今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND
上海Play Ground酒吧 发布时间:2023-12-28 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)

今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND

今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧



他们会将Dub,Jungle,Drum&Bass,Dancehall 等诸多音乐风格交融,让低音音乐统治舞池!


现场票 Door:80(赠送一杯shot)

2023.12.28 周四  21:00-late

今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧


这支团队的创始人Jado是中国雷鬼界的重要推手,他曾多次在地下freestyle battle中获胜,并与国际重量级的艺人如DJ Kentaro、Top Cat、Tippa Irie等合作,带着中国雷鬼音乐的声音走向了世界各地。同时,NOODLE D的加入为团队注入了新的活力,他们频繁出现在各种音乐节和地下音乐场景,共同推动着中国雷鬼乐的发展


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

Jado 雷鬼乐团远东之狮和丛林勇士活动的创始人,过去 12 年是中国雷鬼界的重要推手。雷鬼生涯早年频繁参加地下 freestyle battle 多次夺冠,并被选进红牛学院。这些年间与许多国际间重量级的艺人合作,包括 DJ Kentaro , Top Cat, Tippa Irie, Brother Culture, General Levy, General Huge, CongoNatty;表演过的的雷鬼场域和音乐节从中国各地到牙买加,英国,越南,及菲律宾。他独特的中文/牙买加中国,放在整个雷鬼世界也是独一无二。


Jado, founder of Far East Lion reggae group and Jungle Warriors events, is a major player in China’s Reggae scene for the last 12 years. In his early years, he competed and won many championships in the underground freestyle battles and was selected for RBMA at Redbull College. Through the years he has worked with international artists such as DJ Kentaro, Top Cat, Tippa Irie, Brother Culture, General Levy, General Huge, and CongoNatty; performed in major festivals and reggae scenes all across China and as far as Jamaica, UK, Vietnam, and Philippines. His unique Chinese / Jamaican English fusion fow made his performance not only unique to China’s underground scene but also to the world of Reggae.


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

NOODLE D 是远东之狮的播放员、声音系统管理员,自 2019 年加入起就开始和团员们频繁出现在各个音乐节与地下音乐场景,一同推动中国雷鬼乐的发展。


NOODLE D is a SELECTOR and Sound System Manager at Far East Lion who has played a pivotal role in shaping the Reggae music scene in China since 2019. Through frequent appearances at festivals and underground events, he has been a driving force behind the promotion of Chinese Reggae music nationwide, staying true to the genre’s roots.

Maxim Q 

今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

DJ Maxim Q 是把根扎在Dancehall的專業舞者。她創辦了GwaanMove家族,作為舞團及活動品牌,在全中國組織過百場以上的dancehall派對。現在,她跟随着远东之狮的步伐,從專業舞者跨越到DJ台的另一邊,賦予了她獨一無二的DJ視角,來駕馭舞池坐上情感的雲霄飛車。

DJ Maxim Q is a professional dancer rooted in Dancehall. She founded the GwaanMove family as a dance crew and also as a label to promote her beloved Dancehall culture & lifestyle by organizing over 100 parties and events all over China. Now, crossing over from another side of the DJ booth as a professional dancer, DJ Maxim Q is going to bring an unique angle to take the dancefloor on emotional rollercoaster rides.


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

作为一个极具天赋的卓越DJ、drum & bass的骨灰级发烧友和音乐人,Resinate把来自世界各个角落dnb 频谱的声音融入他的混音中。他广泛的挖掘最新的音乐以不断扩充他独一无二的dnb曲库。所以你可以在他演奏的每一组目中都能听到最新鲜和高品质的混音。Resinate在很小的时候就被英国的地下音乐场景所吸引。他迷恋上了Drum & Bass和Jungle,并开始收集音乐,直到现在,他已经积累了一个庞大的曲目库。Resinate在当地免费派对上磨练了他的DJ技能,并在音乐节上获得了演出机会。移居上海后,他很快成为了运行时间最长的鼓与贝斯聚会Sweatshop的居民,在那里他支持了Goldie, London Elektricity, Bryan Gee, DJ Zinc, dBridge, Doc Scott, Shimon, Dom&Roland, DJ SS, Randall, DJ Die, Om Unit, TC, Kasra, 还有很多。Resinate曾在上海和中国许多其他城市的所有主要地下音乐场所演出。在Riddim’n’Vibe,Spectrum, Submerse和Refuge之类的夜晚,他还致力于推广。 

Highly accomplished DJ, audiophile, and drum & bass virtuoso, Resinate incorporates sounds from every corner of the dnb spectrum into the mix. He’s constantly trawling the internet to add to his extensive catalogue of music, so expect to hear a fresh selection of quality tracks and primo blends in every set he plays. Resinate was drawn to the underground music scene in the UK at an early age. He developed an infatuation with jungle/drum & bass and started collecting music; since then he has amassed a huge library of tracks from across the spectrum. Resinate honed his DJ skills, playing at local nights, free parties, and supporting at festivals.  After moving to Shanghai he soon became a resident for the longest running drum & bass party Sweatshop, where he supported the likes of Goldie, London Elektricity, Bryan Gee, DJ Zinc, dBridge, Doc Scott, Shimon, Dom & Roland, DJ SS, Randall, DJ Die, Om Unit, TC, Kasra, and many more.Resinate has played at all the major underground music spots in Shanghai and many other cities around China, while also founding and promoting events such as Riddim’n’Vibe,Spectrum, Submerse, and Refuge.  


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

来自云南,一个地下画家,派对爱好者,一个浪漫的喜怒无常的怪人,喜欢播放充满vocal的DnB音乐集。常驻 RnV 和 Refuge派对,曾在 Dada 上海 和 Celia表演,也曾在Dada北京,Pools大理 和DMT杭州 亮相。

Originally from Yunnan, an underground painter and party lover, a romantic moody weirdo who likes to play vocal infused drum & bass sets. Regularly playing at RnV and Refuge parties at Dada Shanghai and Celia, as well as appearances at Dada Beijing, Pools Dali, and DMT Hangzhou.


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

作为上海千禧后出生的新一代音乐制作人兼DJ代表,Gouachi从15岁就在国内的音 乐场景中崭露头角并逐渐被大家熟知,其风格深受解构俱乐部与情绪音乐的感染及影 响。先后与Air Max97、BAMBII、Sega Bodega、Tommy Cash、TSVI等艺 术家同台献艺,她也是NTS Radio, The Boring Room, Far Radio, Hell’s Comedy Club等电台的老朋友,她在Scandal旗下发表的第二支歌曲在HöR被播 放并广受好评。现居土耳其的她足迹遍布国内外的各大地下音乐俱乐部,她的声音也 在东欧,土耳其等场景中产生了不小的影响。

对于俱乐部氛围的调动,Gouachi有着自己鲜活独到的理解,也会将不同的音乐风 格融合在一起,将你的身心放心交给她调味过的音乐,她会让你忘记一切无谓的繁杂“标签”。

Gouachi is a DJ and a producer from Shanghai, China.She has no idea about how to pronounce her DJ name. At the age of 15, she got the first taste of alternative music. Club music has become the most formative influence in her sound. She enjoys playing music for people, dancing with everyone, and taking care of her drunk friends.

You can often catch her sets in underground clubs in Shanghai、 Beijing、Istanbul、Izmir. She has been invited to play at such radios as NTS Radio, The Boring Room, Far Radio, Hell’s Comedy Club. And supported international artists such as Air Max97、BAMBII、Sega Bodega、Tommy Cash、 TSVI.

Her second track released under Scandal was played on HöR Berlin. Her DJ set is known for its high energy and combining different genres of dance music.


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

生活在上海的 FFEi 是积极向上的热情青年,无聊时喜欢看各种诈唬失败集锦,EV爱好者,舞池稻草人。俱乐部里他的最大消遣来自于站在后排,盯着手中的old fashion并试图找出最好喝的那一家。


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

曾担任独立唱片公司和音乐节公司品牌策划,和nike,adidas,converse,sneakercon等诸多品牌有音乐合作,曾和Hoodboi/Luckiecks/Okasian/B-free/Jony J等国际艺人以及国内优秀DJ和rapper有同台演出,活跃于诸多音乐厂牌的派对。

她并不局限于熟悉的UK Bass,Hiphop等类型音乐,主张将DJ风格差异化、多元化,因而同样在Techno、House等四四拍的电子派对中现身。她是舞池中的变幻莫测的普罗透斯,在挥手间便席卷起与前一瞬间全然相异的音浪,又在倏忽间派遣出新的湍流潜入听者的耳孔。她擅长视觉与听觉无端转捩的惊艳,无法预测她在看似稳定流形中的下一次降临。


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

歌手,DJ,模特,一个常驻上海的北方姑娘,一位自觉的理想主义者。她对house 与soul的热爱总可以化作某种锋利之物,用贯穿性的自由刺破一切既定的壁垒。这种生命的野性丝毫不瓦解音乐固有的内核,反倒势不可挡地将她的多元身份融合。从歌手到dj的跨界绝非偶然,而是他自由意识的感性显现,将生生不息之活力持续注入,情动感官,触发灵魂,并赠予出一个她的世界。世界和音乐绝不是单向度之物,这个信念和真相领挟着她创造出一片片多维的艺术棱镜。


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧


今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧



21:00-22:00 Gigi 

22:00-23:00 Maxim Q

23:00-01:00 FFEi 

01:00-03:00 Venture

03:00-close b2b


21:00-22:00 Jennyann 

22:00-23:00 Serpenti 

23:00-00:00 Resinate

00:00-01:00 Jado 

01:00-02:00 Noodle D

02:00-03:00 Gouachi 


现场票 Door:80(赠送一杯shot)

2023.12.28 周四  21:00-late


6F,INS Fuxing Park,109 Yandang Road,Huangpu District Shanghai.

今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧

今晚 | 双厅齐开!「回声列传」Vol.2 @PLAYGROUND-上海Play Ground酒吧


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