1月6日, 周六
Saturday, January 6
DJ Lineup:
Just Alexander
@ 61Nanking
门 Door: RMB 60
Pre-sale: RMB 40

DJ阵容由两个来自卡拉马祖的DJ: Just Alexander和 热狼Heatwolves,以及Mariio的振翅加入。全息梦境(2018-2021)将在晚10pm被招魂归来,并持续到魔力燃尽为止!

She lives! Hologram Dreams travels to Nanjing for the first time EVER.
One night of dark and euophoric dance music, cyberpunk anime, and dancing therapy. Italo-disco, electro, synth-pop and synthwave, low-key ‘80s classics, VHS-era J-Pop and Cantopop, minimal wave, cybercrunk, Chicago house, Detroit techno, maybe even some hyperpop - all played in a crunk manner like the world is ending tomorrow.
We guarantee zero business techno or grocery store music and that’s a promise. Goes from 10pm-late and we riding on the wings of fate.
Music by special guests Just Alexander and Heatwolves, who both come from the city of Kalamazoo and met on Soundcloud in 2013. Warmup by the one and only Mariio. Door: 60rmb. Pre-sale: 40rmb.

Just Alexander
Just Alexander将底特律和芝加哥的经典唱片与受到这两个城市声音影响的新专辑结合在一起。他居住在密歇根州的卡拉马祖,正好在这两个音乐首都之间,他的声音自然是House和Technumber的复合体。
他的现场表演包括BPM墨西哥,各种美国音乐节,以及在美国,墨西哥,哥伦比亚,智利和中国的俱乐部演出,除了在密歇根州,从卡拉马祖到大急流城到底特律。作为制作人,Just Alexander的第一张专辑《惊魂迪斯科》获得了许多著名的DJ,比如马可·卡罗拉他的作品也被选中在Thatmanmonkz的黑胶唱片S.W.A.T.发行。他的发布在风格上形成了鲜明的对比,突出了他可以将在他的现场表演中有House和techno的声音。这是他十年来第一次回到中国,并将于周六在全息梦境首次亮相61Nanking。
Just Alexander pairs classic records from Detroit and Chicago with new releases influenced by the sounds of those two cities. Residing in Kalamazoo, Michigan, which is exactly halfway between those music capitols, his sound is naturally a composite of House and Techno.
His live performances have included dates for BPM Mexico, various U.S. festivals, and club appearances in the U.S., Mexico, and Colombia, Chile, and China, in addition to shows all over Michigan, from Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids to Detroit.
As a producer, Just Alexander’s first release on the imprint Psycho Disco gained support from prominent DJ’s such as Marco Carola. His work was also selected for release on Thatmanmonkz’s vinyl only label S.W.A.T. His releases are contrasting in style, highlighting the way he can merge the sounds of house and techno in his live performances. He’s back in China for the first time in ten years and making his 61Nanking debut at Hologram Dreams on Saturday. Don’t miss it!

DJ 热狼
LOVE BANG的创始人Heatwolves热狼,是位制作人、DJ兼Rapper。诞生于卡拉马祖,催熟于上海。他擅长于将不同的音乐类型进行糅合打散与重组,Italo Disco与合成器旋律,流行曲调混合嘻哈、俱乐部舞曲甚至Footwork都是他的拿手好菜。先后创立LOVE BANG、全息梦境Hologram Dreams和Barbarism等的他,说自己有着14年的DJ“事故”经验,自己的现场氛围就好比哆啦A梦突破次元壁,顺手偷了一个M3,并开着两台USB时光机冲向你的感觉。
Heatwolves is the founder of the Shanghai-based label and club night Love Bang and a producer / DJ / rapper from the woods who grew up for the second time in Shanghai. He is known to play long sets and make trax that connect Italo-disco and synth-pop with hip hop, club music, metal, and footwork. Love Bang, Hologram Dreams, and Barbarism are a few of the nights and labels he’s founded over his fourteen-year DJ accident. His vibe is Doraemon breaking out of your TV, stealing an M3, and crashing the party with two USBs.
作为南京电子乐活动 Chasing Groove 系列的发起人与标志性锐舞单位 61NANKING 的主理人。Mariio 毫无疑问地对当地的俱乐部场景起到了重要的推动作用。他通过无数场汗流浃背的午夜派对确定了自己当下的混音逻辑,无论是轻盈跳脱的 House 律动线和渐进的 Minimal 音色变化乃至是充斥着昔日美好色彩的 Disco 都是他声音调色板上熠熠生辉的光泽。深谙响度对空间及情绪影响的他,擅长将舞池里的呼吸与汗水的交错纳入自己的音轨排布之中。
