杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部 发布时间:2024-01-03 酒吧电话:(打开APP或小程序咨询)


0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

她是来⾃伦敦的 Hip-Hop DJ ,派对组织者,Counterfeit⼚牌主理⼈。她辗转英国 、波兰、意⼤利等地,迄今已举办数场专场演出。她所在的Counterfeit LDN构筑⽆数⾳乐场景,她总是能通过她对⾳乐的理解和技巧让现场陷⼊疯狂之中。从CLUB到⾳乐节,她所在的团队已迅速占据英国地下⾳乐场景的领头⽺地位。

⽽她的另⼀⾝份——Hip-Hop DJ中的年轻⾎液,她的⾝影时常出现在各⼤⼚牌艺⼈的专场演出上,更是作为单曲⼀经发布便在Spotify上斩获1.6亿次播放量的实⼒新⼈Aitch的巡演DJ掌控⽆数舞台。

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部


Club Puff联合theboyhasnopatience直击伦敦东区,

共同呈现DJ EJ中国五城巡演杭州站

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

DJ EJ让现场躁动不已的舞台掌控⼒在短时间内便斩获⼤量粉丝,凭借其⼀经发布便迅速售罄的数场演出更是获得⽆数品牌

的⻘睐,出现在红⽜RED BULL,FOOT LOCKER等品牌的演出舞台。

作为英国新⽣代DJ新星,DJ EJ还将受邀出现在Playboi Carti Antagonist Tour伦敦巡演的After Party 呈现她的演出。

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

与伦敦最具代表性的⾳乐CLUB XOYO深度绑定,

该俱乐部集合了Rustie, Jamie XX, Digitalism, Simian Mobile Disco,Kink 和 Jimmy Edgar等众多艺术家的⾳乐现场。

今年,DJ EJ在XOYO的驻场演出已售罄三次。

Hip-Hop DJ from London, party organiser, owner of Counterfeit label. She has traveled to the UK, Poland, Italy and other places, so far has held several special performances. The Counterfeit LDN she works for builds countless music scenes, and she can always make the scene crazy through her understanding and skill. From clubs to festivals, her team has quickly become a leader in the UK underground music scene.

And her other identity - the young blood of Hip-Hop DJ, her figure often appears in the special performances of major label artists, but also as a single has been released on Spotify with 160 million plays on the strength of the new Aitch tour DJ control countless stages.

DJ EJ made the scene restless stage control in a short time to win a large number of fans, with its release quickly sold out a number of shows is favored by countless brands, appeared in the RED BULL, FOOT LOCKER and other brands performance stage.

As one of the UK's new DJ stars, DJ EJ will also be invited to perform at the After Party of the Playboi Carti Antagonist Tour in London.

Deeply tied to London's most iconic music CLUB XOYO, which brings together the music scene of numerous artists such as Rustie, JamieXX, Digitalism, Simian Mobile Disco,Kink and Jimmy Edgar.

This year, DJ EJ's residency at XOYO has sold out three times.

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

EJ同时也拥有⾃⼰演出推⼴公司Counterfeit LDN。她作为Counterfeit LDN 的幕后推⼿,该公司举办了⽆数个英国地下⾳乐场景。

围绕着⻘年群体和多元⽂化, 打造⼀个汇集年轻⼒的⾳乐活动现场,探索当代年轻⼈的夜⽣活⽂化。与mr.iamnext, Ciel, TRZ, LEN等活跃在英国地下⾳乐场所的艺术家们合作演出。

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部


0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

EJ also owns its own promotional company, Counterfeit LDN. She serves as the driving force behind Counterfeit LDN, which hosts countless UK underground music scenes.

Around the youth group and multicultural, to create a gathering of young music activities scene, explore the contemporary young people's nightlife culture. Performing with artists who are active in the UK underground music scene, such as mr.iamnext, Ciel, TRZ, LEN, etc.

EJ promotes their career on this platform while also providing a space for new artists to develop and create a community environment for musicians to grow and collaborate together.

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部


0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部







0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部



0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部


MC KEW.B/MC LilMusDan 

0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部
0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部


0107 TBHNP呈现丨来自UK的HIPHOP新鲜血液DJ EJ-杭州ClubPuff/泡福俱乐部


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