club Tunnel, EXIT and Love Fest, Teodora van Context is also familiar with clubs in Lisbon: living on relation between Portugal and Serbia broadened her craft even more until she found her place in Vietnam.

作为90年代一位著名音乐制作人的女儿,Teodora van Context花了多到你无法想象的时间泡在音乐工作室里。来自塞尔维亚的首都,不夜城贝尔格莱德,Teodora在才华横溢的艺术家和有些挑剔口味的观众中磨练并拥有了她的DJ技能。Teodora van Context是Novi Sad's Club Tunnel、EXIT和Love Fest等音乐节及俱乐部的常客,她也熟悉里斯本的俱乐部:生活在葡萄牙和塞尔维亚,无意中加强了她的个人技能,直到她发现她在越南有了归属感。

Today, Teodora leads Atipik Agency - a collective of Serbs and Vietnamese DJs that hold residencies across the country, and arguably the most interesting project in Asia as noticed by MixMag and Resident Advisor in the recent years. Running an inclusive series of events connecting dots between niche artistry and dance music gave van Context the opportunity to showcase her sound across the Far East: Savage, Mirage and Unmute in Hanoi, The Observatory in Saigon, frequent appearances in Hong Kong and Bangkok’s Never Normal club, as well as Studio 9 in Taipei - Teodora van Context puts the G in Good Party.

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

如今,Teodora领导着Atipik Agency——一个由塞尔维亚和越南DJ组成的集体,他们在全国各地都有驻场,被MixMag和Resident Advisor认为是近年来亚洲最有趣的项目。运行一系列包容性的活动,连接小众艺术和舞曲之间的音乐,这给了van Context在遥远的东方展示她独特声音的机会:Savage, 河内的Mirage和Unmute,西贡的The Observatory,经常出现在香港和曼谷的Never Normal俱乐部,以及台北的Studio 9-Teodora van Context将她的独特音乐带到了无数Party中。

Fäng Biàn Miàn

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Instant and urgent. Spicy and Salty. Deep and dark. East and North. Water and earth. We’re the no filter synth crackheads- obsessed with sounds, ruled by feisty temperaments. Fäng Biàn Miàn, an addictive bowl of noods, representing a tumbling and rumbling experience - stilling your hunger to climax into vertigo. With fang bian mian you will cum to all your senses. It tickles you to dance, cry, laugh and vibrate. Fäng Biàn Miàn doesn’t disappoint. Fäng Biàn Miàn is life.

我们是一呼必应的组合.辣与咸.深沉和幽暗.东方接西方.水并土我们是狂热的合成爱好者,臣服于这样肆无忌惮的狂躁性情 .Fäng Biàn Miàn,一碗让人上头的面条,代表着一种翻滚燥热荡漾,轰鸣沉醉的非凡体验. 满足你的饥渴,带你达到高潮.它会击中你所有的感知让你跳舞,哭泣,大笑,颤抖.Fang Bian Mian 永不辜负 Fäng Biàn Miàn 是态度 .


Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

If you've ever been clubbing in Shanghai, you probably came across a fierce blonde during her late nite extended sets keeping everyone from going home. Lina has been drawn to electronic music from an early age, going to the legendary Kazantip festival in her teens as well as having a tasteful record collection. This shaped her sound to be quite eclectic, and her energy on the dance floor unstoppable. Naturally, this transferred to her DJ career


Since arriving in Shanghai many years back, Lina K has been rocking clubs all over town, from spots like Bar Rouge , URVC, REEL TO REEL ,Downtown and Amber Lounge , The Mansion, Arkham, Elevator, Dada to  44KW, POTENT , ABYSS, HEIM , LA BARRA  - the list goes on. Today, aside from playing all over Shanghai, she’s a resident DJ and key ingredient of the city’s leading after-hours spot - Celia.

Taking care of her  club night Techno Train for 9 years, her current project Techno Is A Woman, and numerous booking requests put Lina among many international and local artists. From closing after Nina Kraviz to Shinedoe, Drunken Kong, Answer Code Request, to  , Go Hiyama , Roman Poncet ,Shin Nishimura ,, The Yellow Heads , D-Unity ,  Julia Govor, Electric Rescue , Absorbed , Stiv Hey , Wax’o’ Paradiso, Florian Meindl ,  Oliver Dautchmenn, Blancah , Tiger Stripes , Drumcell, Hito , Mashkov , MANDY , Darren Emerson , Rebekah, Magda , Andrey Pushkarev , Buytone, Claudio Prc , Bloody Marry , Fur Coat  and so on, bringing her signature sound far and wide across China 


自从多年前落地上海的那一刻,Lina K便在上海扎了根,她演出的足迹遍布魔都,如:Bar Rouge , URVC, REEL TO REEL ,Downtown and Amber Lounge , The Mansion, Arkham, Elevator, Dada to  44KW, POTENT , ABYSS, HEIM , LA BARRA, 至今还在不断拓展新场地中。如今,她除了受邀在各大知名夜店演出外,更成长为上海知名地下俱乐部Celia的常驻DJ。

由她组织发起的Techno Train音乐活动至今已9年时间,她还在独立运营另一音乐活动Techno Is A Woman。她对Techno的这份热爱以及现场的超强感染力让她也不断从世界各地的艺术家中脱颖而出,被海内外众多活动邀请。她曾在大名鼎鼎的Techno女将Nina Kraviz后接演,也曾与Shinedoe, Drunken Kong, Answer Code Request, Go Hiyama, Roman Poncet, Shin Nishimura,The Yellow Heads, D-Unity, Julia Govor, Electric Rescue , Absorbed, Stiv Hey, Wax’o’ Paradiso, Florian Meindl,  Oliver Dautchmenn, Blancah, Tiger Stripes, Drumcell, Hito, Mashkov, MANDY, Darren Emerson, Rebekah, Magda, Andrey Pushkarev, Buytone, Claudio Prc, Bloody Marry, Fur Coat等众多知名DJ同台演出。Lina K和她超富感染力的音乐现场使她在中国的地下音乐中脱颖而出!

Techno Train x Fäng Biàn Miàn

A collaboration that is so much more than just an event – a mission to break free from the norm.


True love comes in many forms - Like hot raspberries poured onto cold vanilla ice cream - Fang Bian Mian melted into the 8th anniversary of Techno Train.   They crushed out on each other  and moved in a synergy that elevated the gritty atmosphere to new heights. Meanwhile Techno Train maintained its original hypnotic techno sound, that has repaired burnout techno lovers for almost a decade. Since that day, the bond was undeniable - and it will be the source for many ear pleasuring moments for the future -  sharing their experience: a celebration of the raw energy good music brings

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

真爱有很多种形式——就像热树莓浇在冰冷的香草冰淇淋上——Fäng Biàn Miàn融化在Techno Train 8周年庆中。他们融合在一起,齐心协力地为大家创造更多美好夜晚,将气氛提升到一个新的高度。与此同时,Techno Train保持了其原始的Techno音乐,让近十年来发愁听不到好音乐的Techno爱好者有了归宿。从那一天起,我们之间的联系是不可否认的——未来某一天怀念起超棒的音乐,我们都能想到某次的派对现场——分享他们参加Techno Train的体会和经验:一个用好音乐帮我们重拾动力的派对。



Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

- PRESALE 88 rmb (1 drink included)

-单人预售票: 88元人民币(含1个drink)

- DOOR 128 rmb (1 drink included)




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Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧



Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

For table RSVP please contact


+8615921924280  /  微信:cihansait

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧

Jing’an district, Nanyang road 154 


Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


22.00 - late

Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧
Tonight 今晚//Teodora Van Context [Atipik, Serbia] @CELIA-上海Celia Club/西莉亚酒吧


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